How do I Hide my bill

Why are you worried over a higher bill? Doesn't it just qualify her for additional aid? How long she going to stay on Welfare? If you earn good money, get her off of it.
can i ask does it really matter that your partner has to show the welfare dudes the bill ??? its not likes its itemised, lol, they have no right to question how much electricity your using, its none of there business as electricity is an essential utility, show them the bill, if they question it, politely tell them if they have any concerns to call the supplier, you cant tell them anything thats not clearly stated on the bill, easy.
Why are you worried over a higher bill? Doesn't it just qualify her for additional aid? How long she going to stay on Welfare? If you earn good money, get her off of it.

Up to a point. After that, you are on your own. If you have a bill that is too high for what aid you receive (Considering all expenses.), and it's not past due, it may raise questions about additional income that isn't being declared.

Which gets me to thinking, if they ask how she is paying the bills, she could say "By eating less".:?:

As for the 'get-a-job' folks: Everyone has a story. One shouldn't judge a man until they've walked a mile in his shoes.
You are actually thinking about getting a bigger place when you have a hard time supporting each other?


I suggest you learn how to grow potatoes, tomatoes, corn, lettuce, onions and some spices and put your money towards that so you can at least eat.
As for the 'get-a-job' folks: Everyone has a story. One shouldn't judge a man until they've walked a mile in his shoes.

up to a point you are correct. But it sounds like this person is trying to get the government to fork up money to pay for his marijuana grow. If that is the case, then that is not right. That is abusing the system. I'm liberal and think that welfare is necessary, some people do need help. But the government should not be using other peoples tax money to pay the electric bill of somebody growing mj.
from the times ive been on the system the only way i know of them being involved in paying bills for you is because the person cant do it on their own and has gotten disconection notices from lack of payments....what you pay is none of their you have electric hot water tank. electric heat and so the bills and you wouldnt be in this spot...and i bet they dont know you live there either so she gets them to pay the full rent to???
Great, my tax money is funding a grow. You should spend more time finding a job and getting off welfare than trying to grow weed. Sound like a couple of poster children for birth control and the right to abortion.
hahahaha this is to funny first off you shouldnt be worried about power bill but more to the worry of someone that will smell your grow town home = people living next door and not by a concrete wall litterally a 2x4 wall then you got the question
of how do i vent exhaust heat rizes either your on ground level with concrete walls basement the smell is goin to linger either way remember town homes have usually homes in front and behind so either way in a sense your kinda fckt just worry bout when theres a monthly meeting and they vote to kick you out of there or even call the cops on you oh did i forget that somewhere i herd your renting hmm would kinda suck
when landlord calls you and says there comin in for a inspection
owe forgot to tell you that when they pour foundations for town homes condo's its like a maze then they attach floor joists so guarnteed the smell is goin to leak into theres ( people living next door ) usually town homes , condo's are made by cheapest material and labour keep that in mind
ya ive heard neighbours fart at night walls are so thin.when ive been in an hope your venting is quiet to..well not your venting ...the
ya ive heard neighbours fart at night walls are so thin.when ive been in an hope your venting is quiet to..well not your venting ...the

hahha be like hun the jones are makin pizza again tonight can you smell it
ah man...i just have to...the title says "how do i hide my bills"...stick em in the same folder as the resumes..never find em in there.
Wow lol don't have one..... Seems like I'm a little sober this black friday morning. I work for qwest telecom and it 730 where I am and people are calling in. FUCK EM!!
Lol! Omg thAts fucking awesome man. So plain and literal. Beautiful I give you 9/10 for your composure and sting. "lawl" haha