How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

When cannabis is legalized, its going to be dominated by large businesses. We are going to have big oil, big tobacco, and big cannabis. thats how its going to be, your just insane if u think otherwise. look at how profitable hemp is, if u could harvest bud AND use the plant and get 100% returns on every inch of fibre in the field, you could make SERIOUS money... and ur saying that the corps ARNT going to jump on that? ur just blindly calling for death and violence with no thought on whats going to happen when its over... in the end nothing will change except now youll be a murdering asshole.
this one of the reasons i think weed should stay illegal but then its like i dont give a fuck id just grow my own shit
I definately want weed to be legal, even if it is subject to the same laws of capitalism as everything else on the PLANET. I just have my priorities, and not killing people is one of them. lol. And yea, if walmart gets into the business im sure that small time growers will be able to grow higher quality bud, so there will still be a market for it (i THINK) but now that i think about it, cannabis comes in different textures, flavours, smokes, effects... theyre illegal cigarettes, i suppose if they can grow bulk quality tobacco they can probably do it with cannabis.

But my point was that even if walmart or target or whoever dominates the market, im sure there will be private growers still just like with other crops. But just because you have an apple tree doesnt mean you can sell apples for a living, it wouldnt even be worth the gas to the store or the drive to your home. The only reason people would go to small time sellers is Quality or there are no other available markets. And we all know that not everyone can grow quality, in fact, few people grow that danky dank thats like 70-80 bucks an 8th. And if you think that pot yeild is so big that it would be profitable, grow some grapes and see how much you make off that. then try growing grapes when 1000s of people in your same town are growing grapes and all competeting with you.

When pot becomes legal, id bet 50-90% growers stop growing, and id say of the 10% who continue to grow, only 1 percent of them will be doing it for profit. Most will do it for personal consumption.
This is CRAZY. Ive never taken a solid stand like this on any forum but you are INSANE. you serious read the facts i showed u about the progress of legalization, and how it WILL be legal soon, and you STILL want to threaten to kill people over hemp? Thats insane. Im not one of those "violence is never the awnser people" but your talking about a violent uprising over WEED. The ONLY thing that will do is stop our movement dead in the tracks and show that potheads are unstabel and violent.

I really hope nothing like this happens, because A i dont want to see the damage to our movement, and B if a group every violently rose against the government over hemp, id be against you, id fight you. Ill fight for life over drugs and hemp any day. America has shit tons of oil, we havnt been drilling at any rate that is seriously depleting our oil, we are fastly moving to nuclear energy, huge breakthroughs are in the mist for coal (my stepfather being one of the people doing this research)... all that is going for us, but u want to still violently uprise for hemp?

Your crazy, ur not the kind of stoner i wish to associate with.
The one who is crazy is you. No where did I say I was advocating shooting people. You made that part up. I said deterrent. If you understood what the 2nd amendment was about then you'd know what I mean. What do you think the DEA is going to do when they crash your door? You so much as flinch and about the only thing you can hope for is the 1st 20 rounds make it a quick exit. US isn't going to dip too deep into reserves if other markets turn cold. Coal powered cars and who would have thought they could improve upon the environmentally destructive nature of the car. I'm talking green and clean not the dirty industrial concept of doing things. It's called supplying raw materials to a community so products can be produced locally. What you're asking for is the coca cola's or worse the monsantos of the world to run your trip. Introducing triple sweet Mary Jane Hybrid, roundup resistant. No thank you.
so again, your saying that hemp is worth killing people?

Are you delusional? Where did you develop this bizarre idea?

Megafarms would absolutely be the way it would work. Local farms could produce their shares. Personally, I'm fine with the way it is now. I moved to the only state where every resident can legally grow. I love the skiing in the winter and fishing,camping, white water, hiking, the summer.

Flood the it...whatever....

