How do I get rid of gnats

Toxic Deadite

Well-Known Member
Looking for suggestions on controlling gnats. Someone recommended diatomaceous earth. Wont the fans just blow that dust everywhere? Thinking of trying purecrop1. Any suggestions I'd really appreciate!
Looking for suggestions on controlling gnats. Someone recommended diatomaceous earth. Wont the fans just blow that dust everywhere? Thinking of trying purecrop1. Any suggestions I'd really appreciate!
I'm guessing your in soil? If so, you should try looking into integrated pest management. Build a soil sells ipm kits. They're pretty pricey, but work well.
Lol on the dust from DE. Let’s take something simple as hell and complicate the fuck out of it.
I was just reading on the Harris website that the dust was harmful for pets. Not trying to complicate anything. My dogs are family. When a manufacturer states this why would I not question it?
Applying the DE after watering helps it stick to the soil. A layer of perlite over the DE also helps contain it a bit.

Im in plastic pots which dry out slower than fabric but the most effective treatment ive used (im in organic soil so poisons are a no no) was sticky traps, fans on medium/high, (maybe even a 2nd fan pointed near the soil/base of the plants) a heavy application of nematodes and a dip in temperature
Mosquito dunks are just dried out corn cobs sliced into thin sections.....we use up North in stagnant water to kill larvae. Don't waste money buying a piece of corn. A " thurengensis" bacteria results which attacks larvae. Oh I do use many yellow stickies......they end up on my beard, face,hair, clothes........they attack me....when done with a couple I put them on my feet and walk around grow room....cleans floor up nicely...yada-yada
Don't keep the soil too wet. Spray the top with neem. That's always worked for me. Gnats are pretty easy to control. No need to go nuclear and it doesn't take any expensive products to deal with them.
I got neem oil, but I'm hesitant to try it with dish soap. I've heard it can do damage if done incorrectly.
water with neem is a big mistake IMO

i also have thousands of them in my compost
once i used it to incubate my nft with bacterias because i was out of worm castings and they declared domicile in my crop
not a big deal

if you have chronic problems with them i advise you beneficial nematodes, and OG bio war

if you let the soil dry out between waterings, without excess, it will kill the larvae each time
Do this:

Clean up the grow area if it's dirty....and I mean CLEAN!

Get a bottle of hydrogen peroxide (the regular stuff from the grocery store that's already diluted)...

Measure 1/2 cup of it and mix it with one gallon of water to dilute it even more

Put your fabric pot in a tub or bucket

Pour the H2O2 solution onto the soil let it sit for a minute or two

Replace the pots and set some yellow sticky traps around them

Wait a few days and check the sticky tape

Go back to normal watering

If gnats persist, then repeat the process from above about every other watering.

You WILL see leaves turning yellow from this process and you can damage plants if done excessively (or so I'm told), but all my plants manage to come back strong(er?) every time! I rarely have to repeat the process twice...but, again, I keep a VERY clean grow area.

That's what I do and it works for me. I've done it many times. That's all I can tell ya! ;)