How do I get out of a speeding ticket?

well, you're playing the board game of dannyboy vs. citywhereyougotbusted. Squeaky clean past record and good attorney, you might get "off", but it'll cost $$. good luck

edit: bb never: speeds (anymore), hollywood rolls stop signs (anymore) and always uses t/signals (fuckin' a), jus' sayin'. Comes a time when you gotta do that shit, danny.
I'd inform the judge that you thought speeding tickets are only valid if a person is "driving" clearly you were only travelling since u weren't driving for money.
Everyone frowns and u maybe get a nice try discount.
Find out how many miles over the limit you can go before DMV points.

Then insist you were going that fast. Maybe 45-46ish?

Those machines are plus or minus a few MPH. So 56 could be 50-62 maybe? Mention the cop said 53 first.

Also, there's always a chance the cop won't show up. Especially if you had a friend with tire jacks. Call the magistrate's office and try to reschedule once or twice, tell them you're working out of town, you're ill, your mom's ill, whatever works.

I know this isn't much help, but there are traffic lawyers who live for this shit. Of course, they aren't working for $200.

They'll let you make payments.

And, it would help if you knew the magistrate.

In the meantime, play the lotto and daily number.

I've always been able to lower moving violations, tough to get them dropped without a lawyer that wants 4 figures.

i thought that any moving violation was points for dmv, anything like doing a california roll through a stop sign, speeding, failure to maintain a lane, reckless, dangerous, so on and so on.. the only tix that don't go towards points are non moving violations like say not wearing a seat belt, not having an insurance card or up to date registration, shit like that.. i could be wrong though, but i'm pretty sure i'm right about this.
i thought that any moving violation was points for dmv, anything like doing a california roll through a stop sign, speeding, failure to maintain a lane, reckless, dangerous, so on and so on.. the only tix that don't go towards points are non moving violations like say not wearing a seat belt, not having an insurance card or up to date registration, shit like that.. i could be wrong though, but i'm pretty sure i'm right about this.

Not the same in every state, I don't think.

I was popped for speeding without getting points after I insisted I was only a couple miles over. I'm thinking 5 over started points.
Not the same in every state, I don't think.

I was popped for speeding without getting points after I insisted I was only a couple miles over. I'm thinking 5 over started points.

i was wondering if it was a state by state law rather than federal or w/e it would be instead.. i know in the diry jersey, any moving violation is points.. i once got 28 points in one night.. don't ask..
the way it works here is it depends on how many mph over the limit you got nailed for doing depends on how many points that they wack you with .. say 1-5 is 1 point, 6-10, 2, and anything over 11 is 3.. i'm not sure of the exact numbers, but i'm sure about the sliding scale part of it..
53 in a 40 he says. Then slips me a ticket that says 56 in a 40.
$200 fucking dolars? You gotta be kiddin me. Smile, "yeah I'll slow down officer".
I'll see you in court mother fucker.

Maybe I can do community service?
Maybe I can spend a weekend in the pokie? Haha. A smorgasbord for me, oh yes.

So what do I do? I don't have $200.. Might as well be $2,000. I don't have that either.
Can I just give the judge a handy jay and call it a day? Oh whoa is me, poor boy in the desert.
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Go to court, if you are lucky the cop won't show. Don't argue admit you were over the limit. 53/56 don't quibble just tell the judge you are flat broke and ask him to help you out. Judges can be surprisingly human also research traffic school. If nothing else they might let you spend a few weekends picking up litter like they do out here.

BTW Dia's idea of telling him you had diarrhea etc... is a very good idea. Anyway that is what I'd do. Let us know what happens.
In my state (MA), they charge you $50 if you want a court appearance. That gets you a hearing with a magistrate, not a judge and not in court, but it still counts since they can find in your favor and dismiss the ticket.

Also, the cop doesn't have to appear yet; an officer from his dept caan represent them and read what is on the ticket, and only what is written there. Note, cops will frequently write a LOT on tickets.

This is your best chance to talk the charges down or get them thrown out. Have a good plan, but don't rely on calibration or training (save that for the actual court appearance). Just the circumstances like the cop couldn't actually see you where they were parked or they lost the car they saw and found you. The magistrate just wants it to end with them, and will let you suggest a lower penalty like a fineable offense as opposed to points (which costs you insurance dollars).

If that fails, you get a court date in front of a judge with the occifer present. Your odds go way down here because the judge will believe the cop and assume you are lying. They give a LOT of deference to a "trained" professional and a leo.

Your options really end here unless you have a constitutional issue the court overlooked. That almost never happens.

Every state is different though, so you need local guidance. Good luck... ;)
I've fought multiple tickets and most have got thrown out. Go the the department that issued the ticket and get their certs on the radar guns before going to court, if they weren't up to date when the ticket was issued, it should automatically get thrown out. The longer it's been since your last violation, the better the chance they'll toss it. Explain the cop told you 53, but wrote up 56, and that's your main issue, that the ticket was inflated. Don't lie about anything the cop might have taken notes on, try to remember how the conversation went.

Another thing to try is tell them your running taller than stock size tires so your speedo is slightly off, it'll read slower, and you thought were going only slightly over, but it must be off more than you thought and you'll be more conscious of it in the future now that you know. It's worked twice for me.