How do you deal with fungus gnats?

Oh man, I'm enjoying the fact I posted here...listening to all the things people think they know as truths..especially about shitty gnats!!! Lol
Truth is, any type of oil can be used as an "organic" pesticide(some being naturally fungicidal as well) whether it be crude oil from dead dinos, sesame oil from seed extracts, parrafin(possibly carcinogenic under certain circumstances/heated/consumed), etc, etc.
The point being this, if you've messed up and now have these harmful nematodes/etc, it's not a matter if sesame oil is better or anything like that; applications of whatever you use depends on your unique situation hence there being over what, 7 differentent family Sciaroidea!? Thats just the flies!!! Shall we talk larval and pupae stages? Thrips and mites?? There's no magic potion my people... Sorry

But hey, if your problem is so bad that after 2 weeks of your hokus pokus sesame oil doesn't work, try purchasing Hypoaspis mites or maybe lil Athetas or Rove Beetles as your last resort, beneficial microbe innoculations!
Fortunately for me, 10$ spent at Home Depot and the time to focus on my issues resolved my issue promptly!

Lastly and here's something to ponder upon(for those who use soybean oil as a pesticide):
1) Soybean oil has high levels of phytoestrogens
B)Soybean oil has been scientifically proven to intoduce estrogen in males.
C)Being a biosolid and bioavailable at a cellular level, it's readily absorbed by the plant roots.
D)Being Cannabis is whats cultivated and ultimately consumed, it then becomes bioavailable at a cellular level once consumed.

Be a jack of a few trades and master them...


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Oh man, I'm enjoying the fact I posted here...listening to all the things people think they know as truths..especially about shitty gnats!!! Lol
Truth is, any type of oil can be used as an "organic" pesticide(some being naturally fungicidal as well) whether it be crude oil from dead dinos, sesame oil from seed extracts, parrafin(possibly carcinogenic under certain circumstances/heated/consumed), etc, etc.
The point being this, if you've messed up and now have these harmful nematodes/etc, it's not a matter if sesame oil is better or anything like that; applications of whatever you use depends on your unique situation hence there being over what, 7 differentent family Sciaroidea!? Thats just the flies!!! Shall we talk larval and pupae stages? Thrips and mites?? There's no magic potion my people... Sorry

But hey, if your problem is so bad that after 2 weeks of your hokus pokus sesame oil doesn't work, try purchasing Hypoaspis mites or maybe lil Athetas or Rove Beetles as your last resort, beneficial microbe innoculations!
Fortunately for me, 10$ spent at Home Depot and the time to focus on my issues resolved my issue promptly!

Lastly and here's something to ponder upon(for those who use soybean oil as a pesticide):
1) Soybean oil has high levels of phytoestrogens
B)Soybean oil has been scientifically proven to intoduce estrogen in males.
C)Being a biosolid and bioavailable at a cellular level, it's readily absorbed by the plant roots.
D)Being Cannabis is whats cultivated and ultimately consumed, it then becomes bioavailable at a cellular level once consumed.

Be a jack of a few trades and master them...
Well you read a lot. Keep going. And as organically inclined use only non GMO as most attempt as well. Good information. Only the beginning is my point.

Oh man, I'm enjoying the fact I posted here...listening to all the things people think they know as truths..especially about shitty gnats!!! Lol
Truth is, any type of oil can be used as an "organic" pesticide(some being naturally fungicidal as well) whether it be crude oil from dead dinos, sesame oil from seed extracts, parrafin(possibly carcinogenic under certain circumstances/heated/consumed), etc, etc.
The point being this, if you've messed up and now have these harmful nematodes/etc, it's not a matter if sesame oil is better or anything like that; applications of whatever you use depends on your unique situation hence there being over what, 7 differentent family Sciaroidea!? Thats just the flies!!! Shall we talk larval and pupae stages? Thrips and mites?? There's no magic potion my people... Sorry

But hey, if your problem is so bad that after 2 weeks of your hokus pokus sesame oil doesn't work, try purchasing Hypoaspis mites or maybe lil Athetas or Rove Beetles as your last resort, beneficial microbe innoculations!
Fortunately for me, 10$ spent at Home Depot and the time to focus on my issues resolved my issue promptly!

Lastly and here's something to ponder upon(for those who use soybean oil as a pesticide):
1) Soybean oil has high levels of phytoestrogens
B)Soybean oil has been scientifically proven to intoduce estrogen in males.
C)Being a biosolid and bioavailable at a cellular level, it's readily absorbed by the plant roots.
D)Being Cannabis is whats cultivated and ultimately consumed, it then becomes bioavailable at a cellular level once consumed.

Be a jack of a few trades and master them...

What point are you trying to make?

There might not be a magic potion but a mixture of sesame oil, water, and a couple drops of dish soap and you have the same stuff that is sold as organic that comes in a spray bottle for $12.99.

And it's not hokus pokus. It works as well as the neem you referenced and mentioned that you use in a previous post. I've used neem for years and switched to sesame oil and found it to be as effective if not more so than neem. And when I did use neem oil I used 100% cold pressed neem. Not that 70% neem with 30% of unknown inert ingredients like that AG stuff.

As for resolving issues, fungus gnats are more of a nuisance than anything and don't require any real focus to get rid of. Spray the top of the soil with neem, sesame, or whatever. It's as simple as that.

Purchasing predatory mites and beetles is just ridiculous and unnecessary for eliminating a simple pest like fungus gnats.
Neem oil didn't work for me but I bought this sesame product from htg store a couple days ago and it almost completely wiped them out after one application. I'm spray again today hopefully it'll be the KO.

So i got the gnats knocked way down with a top dress of sand and watering with gnatrol but i noticed they are going in holes in bottom of pots now, any ideas on covering holes at bottom of pots?
I was thinking about switching to fabric pots and covering the tops with sand also to prevent them from getting in soil... thoughts?
Also for whats its worth im not overwatering, going 4 to 5 days between waterings, plants actually start to wilt on about the 4th day
SLF-100 kills fungus gnats, if you're in the market for an enzyme product. Personally, I'd just do a neem drench or maybe sprinkle diatomaceouos earth on top of the soil once per day for a week or so.
We have floating balls of small flies in late spring here. And I am very impressed at the efficiency and carnage of my 36" centrifugal floor blower after wheeling it into them. Swarms are COOL.

I'm in fl,I've rode my bike through gnat bug's a fuckin bugs life over here.
SLF-100 kills fungus gnats, if you're in the market for an enzyme product. Personally, I'd just do a neem drench or maybe sprinkle diatomaceouos earth on top of the soil once per day for a week or so.
Diatomaceous and a good fitting piece of landscape fabric. Done. But love the methods. Actually use a few tips now. Keep em coming folks.