How do you deal with your depression?

I feel fo r you UR.
Docs said i had "major depression'. They were right. but i now no longer buy the whole 'chemical imbalance' thing . not for myself. not sure about others. everyone must decide that for themselves.

Realized after it had passed that it was normal (my response). I saw a co-worker dead at work. Shortly thereafter a doxen friends died over 7, 8 years. Plus my brother was not doing very well and eventually took his life. It shook me to the bones. I've since come to terms with it.

btw. i did not blaze thru most of that. I did get a little crazy though. I'm back with the herb for chronic pain. I know what it's like to feel how you've described things. Hang in. Hang on. Survive. Endure. Live to see another day. There's always hope. Always.
that seroquel was like kicking dope. had lithium now lamotrogine. the hazes are good for me, i love pure sativas but the anxiety kills me with some.
For me the best thing was just to get outside. Once outdoors things happen. Also if I'm bummed or really really bummed I'll spend some time with my nephews kids. And then I forget all about my problems. Because you can't be with little kids and think about yourself. They almost force you to think about theirs.
here's what I do..yes I'm serious... memories haunt us all
start day off with a nice dose of tramadol (this is magic for me, seriously look in to it)
smoke a qp a week.
drink when I can.
take alot of dxm.
hit plateau sigma on the weekends.
take alot of cdlsa.
find a couple girls wanting to fuck if allowed to partake, or whatever...
rinse and repeat

optional- I like dilaudid. swap for dxm
First let me say , fuck doctors. At least any I've seen. They should be made to take the shit they prescribe one time.
My voodoo doctor had me on xanax per my request and admittance that I already had a supply if I wanted.
So he wrote me a legit script of xans , which I know are habit forming but they certainly work for me.
My voodoo doctor was all down on the xans and wanted to try things like effexor.
Effexor has the same chemical structure as meth/mdma (which I'm familiar with both and must say have enjoyed both at one time in my life, or two).
I take half of an effexor and I can't function, I'm all fucked up and it's not in a good way.
I thought it was just me and lab ratted a friend that likes a xan or two every now and then.
Same thing. fucked up but certainly not enjoyable.
But anyway after not having seen a voodoo doctor for a couple years, xans work for me.
With the extended usage recreational xans have been ruined for me, purely medicinal anymore and they still , xans work for me.
Get your shit together.
Literally get up and push through stop the woe is me crap.
If you wanna change ONLY YOU can do it.
Sometimes we need a rude awakening.

heres how you can beat depression/anxiety and overall bullshit
Being someone who beat both these i can certainly understand and know how you feel.
I had a breaking point where i was so tired of the anxiety running my fucking life that i said enough is enough
and now i can do just about anything, of course its still a daily push but i havent had an anxiety attack in well over a year.
No prescription pills.

First and foremost.
Stop eating crap, sugar, excessive caffeine, alot of alcohol, processed foods for someone who suffers from anxiety these are just detrimental things to our health that keep us in a crap lifestyle.
it has been PROVEN that these processed foods and shitty fucking lifestyles we live not only give us medical problems, physical health problems, but they also fuck with us mentally.

Eat natural whole foods. Honestly you'll feel better in like a week from it. not even. and im not saying eat the "Eat smart 100 calories tv dinner " foods. i mean actually eat naturally whole foods.
Food is your only source for your vitamins, minerals and nutrients...its literally fuels your body....what do you think happens when we ingest all the crap we do these days?
well we end up fat, malnourished, vitamin and mineral deprived (which is known to cause depression) ,and all other unhealthy physical and mental things happens to our bodies from it

Exercise, get up and exercise exercising released chemicals into your system that make you feel better not telling you to go nuts and become a body builder just do your 30 mins a day, walk, join a gym, at home whatever just do it you need it.

Fill your surroundings with positive reinforcement

Get a hobby, gardening, guitar whatever just find something that can make YOU happy.

Its no secret i love cannabis, but cannabis isnt the ONLY thing thats going to fix you, you need to fix your entire mental and physical state, they all work together as ONE to create a healthy body which in turn will help you defeat your emotional and mental problems.

You need to work on you, than consider working on friendships, but take it in baby steps never over force yourself to do TOO much , or youll just let yourself down and fail.
set yourself up for success!

