How do I become an informed voter?

BTW, besides maintaining his Mensa Card, Law License, and his Physician Boards, he also keeps a CCW, and is a paying member of his Associations including the Democratic Party, both National and State and the Chamber of Commerce.

\He was a Democrat Congressional Page back when it was cool and un-molested. (no Page Program, these days.)

He gets stoned and Vodka toned every day and has never voted once.
jury is still out on that..what depth of "punch" constitutes a "punch"?:wink:

now that we no longer use punches it was obama 50.01 v. romney 49.13 in 2012:mrgreen:
No, the jury isn't still out. You been in a coma the last 14 years? What the hell one election have to do to the other? You're always bringing some off the wall idiocy to the table and thinking that it has some bearing. 2+2=tomato.
it's wrong to not vote, additionally you have no right to comment in political debate if you don't.

do you mean it is morally wrong to not vote ?
in some countries where the population is small voting can be a statutory obligation

surely a individual can hold political views without endorsing the political parties available to vote for
perhaps some people do not feel represented by what is on offer

your argument seems something like
if i do not like or play baseball or cricket i have not right to comment on or play any other sport/game ?
do you mean it is morally wrong to not vote ?
in some countries where the population is small voting can be a statutory obligation

surely a individual can hold political views without endorsing the political parties available to vote for
perhaps some people do not feel represented by what is on offer

your argument seems something like
if i do not like or play baseball or cricket i have not right to comment on or play any other sport/game ?

see my signature.
see my signature.

Lego reconstruction of the Tienanmen square incident in 1989 (man vs tank)

You're completely discounting the primary process.

I also think the most fictitious myth out there is that a vote for a third party is a wasted vote.

A third party is really our only hope.

A brand new chair might spruce up the living room, but if the house is on fire a bucket of water might be better.

Strike the root rather than rearranging the furniture. End coercion based politics, solve the problem.
I vote when there is something to vote on, for example, for anything supporting 420..

I noticed the County Sheriff went to the trouble to run ads on local access TV, so I voted for her in this Primary.

I had no idea who the others were. :) Oh also I voted for a female Judge and voted Ro Kanna (dem) in my District against the no-op Mike Honda. Why vote Pub in this County? We have MMJ

IAC, I am beginning to think only women are fit to rule.
Well, that .sig, Sky puts a new twist on voting with your feet.

I hope her spleen held up.
A brand new chair might spruce up the living room, but if the house is on fire a bucket of water might be better.

Strike the root rather than rearranging the furniture. End coercion based politics, solve the problem.

it MUST come from the states..from you and i.

koch brothers, take note that david brat campaigned on $100k.

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." ~Noam Chomsky
Ask Eric Cantor if we have self rule, or not.

Not since the early 1800s has a Majority Leader been deposed this way.