This is CRAZY. Ive never taken a solid stand like this on any forum but you are INSANE. you serious read the facts i showed u about the progress of legalization, and how it WILL be legal soon, and you STILL want to threaten to kill people over hemp? Thats insane. Im not one of those "violence is never the awnser people" but your talking about a violent uprising over WEED. The ONLY thing that will do is stop our movement dead in the tracks and show that potheads are unstabel and violent.
I really hope nothing like this happens, because A i dont want to see the damage to our movement, and B if a group every violently rose against the government over hemp, id be against you, id fight you. Ill fight for life over drugs and hemp any day. America has shit tons of oil, we havnt been drilling at any rate that is seriously depleting our oil, we are fastly moving to nuclear energy, huge breakthroughs are in the mist for coal (my stepfather being one of the people doing this research)... all that is going for us, but u want to still violently uprise for hemp?
Your crazy, ur not the kind of stoner i wish to associate with.