If you need help with foods that fight depression my inbox is open, I can give you a list of essential oils, foods, minerals, vitamins ect.
Its my career to help people in these situations, kinda made it my goal now that I beat this terrible mental and physically exhausting problems of anxiety and depression, my inbox is always open if you need help and I have extensive knowledge in the field of holistic medication and nutrition
Get your shit together.
Literally get up and push through stop the woe is me crap.
If you wanna change ONLY YOU can do it.
Sometimes we need a rude awakening.

heres how you can beat depression/anxiety and overall bullshit
Being someone who beat both these i can certainly understand and know how you feel.
I had a breaking point where i was so tired of the anxiety running my fucking life that i said enough is enough
and now i can do just about anything, of course its still a daily push but i havent had an anxiety attack in well over a year.
No prescription pills.

First and foremost.
Stop eating crap, sugar, excessive caffeine, alot of alcohol, processed foods for someone who suffers from anxiety these are just detrimental things to our health that keep us in a crap lifestyle.
it has been PROVEN that these processed foods and shitty fucking lifestyles we live not only give us medical problems, physical health problems, but they also fuck with us mentally.

Eat natural whole foods. Honestly you'll feel better in like a week from it. not even. and im not saying eat the "Eat smart 100 calories tv dinner " foods. i mean actually eat naturally whole foods.
Food is your only source for your vitamins, minerals and nutrients...its literally fuels your body....what do you think happens when we ingest all the crap we do these days?
well we end up fat, malnourished, vitamin and mineral deprived (which is known to cause depression) ,and all other unhealthy physical and mental things happens to our bodies from it

Exercise, get up and exercise exercising released chemicals into your system that make you feel better not telling you to go nuts and become a body builder just do your 30 mins a day, walk, join a gym, at home whatever just do it you need it.

Fill your surroundings with positive reinforcement

Get a hobby, gardening, guitar whatever just find something that can make YOU happy.

Its no secret i love cannabis, but cannabis isnt the ONLY thing thats going to fix you, you need to fix your entire mental and physical state, they all work together as ONE to create a healthy body which in turn will help you defeat your emotional and mental problems.

You need to work on you, than consider working on friendships, but take it in baby steps never over force yourself to do TOO much , or youll just let yourself down and fail.
set yourself up for success!

If you need help with foods that fight depression my inbox is open, I can give you a list of essential oils, foods, minerals, vitamins ect.
Its my career to help people in these situations, kinda made it my goal now that I beat this terrible mental and physically exhausting problems of anxiety and depression, my inbox is always open if you need help and I have extensive knowledge in the field of holistic medication and nutrition

Thanks sunni I already am trying to work out more and I didn't really know about processed foods but I have no organic food markets but I may just try to grow all that stuff but yeah I try to walk or hike like every day but iam going to left more weights definitely and I'm trying to change what I eat too iam starting to count calories even though thats a bitch
How do I deal with my depression? Something I try not to think about too often, but every now and again I revisit it. Weed helps to a certain extent, sure, but it only really goes so far. A lot of my depression I feel is a direct result of the environment I live in. Now, when I say that, I feel like a whiner, someone that complains. But I live in America where people feel like they need tens of thousands of dollars a year in order to survive. Truth is I feel EXTREMELY alienated from the society that I currently exist within. I am living comfortably off about 15-20,000 dollars a year. Now, to a lot of people all over the world that is a shitload of money and I am grateful to have that much, believe me. But when I look around me and see people living insanely unsustainable lives it just bothers me. My peers are on the money hunt, on a seemingly never ending, unsustainable quest for currency and I am content getting by with less. Now, its not all wrapped up in money. I mean, I look around and see other people consuming resources at an outlandish rate and making ZERO effort to live sustainable lives. Truth is I am fed up with the system and unwilling to conform, so my frustration has manifested into long term depression as the days go by.
I manage because I elect to surround myself with likeminded people. People that make me feel less crazy for thinking the way I do. Eventually, I would really love to live in an ecovillage, grow my own food and live off the land. There is no doubt in my mind that I suffer from depression, a chemical imbalance. But my feelings of alienation only amplify it.

smoke weed, drink a beer, live sustainably. Wow I just had my first RIU rant but it felt good. Peace.
Thanks sunni I already am trying to work out more and I didn't really know about processed foods but I have no organic food markets but I may just try to grow all that stuff but yeah I try to walk or hike like every day but iam going to left more weights definitely and I'm trying to change what I eat too iam starting to count calories even though thats a bitch
you dont need to count calories just eat proper foods.
for example give me an average of what you eat per day
Breakfast- (insert)
Lunch (insert)
Dinner (insert)
snacks (insert)
drinks (insert)
you dont need to count calories just eat proper foods.
for example give me an average of what you eat per day
Breakfast- (insert)
Lunch (insert)
Dinner (insert)
snacks (insert)
drinks (insert)

