How do I become an informed voter?

id strongly suggest reading 'Adventures in Legal Land' by Marc Stevens. there is an audio version of it on youtube if you have five hours to kill
No, I'm not fluent in that dialect. Sorry.

You speak asshole but you don't speak dumbass? I don't understand....

Go back to WoW sonny

CNN gives credit to arguments that have no basis. Fox News is all crazy Sarah Palinesque conservatives. MSNBC is corporatist leaning.

No major news sources exists that I find credible in the US. I often find myself reading BBC World pieces and trudging through online newspaper articles, I too am searching for a better way.

Unfortunately the very entities that are supposed to report news are tangled in them and used as tools. Frustrating.

currently al-jazeera is considered the most unbiased reporting..
have at least three sources, imo.
Christian Science Monitor........believe it or not :)

Peter Schiff for economic news.

Fox for shits and giggles.

i can't take fox; way too retarded for me..i even turn off msnbc when there's too much prog like and ed show..
it's wrong to not vote, additionally you have no right to comment in political debate if you don't.

I agree, just not wait...didn't we just have a vote in CA?

I feel there is no wrong in not voting. It is a Right. And I believe I may soundly criticize all sides only if I stay UN-commited except to the process and my right not to do it. Self Rule. You all do it. I'm uneasy about it.

But, that's just me.... and my motorcycle buddy, to my knowledge. :)