Well-Known Member
I buy the Build a Soil EWC and vermicompost now. Their Black Friday sale is still going. I ordered another 1/2 cu ft bag and it actually just came today. My basement's fully of shit from BAS. Anyways the EWC are hella cheap after the sale.Really, earth worm castings huh??
And I just noticed it's only through today.
And if you go through this link you can get another $5 off. $13 for a bag of BAS EWC is a steal.

BuildASoil: Organic Living Soil, Fertilizers, and Soil Amendments
Everything you need to grow no-till with organic living soil. Our mission is to support organic gardeners and to provide the best products and information on how to use them. We carry pre mixed super soil, living soil, organic soil fertilizers, organic water soluble nutrients, soil minerals...

I swear this looks like more than a half cu ft. Maybe if I packed it down tight.

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