Well shit

Breakfast: like 4 pieces of

Lunch: I actually eat different stuff but sometimes fast food and sometimes grilled cheese sandwich if iam at home

Dinner: sometimes baked chicken and a baked potato sometimes corn or rice and maybe a hot pocket if iam busy

Snacks: I rarely eat snacks but if I do its chetoes or peanut butter crackers

Drinks: apple juice, water and sometimes ginger ale but thats not including the occasional couple beers or some tequila
Well shit

Breakfast: like 4 pieces of

Lunch: I actually eat different stuff but sometimes fast food and sometimes grilled cheese sandwich if iam at home

Dinner: sometimes baked chicken and a baked potato sometimes corn or rice and maybe a hot pocket if iam busy

Snacks: I rarely eat snacks but if I do its chetoes or peanut butter crackers

Drinks: apple juice, water and sometimes ginger ale but thats not including the occasional couple beers or some tequila

sounds typical american
no one ever needs 4 pieces of toast and im assuming here you probably eat white bread.
from what i can tell you have a high sugar, highly processed, high sodium diet.
you need to eat vegetables so not sure how skilled you are in the kitchen but try something like this
also not sure if you buy your own food or still live at home so dont take my options too seriously maybe we can work around em

Breakfast- greek yogurt , or fruit , or WHOLE WHEAT cereal and milk, or, a smoothie with protein powder in it for more filling,
Steel cut oats, or organic oatmeal (not the processed crap you find in the supermarket) with fruit in it.

Lunch - salad, and a protein (so like fresh lettuce chicken, and a light dressing ) , fish on a bed of brown rice, or you can do a sandwich (try to limit your cheese as its high in fat and very processed) , or you can do like, quinoa with chickpeas and chicken, a homemade wrap (brown tortilla), and always add a fruit or some cut up veggies

Dinner: switch out your baked potato for a sweet potato, honestly you need to add a salad with your dinner youre not eating enough, its good that youre doing baked chicken, and its great you have a filling potato, while potatos are great , you should switch it up for some sweet potatoes here and there, you also need some other type of vegetables steamed broccoli , sauteed kale, anything dark and green is amazing for your body ., dont eat hot pockets they have nothing for you

Snacks: hummus and veggies and some pita bread (whole wheat), fruit and yogurt for dipping if youre in a sweet mood, air popped popcorn if you wanna "feel unhealthy" , peanutbutter is great but its gotta be natural , the processed crap is rarely peanuts and more soyabean oil and sugar. plain crackers are filled with sodium and other crap you dont need

Stop with the pop and juice, they have nothing to offer, its a common misconception that juice is good for you its so processed in the facilities now a days that its got nothing to offer but sugar and simple carbs which are not good for you
water 8-10 glasses a day make sure to get em all.
my inbox is always open if you want some ideas on healthy dinner, breaky or lunch ideas, just shoot me and message and ill do some research

youre not eating healthy, :( and its gunan backfire on your in the long run mate.

you can count calories all you want and you can make a goal, but ultimately if youre eating shit foods, it doesnt matter a single ounce
Get your shit together.
Literally get up and push through stop the woe is me crap.
If you wanna change ONLY YOU can do it.
Sometimes we need a rude awakening.

heres how you can beat depression/anxiety and overall bullshit
Being someone who beat both these i can certainly understand and know how you feel.
I had a breaking point where i was so tired of the anxiety running my fucking life that i said enough is enough
and now i can do just about anything, of course its still a daily push but i havent had an anxiety attack in well over a year.
No prescription pills.

First and foremost.
Stop eating crap, sugar, excessive caffeine, alot of alcohol, processed foods for someone who suffers from anxiety these are just detrimental things to our health that keep us in a crap lifestyle.
it has been PROVEN that these processed foods and shitty fucking lifestyles we live not only give us medical problems, physical health problems, but they also fuck with us mentally.

Eat natural whole foods. Honestly you'll feel better in like a week from it. not even. and im not saying eat the "Eat smart 100 calories tv dinner " foods. i mean actually eat naturally whole foods.
Food is your only source for your vitamins, minerals and nutrients...its literally fuels your body....what do you think happens when we ingest all the crap we do these days?
well we end up fat, malnourished, vitamin and mineral deprived (which is known to cause depression) ,and all other unhealthy physical and mental things happens to our bodies from it

Exercise, get up and exercise exercising released chemicals into your system that make you feel better not telling you to go nuts and become a body builder just do your 30 mins a day, walk, join a gym, at home whatever just do it you need it.

