How can I tell if someone isn't a true Christian/Conservative?

You seem to be very stupid to think that I would give credence to some leftwing link that states any county as 100% Christian and 101% religious!

Can you not see how stupid that is?

i'm sorry you cannot cope with the fact that germany was a white, christian nation when they perpetrated the holocaust.

hey, at least you ackknowledge the holocaust happened though, so that puts you one peg above some of the other losers here.
You know i am sorry you were on the other end of the stick haha i mean you evver wonder why not only Germany wanted you all killed but even today mostly everyone wants JEWS DEAD i wonder why do you
You know i am sorry you were on the other end of the stick haha i mean you evver wonder why not only Germany wanted you all killed but even today mostly everyone wants JEWS DEAD i wonder why do you

wow, an anti-semitic holocaust denier.

super surprising to see a guy denying the holocaust who also happens to hate jews.

did you walk in on a jew fucking your boyfriend or something? is that why you are so bitter?
Between the years 250 CE and 1948 CE - a period of 1,700 years - Jews have experienced more than eighty expulsions from various countries in Europe - an average of nearly one expulsion every twenty-one years. Jews were expelled from England, France, Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, Bohemia, Moravia and seventy-one other countries.

Could it be cause Jews thought they were the Chosen ones haha

In the late 19th century, the Jews of Germany denied "Choseness." And then they worked on assimilation. Yet, the holocaust started there. b) Christians and Moslems profess to being the "Chosen people," yet, the world and the anti-Semites tolerate them.

Or was it Racial thing ???
Lets see here The overriding problem with this theory is that it is self-contradictory: Jews are not a race. Anyone can become a Jew - and members of every race, creed and color in the world have done so at one time or another.
We Jews, however, are hated in paradoxes: Jews are hated for being a lazy and inferior race - but also for dominating the economy and taking over the world. We are hated for stubbornly maintaining our separateness - and, when we do assimilate - for posing a threat to racial purity through intermarriages. We are seen as pacifists and as warmongers; as capitalist exploiters and as revolutionary communists; possessed of a Chosen-People mentality, as well as of an inferiority complex. It seems that we just can't win.

Now we know what are NOT the reasons for anti-Semitism.
A true Christian is a person who follows the laws and teachings of God and Jesus. That means he does not delve into bigotry, loves and accepts everyone around him no matter the race and sexual preferences (love thy neighbour!!!). He is a person that doesn't necesseraly have to go to church, because he feels like it isn't something God would absolutely want him to do and believes that God judges him/her on the course of his actions and virtues NOT whether or not he goes to church.

Basically a true christian is your AVERAGE believer, not those pieces of homophobic and racist shitheads that walk the planet. Those people not matter their fanatism will be harshly judged by God, because were the fuck in the bible is it written: thou must discriminate any motherfucker that is gay and doesn't believe in what you believe, for my name is the Lord and I command you to be racist as well.

Too long didn't read, true christians are the kindest people out there that happen to believe in a diety. Simple as that.

Oh, they don't generalize subjects or people as well, keep that in mind.
i guess you have never heard of rounding off numbers.

or reading.

here is the very next sentence in the link i provided: Jews made up less than 1% of the population

so apparently you are that fucking stupid.

germany was a nation of white christians, and they perpetrated the holocaust.

white pride?
i'm sorry you cannot cope with the fact that germany was a white, christian nation when they perpetrated the holocaust.

hey, at least you ackknowledge the holocaust happened though, so that puts you one peg above some of the other losers here.
I just can't get over you posting that Germany was 101% religious? Even Saudi Arabia is not although I wouldn't argue the point.
AND ALSO YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THAT RELIGION =/= THE FUCKING CHURCH. If the pope tells people that killing is what God wants and every single person should listen to him because he is "higher up in the christian hierarchy" then I will gladly throw the bible at him and show him the error of his ways.
A true Christian is a person who follows the laws and teachings of God and Jesus. That means he does not delve into bigotry, loves and accepts everyone around him no matter the race and sexual preferences (love thy neighbour!!!). He is a person that doesn't necesseraly have to go to church, because he feels like it isn't something God would absolutely want him to do and believes that God judges him/her on the course of his actions and virtues NOT whether or not he goes to church.

Basically a true christian is your AVERAGE believer, not those pieces of homophobic and racist shitheads that walk the planet. Those people not matter their fanatism will be harshly judged by God, because were the fuck in the bible is it written: thou must discriminate any motherfucker that is gay and doesn't believe in what you believe, for my name is the Lord and I command you to be racist as well.

Too long didn't read, true christians are the kindest people out there that happen to believe in a diety. Simple as that.

Oh, they don't generalize subjects or people as well, keep that in mind.

Dude, you don't have a clue. You just need to keep following the joel osteen, tbn, rapture believing path your on and forget about the truth. and forget about actually opening the book and seeing what it actually says just keep believing which parts you feel like because they make you feel the "warmest" inside.

Homosexuality is clearly going against what the bible says, check it out in both the old and new testaments. Remember, it's not what you believe it's what the word says.
The Bible sure does have a lot of misleading verses about homosexuality and whether it's a sin or not, but the Bible has been translated a countless amount of times by the church, that I wouldn't have a hard time understanding that they did it on purpose. I strongly believe that God wouldn't condemn anyone to eternal damntaion just because they are homosexual. If they live a just and imoral life and don't kill anyone, then is that WORSE than being a murder but being straight? I don't think so.