I don't want to pay taxes to house folks for growing and smoking a plant. I definately don't want to be put in prison for a plant.
The one who is crazy is you. No where did I say I was advocating shooting people. You made that part up. I said deterrent. If you understood what the 2nd amendment was about then you'd know what I mean. What do you think the DEA is going to do when they crash your door? You so much as flinch and about the only thing you can hope for is the 1st 20 rounds make it a quick exit. US isn't going to dip too deep into reserves if other markets turn cold. Coal powered cars and who would have thought they could improve upon the environmentally destructive nature of the car. I'm talking green and clean not the dirty industrial concept of doing things. It's called supplying raw materials to a community so products can be produced locally. What you're asking for is the coca cola's or worse the monsantos of the world to run your trip. Introducing triple sweet Mary Jane Hybrid, roundup resistant. No thank you.

Yea, a deterent, every time i see people pull guns it definately settles things down. Its a deterent that ur just never going to use? then its not a deterent, its just a way to get yourself killed when the dea knocks down ur door, JUST like you said. And for your information, ive had my door kicked down (not over drugs) and those people come in ready to fucking KILL you, they throw you to the ground, and openly admit that if u do anything theyll kill you. Having a gun in the house or even on ur person isnt going to help, and even TRYING to fight back will get you instantly killed. So what are we going to do about that? what do you plan? how are you going to use the seocnd ammendment as a deterent? there must be some method that DOESNT involve either killing people or being killed by dea... so im interested in what it is. marching through the streets with guns? what exactly?
Are you delusional? Where did you develop this bizarre idea?

Megafarms would absolutely be the way it would work. Local farms could produce their shares. Personally, I'm fine with the way it is now. I moved to the only state where every resident can legally grow. I love the skiing in the winter and fishing,camping, white water, hiking, the summer.

Flood the it...whatever....

I don't want to pay taxes to house folks for growing and smoking a plant. I definately don't want to be put in prison for a plant.

oh im sorry, i got that idea from you guys saying we should employ guns in the cannabis movement...
And, BTW, that was kind of my point. Im ok with it being legal, as long as people dont think its going to get everoyne out of the economic crisis, thats just pothead niaveness. It will create jobs, maybe a few thousand, for a few farmers and major corps... but its NOT going to generate income for households that grow hemp, i doubt it would make any dent in the current economy. And it would DEFINATELY put 90% of current growers completely out of business, It may even COST more jobs than it creates in that aspect.
You misconstrue my entire statement. I'm talking about states' rights to defend their right to grow industrial hemp not some stoner defending his malnourished bag seed grow in the closet, tipped off by a disgruntle girlfriend. There is a world of difference. You misunderstand me. When I say raising hell I mean state wide disobedience with the actual state saying NO to federal intervention. No, you can't arrest our citizens. No, go back to where ever you came from you will not tread on me. It's not bullets in the streets it's a test of sort. Is our government so hypocritical they will condemn their own NWO march in Libya but point the finger in the other direction away from the real problem when we the people say enough? Freedom and rights come with a price. They have to be fought for. We cab boycott the hell out of those plastic phlucks. Only though if we stand strong.

I just understand very plainly the industrial religion is flawed. Agrarian society is the only solution.

You need to realize the difference between United States and Libya. In the united states, the people are saying "we want legal cannabis" and slowly but surely the states are legalizing it. It seems that there may be quite a few changes on the federal level soon as well, DEA reclassification, and even congressmen trying to help our movement. We are SUCCESFULLY doing it the RIGHT way (you know, the way our constitution dictates) and YOU want to ruin that. Instead, you want to use a right (that, btw, is only to be used when the governmental system is NOT representing the people) to raise hell and cause problems that can be avoided by just being patient and waiting a few years for the system to fully hear the people. these things take time, but the cannabis movement is winning and even gaining speed. Your seriously impatient.

Im done with this argument really,
you do what you feel you need to, just realize the majority of cannabis users arnt going to just throw away their completely peacefull and sucessfull movement to join you in your "FIGHINT FOR OUR RIGHT!123rofl(TOPARTY!)".
What I´m looking for here are new ideas, contributions, on how this can be accomplished, considering the peaceful protests of the past have been a ridiculous failure. Today´s marijuana activist has to be strong enough to make themself heard. Kindly asking for permission from adamant prohibitionists is not the way. What would force the government to come to terms with medical marijuana. If it´s not possible civilly does this pushs us towards a civil war, a nation divided.

devise a system of legalization that isnt just a pipe dream that is feasible, logical, and responsible.
a bunch of hippies protesting does nothing. a bunch of people with a good idea does something.