A true Christian is a person who follows the laws and teachings of God and Jesus. That means he does not delve into bigotry, loves and accepts everyone around him no matter the race and sexual preferences (love thy neighbour!!!). He is a person that doesn't necesseraly have to go to church, because he feels like it isn't something God would absolutely want him to do and believes that God judges him/her on the course of his actions and virtues NOT whether or not he goes to church.
Basically a true christian is your AVERAGE believer, not those pieces of homophobic and racist shitheads that walk the planet. Those people not matter their fanatism will be harshly judged by God, because were the fuck in the bible is it written: thou must discriminate any motherfucker that is gay and doesn't believe in what you believe, for my name is the Lord and I command you to be racist as well.
Too long didn't read, true christians are the kindest people out there that happen to believe in a diety. Simple as that.
Oh, they don't generalize subjects or people as well, keep that in mind.