The power supply in a computer is usually around 600w. A social worker isn't going to know you are running a grow light from just what one 600w puts on the bill... and it's not just someone leaving a computer and/or TV on 24/7. Most TVs now draw more than 600w on a continuous basis.
Yes I know, I'd get 1P to 1P and and half but I'm scared of someone looking at the hydro bill (case worker) and then asking questions like why is hydro so high! Let's say worker has 10 ppl she looks at and all there hydro is 125-150 every 2 months BUT ours is 350-550! See what I'm getting at'
I live with my girlfriend and shes on welfare so there for i have my income and she has welfare giving her money! We want to move into a townhouse beacause my growing in my closet with a 400w light aint cutting it any more. I would like to move into a townhouse and use room in the basement for growing (bigger space) with a 600w to 1000w bulb going BUT she has to show her case worker hydro bill! What can i do???
Why don't you support your own girlfriend instead of expecting us to pay for her?
Ie what I just said. Thank you simon for solidifying itDon't you guys have "all inclusive" rentals where you are? I assume you say you are looking for a townhouse... so they aren't like dictating where you have to live.
You rent the Townhouse... you put the hydro in your name. You rent a "room" to your GF for $x a month... "all inclusive"...(make it whatever their max benefit amount is) she doesn't have a hydro bill to even submit cause she's not being charged it- and set bills every month in that regard. Run 2X1000 watters and pay your hydro bills with all your profit.
Really not sure where you're pulling those figures fromThe majorioty of really big TV's look to peak out at around 200w in use requirement and well, i have yet to see an instane where the home PC uses the 600w that the PSU is capable of suppying, a computer will normally be running at a hundred watts or so.
You are correct though in that a bill is a just a number and give no indication of grow lights etc, just look at a hairdryer's power usage.