How can I tell if someone isn't a true Christian/Conservative?

Do you not know that they also killed jehovah's witnesses? They are "christians" by this world's standards.

I'm pretty sure they were more of a Roman Catholic (german means "war man") nation trying to revive the roman empire (which obviously was not christian, but a perversion executed by a series of emperors.) Much like mussolini tried to do.

The catholic church has never been a follower of what Jesus said to do, but rather what their leaders wanted him to say in order to procure more power. Study how constantine used his power to unite the pagan sun worshippers with the new "christians" in order to consolidate more power by combining the religions into one (which makes no sense). And oh yeah, he killed the "judaizers", too.

You really don't know much about the bible and sound like an idiot.

quit crying, bible thumper.

germany was a nation of white christians, and they perpetrated the holocaust.

deal with it.
hitler came to power with the national socialist german workers party or nsdap for short, then it was changed to the natzi party. Christians were killed, imprisoned, put in the camps and oppressed. When you say klanmen is that as in kinsman as you are akin?

Such as in the defeating of hitler? How could I take pride in something I played no part in? As a jew do you take pride in the killing of jesus?

are you this fucking stupid?

germany is and was a fucking christian nation during WWII.

In 1933, prior to the annexation of Austria into Germany, the population of Germany was approximately 67% Protestant and 33% Catholic
LOL no i'm not. 67 and 33 is 100% YOU on the other hand seem to be! What of the jews and others?

i guess you have never heard of rounding off numbers.

or reading.

here is the very next sentence in the link i provided: Jews made up less than 1% of the population

so apparently you are that fucking stupid.

germany was a nation of white christians, and they perpetrated the holocaust.

white pride?
i guess you have never heard of rounding off numbers.

or reading.

here is the very next sentence in the link i provided: Jews made up less than 1% of the population

so apparently you are that fucking stupid.

germany was a nation of white christians, and they perpetrated the holocaust.

white pride?
Not to mention America was what, 80% Christian when we invaded Iraq?

It's just like how parents take ownership over their kids when they do something good - "MY son just got straight A's!", and don't when they do something bad - "Do you know what YOUR son did today at school?!"...

I've always felt the denial of Christian atrocities is a tacit admission of guilt as anyone with any basic sense of history can tell you at least a couple off the top of their head, and it's interesting since most of these same Christians admit it themselves (post #22) but believe since it happened in the past it's irrelevant for whatever reason. Owning up to it would make them look better, but I won't hold my breath..

So what is a TRUE Christian/conservative and how will I be able to tell the difference between the real ones and the fake ones before the fakers murder people for things they believe goes against Christianity/conservatism?

You will know the fake ones when you go to a church on Sunday, they are all there getting their weekly sins washed away by some person in a robe.
You will know the fake ones when you go to a church on Sunday, they are all there getting their weekly sins washed away by some person in a robe.

are the real ones those who join you in your cross burnings and klan rallies?
Quote me where I said anything of the like.

Or better yet, fill out 10 job applications.

i think the real christians are the ones who don't want to see people going hungry, not people like you who claim to be christian, yet who advocate for racial separatism and keep two separate sets of books to avoid paying taxes on your failing and shitty little business that makes you so bitter all the time.
More false claims of "Racist" its the calling card of the mental midget.

how is it a false claim to say that you are racist?

you have repeatedly stated that black people should not expect to be served by whites because it would make racists upset.

you have also denied the massive amount of harm caused by that same type of racial segregation which you think should still be legal.
how is it a false claim to say that you are racist?

you have repeatedly stated that black people should not expect to be served by whites because it would make racists upset.

you have also denied the massive amount of harm caused by that same type of racial segregation which you think should still be legal.
More false claims.
Why do you feel that lying about everything is doing you any good?
quit crying, bible thumper.

germany was a nation of white christians, and they perpetrated the holocaust.

deal with it.
Actually TBH it was literally a split christians and non religious people at the time so to say they were a nation of Christians is not a true answer
But as you say, You being a Jew ??? why is it Jews never let it go I am curious you believe in Germans crammed millions of Jews into small buildings then gassed them with diesel exhaust ?? to kill em lol
Truth is Jews have been adding nonsense into the holocaust i guess time to debunk lots of it

Do you not know that they also killed jehovah's witnesses? They are "christians" by this world's standards.

I'm pretty sure they were more of a Roman Catholic (german means "war man") nation trying to revive the roman empire (which obviously was not christian, but a perversion executed by a series of emperors.) Much like mussolini tried to do.

The catholic church has never been a follower of what Jesus said to do, but rather what their leaders wanted him to say in order to procure more power. Study how constantine used his power to unite the pagan sun worshippers with the new "christians" in order to consolidate more power by combining the religions into one (which makes no sense). And oh yeah, he killed the "judaizers", too.

You really don't know much about the bible and sound like an idiot.

German comes from what the Latins called them, the Germani, which was a designation of a tribe in Northeaster Gaul, coined by Julius Caesar. However, you should also remember that Germans don't call themselves German, but Deutsch, and in other countries their root is Alemani.

Nazi Germany was Protestant, not Roman Catholic. That's why Hitler advocated the Volkskriche or "People's Church." He also denounced the Old Testament as "Satan's Bible," and utilized the New Testament to try to prove that Jesus Christ was Aryan and Anti-Semitic (citing John 8:44, "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."). Also at their Nuremberg rallies they would display Martin Luther's book On the Jews and Their Lies.
German comes from what the Latins called them, the Germani, which was a designation of a tribe in Northeaster Gaul, coined by Julius Caesar. However, you should also remember that Germans don't call themselves German, but Deutsch, and in other countries their root is Alemani.

Nazi Germany was Protestant, not Roman Catholic. That's why Hitler advocated the Volkskriche or "People's Church." He also denounced the Old Testament as "Satan's Bible," and utilized the New Testament to try to prove that Jesus Christ was Aryan and Anti-Semitic (citing John 8:44, "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."). Also at their Nuremberg rallies they would display Martin Luther's book On the Jews and Their Lies.

Nazi Germany was majority protestant but also very roman catholic. Hitler was raised catholic and even contemplated becoming a catholic priest.

Hitler and the roman catholic church had a lot more going on together than what they are willing to admit. Hitler was attempting to reunite a new Holy Roman Empire of both church and state. He only used the former to consolidate his power by using god as his reason for implementing his ideas.

If you study what the holy roman emperors did before him, you will see that they also consolidated power using church and state and tried to destroy jews and anyone else who worshiped the true god. He wasn't anything original, just another copycat of constantine, nero, justinian, etc.

No one has ever or will ever respect the protestant church or any other "christian" church like the catholic church. they have a fucking country and army. They also have a terrible history of killing anyone opposed to them - handed down from their Roman Empire.
i guess you have never heard of rounding off numbers.

or reading.

here is the very next sentence in the link i provided: Jews made up less than 1% of the population

so apparently you are that fucking stupid.

germany was a nation of white christians, and they perpetrated the holocaust.

white pride?
You seem to be very stupid to think that I would give credence to some leftwing link that states any county as 100% Christian and 101% religious!

Can you not see how stupid that is?
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More false claims.

why do you keep trying to say that i am making false claims, when i repeatedly post the quote of you stating that people should not expect to be served because it will make racists spit in their food?

is your ego really this incredibly fragile?