Fill your surroundings with positive reinforcement

Get a hobby, gardening, guitar whatever just find something that can make YOU happy.

Its no secret i love cannabis, but cannabis isnt the ONLY thing thats going to fix you, you need to fix your entire mental and physical state, they all work together as ONE to create a healthy body which in turn will help you defeat your emotional and mental problems.

You need to work on you, than consider working on friendships, but take it in baby steps never over force yourself to do TOO much , or youll just let yourself down and fail.
set yourself up for success!

If you need help with foods that fight depression my inbox is open, I can give you a list of essential oils, foods, minerals, vitamins ect.
Its my career to help people in these situations, kinda made it my goal now that I beat this terrible mental and physically exhausting problems of anxiety and depression, my inbox is always open if you need help and I have extensive knowledge in the field of holistic medication and nutrition

This was the most intense response, so I'm hitting it first. Haha.

I really, from the bottom of my heart, appreciate these types of motivational speeches. I honestly give myself these talks on a daily basis. I must clarify:

Depression is what caused me to be like this, yes I struggle with it and it's tough as all get out quite frequently, but the biggest issue is how fucked up my emotions are. You may think I'm limiting myself by saying these things, but I above ANYONE else would know about how much I've changed mentally. I shouldn't even say it as they're fucked up, it's more so that I know they're still around but that I can't find a way, or find a way to push hard enough to shatter that wall.

I am no "woe is me" type of guy, I'm sorry you got that definitely WRONG impression from my first post. I am a fighter, I take responsibility for my ENTIRE character and the problems with it, and I have learned to be positive even though everything about my state of mind contradicts that such thing. I believe in the power of a balanced mind and heart, therefore I believe positivity and sheer strength of spirit is the way to go. I have to say, if you really knew me for who I am, you'd see I'm unbreakable. Sounds nerdy or cocky or w/e saying it about myself, but it is real.

I've been taking steps towards a healthier life recently. I've started composting (healthy for my conscience about mother nature and all that jazz, and for my girls), cut out junk sugar sources, and have adapted to eating fish, grilled chicken, fruits and veggies and the occasional homemade burger ;). I've got multiple physical-oriented plans for this summer too so whew :)

Anyway, thanks again. much love goes out to you
It's a constant on going thing. Growing trees and smoking pot sure does help soothe, but it just piles everything up at the end.

True story, I was depressed one day pretty bad. I thought I'd change it up a bit and just smoke a bunch of my weed all day. So I grabbed a chair and propped it in the middle of my yard on a sunny day. Must of been the music/mentality or the setting, but I was super chill and relaxed when it happened.

An extreme rush of beautiful and loving emotion just overflowed with an extreme rush of pure joy. Never have I felt such happiness, grace, love or understanding. The light was IT.

What IT brought to me made everything else seem minuscule. That helped me out tons. Call the light whatever you like but when I need strength I know where to look for it and that does it for me.

I still smoke weed for my ongoing issues because i don't know how else to cope with it. But I've tried to inoculate my own jars with shroom spores because I'm on the same page as you thinking it can help getting the mind straight. But if it doesn't how further down the rabbit hole can it push?

Sitting outside on my pool deck in the sun, gazing at the treeline and fields before it... definitely something that helps me tremendously. It's obviously better with weed, but yee. That vitamin D, and just feeling at peace. mm
How do I deal with my depression? Something I try not to think about too often, but every now and again I revisit it. Weed helps to a certain extent, sure, but it only really goes so far. A lot of my depression I feel is a direct result of the environment I live in. Now, when I say that, I feel like a whiner, someone that complains. But I live in America where people feel like they need tens of thousands of dollars a year in order to survive. Truth is I feel EXTREMELY alienated from the society that I currently exist within. I am living comfortably off about 15-20,000 dollars a year. Now, to a lot of people all over the world that is a shitload of money and I am grateful to have that much, believe me. But when I look around me and see people living insanely unsustainable lives it just bothers me. My peers are on the money hunt, on a seemingly never ending, unsustainable quest for currency and I am content getting by with less. Now, its not all wrapped up in money. I mean, I look around and see other people consuming resources at an outlandish rate and making ZERO effort to live sustainable lives. Truth is I am fed up with the system and unwilling to conform, so my frustration has manifested into long term depression as the days go by.
I manage because I elect to surround myself with likeminded people. People that make me feel less crazy for thinking the way I do. Eventually, I would really love to live in an ecovillage, grow my own food and live off the land. There is no doubt in my mind that I suffer from depression, a chemical imbalance. But my feelings of alienation only amplify it.

smoke weed, drink a beer, live sustainably. Wow I just had my first RIU rant but it felt good. Peace.

