How do you choose your grow spot?

Is the netting for deer? I'm so jealous though damn that's a nice looking patch
Yea the metal netting is for animals haha I mean any deer or animal can come get high with me but the weeds gotta be dried first hahaha thanks, there's a little river down at the bottom of the cliff all ya gotta do is take a pump and fill up the bags every few weeks or so
Yea the metal netting is for animals haha I mean any deer or animal can come get high with me but the weeds gotta be dried first hahaha thanks, there's a little river down at the bottom of the cliff all ya gotta do is take a pump and fill up the bags every few weeks or so
very nice man its a great looking setup with my patch on top of a cliff/hill i gotta bucket bomb water up lol pain in the ass


Well-Known Member
fair warning national park=fed charge I have park in my back yard.they pop growers in the park every year.they got nothing better to do than set up cams an wait,i drive down the rd10-20 miles to do my of my neighbors got popped2013 150 plants-5 years fed time.they watched him all season busted when harvesting the fed wardens don't fuck around:bigjoint:
Fed time is more comfortable than county. I feel like as long as you are far from trails and only have 10plants in 3 different spots. As opposed to 150 in 1spot... i should be fine. Heres the patch of baby pines at the abandoned ranch next door. And here is the biggest plant i have out there. Mostly gonna do small plants because of the openess. Should i bury the bucket? Would that be easy to spot outdoors from helicopter? (Most of the bucket it covered by bush)20160501_134656_noexif.jpg



Well-Known Member
Thc bomb is the strain
But i also have ghost train haze #1
And a c4-matic by fast buds out there.
Area is about 1000 sq ft of baby pines.
In the middle of 750 abandoned acres

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Nice looking spot. I think I would bury the pots. It would help keep the plant profile lower too. But I would get up nearer one of the bigger pines. Assuming you are SOE, put your plants just south of those bigger pines.


Well-Known Member
Wait my bad shes flowering right now because of rootbound so i dont have to worry about where the sun will be in september.​


Well-Known Member
Haha yes just like we took the land from Indians and killed them and drove them to reservations. Yup we are so entitled to this land right. Wouldn't want to touch a corner of someone's 200 plus acres right. Because it's allll theirs
What's with the "we took" I didn't take anything. If that's the best you can come up then take it to its logical conclusion this planet belongs to Africans cause they were here first. Does your mom know you're using her laptop. When you grow up get and get a job then buy some property will you still remember and adhere to your liberal interpretation of ownership.


Well-Known Member
Most places people cannot grow on their property.your lucky to have that luxury that we can only wish for so you shouldnt flame on people who can't :)
I'm not flaming him because he can't, I'm just not agreeing to the idea putting your illegal grow on someone else's private property which transfers all risk and liability to that unsuspecting owner.
Everybody thinks because we live in CA we all can just grow no problem. The Central Valley where I live is referred to as the Bible Belt Buckle of the west. Bibles mean right wing nutters. My county is a dry county and sheriff Mimms don't give a shit if you have a medical or not. She and all the right wingers here love their smaller non intrusive government unless ........


Well-Known Member
Wow.. sorry u had to get treated like a piece of trash and get ridiculed for growing a plant. I grow in the national forest and in an abandoned (now pine forrest) ranch. I have a feild thats only 5 foot tall pine trees i have all my outdoor autos there. In the national forrest i look for good clearing from east to west. Also.southward. thats important for flowering.
Oh fuck this is shit. So it's ok to dump all the risk onto the guy who owns the land. You think some words on a forum is treating someone like shit? What about the guy your dumping a grow on? You think if the law finds out there are plants on his property their going to deliver him a pizza?

If you got no problem with this just list your address or the address of someone you know and care about that has property and I'll bring the seeds and bud and we'll have a planting party. I'd love a no risk to me venture what could go wrong.