How do I protect against squirrels?

What are you concerned about the squirrels doing?
I have never had any interaction between my beans and squirrels..... Enlighten me :)
Iv had squirrels only dig up my seedlings never touched the actual plant. I took chicken wire and covered the soil so they wernt able to dig anymore. kept them away and my seedlings safe.
What are you concerned about the squirrels doing?
I have never had any interaction between my beans and squirrels..... Enlighten me :)
i agree what are the squirrels doing? any way you could always put small chicken wire fence up.......Ecc 3:2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; :weed:
I'd also recommend chicken wire. If they are particularly small (squirrels) then perhaps hardware cloth.
theyve dug up my seedlings too. where would i get chicken wire because i went to ace hardware and asked for barbed wire and they looked at me funny and said they dont have it
Iv had squirrels only dig up my seedlings never touched the actual plant. I took chicken wire and covered the soil so they wernt able to dig anymore. kept them away and my seedlings safe.

i can say for sure if they were squirrels or chipmunks but something of that size did major damage last year, id see the see little scratch marks on the side of the buckets from their nails, and at first thought rabbits, because it was only on the lower branches, after all the nice green leaves were cleared from the bottom of most of my plants, i come back to find a few of my main crowns bent over and broke, with little scrapes and scratches on the main stem up to the crown, and squished bent down bud where it looked like they climed up. withh the evidence i saw and multiple similar occurances, i know it was something small enough to be crawling on my plants, my guess is squirrel or chipmunk bc i spotted alot in the area. they would climb all over them, break numerous branches, and eat as many of the leaves surrounding the bud as they could but wouldnt touch the bud.
Had this problem before. They are curious as to what you buried so they dig it up.

A few stones covering the base of the plant will make it so they cannot dig them up.

?Make sure the rocks are big enough so they can't be moved by them.

Simple, free and effective.
Both lowes and home depot sell chicken wire. Ask for chicken wire - not barbed wire. Would be quite the pain to string barbed wire close enough to keep out squirrels. Every construction/ag store I've ever visited sold chicken wire. Most anyplace that sells medium to large quantities of stucco will also sell it.

Chicken wire:

Barbed wire:

I hate the fucking squirrels too! They dug up some of my expensive beans. Now I shoot every last one of them I see with a pellet gun. I've noticed that there are way more females than male squirrels. About 7/1 So kill as many males as possible so they cant reproduce anymore. Did i mention those little bastards dug up some expensive beans?
Very funny thread but I've had more trouble with armadillos and opossums digging my weed.:lol:

The .177 pellet gun takes care of any squirrels in the pecan trees.
Never hat a prolem with squirrels only omce with racoons, but that was my fold, I used fish fertilizer and the coons dug up my plants
I have had problems with them digging them up in the past I have used my dogs shit and put in five gal bucket let it get nice and stinky then when i put my plants in the ground i spread that on top it keeps them little fuckers from digging them back up