My buddy and I were thinking about starting a commune in Colorado in the future, haha. I feel the same way; alienated from 95% of the people who pass me on the sidewalks or in stores. A corrupt society is a lonely one, eh? Where's all the love for priceless things gone to?

I feel fo r you UR.
Docs said i had "major depression'. They were right. but i now no longer buy the whole 'chemical imbalance' thing . not for myself. not sure about others. everyone must decide that for themselves.

Realized after it had passed that it was normal (my response). I saw a co-worker dead at work. Shortly thereafter a doxen friends died over 7, 8 years. Plus my brother was not doing very well and eventually took his life. It shook me to the bones. I've since come to terms with it.

btw. i did not blaze thru most of that. I did get a little crazy though. I'm back with the herb for chronic pain. I know what it's like to feel how you've described things. Hang in. Hang on. Survive. Endure. Live to see another day. There's always hope. Always.

Yeah, something fucked up happened today with my gf and it made me realize a few things about myself. I'll probably end up sharing that story with you guys in a minute, and don't worry it's not relationship drama ha.
First let me say , fuck doctors. At least any I've seen. They should be made to take the shit they prescribe one time.
My voodoo doctor had me on xanax per my request and admittance that I already had a supply if I wanted.
So he wrote me a legit script of xans , which I know are habit forming but they certainly work for me.
My voodoo doctor was all down on the xans and wanted to try things like effexor.
Effexor has the same chemical structure as meth/mdma (which I'm familiar with both and must say have enjoyed both at one time in my life, or two).
I take half of an effexor and I can't function, I'm all fucked up and it's not in a good way.
I thought it was just me and lab ratted a friend that likes a xan or two every now and then.
Same thing. fucked up but certainly not enjoyable.
But anyway after not having seen a voodoo doctor for a couple years, xans work for me.
With the extended usage recreational xans have been ruined for me, purely medicinal anymore and they still , xans work for me.

After I quit effexor for a while, I tried to go back on it and I gotta say... I felt SO unsteady and I didn't sleep for a good 48 hours. Was absolutely MISERABLE.
This was the most intense response, so I'm hitting it first. Haha.

I really, from the bottom of my heart, appreciate these types of motivational speeches. I honestly give myself these talks on a daily basis. I must clarify:

Depression is what caused me to be like this, yes I struggle with it and it's tough as all get out quite frequently, but the biggest issue is how fucked up my emotions are. You may think I'm limiting myself by saying these things, but I above ANYONE else would know about how much I've changed mentally. I shouldn't even say it as they're fucked up, it's more so that I know they're still around but that I can't find a way, or find a way to push hard enough to shatter that wall.

I am no "woe is me" type of guy, I'm sorry you got that definitely WRONG impression from my first post. I am a fighter, I take responsibility for my ENTIRE character and the problems with it, and I have learned to be positive even though everything about my state of mind contradicts that such thing. I believe in the power of a balanced mind and heart, therefore I believe positivity and sheer strength of spirit is the way to go. I have to say, if you really knew me for who I am, you'd see I'm unbreakable. Sounds nerdy or cocky or w/e saying it about myself, but it is real.

I've been taking steps towards a healthier life recently. I've started composting (healthy for my conscience about mother nature and all that jazz, and for my girls), cut out junk sugar sources, and have adapted to eating fish, grilled chicken, fruits and veggies and the occasional homemade burger ;). I've got multiple physical-oriented plans for this summer too so whew :)

Anyway, thanks again. much love goes out to you
hey no problem man, sometimes even i need to tell myself GET UP AND PUSH THROUGH YA BITCH lol!
eventually it will all comee together as one if you take the proper steps everyday
thats how i beat my mental crap, not that it works for everyone or anything lol
hey no problem man, sometimes even i need to tell myself GET UP AND PUSH THROUGH YA BITCH lol!
eventually it will all comee together as one if you take the proper steps everyday
thats how i beat my mental crap, not that it works for everyone or anything lol

I've literally punched myself in the face to get up for class. LOL so I feel ya, we all have to be our own drill sergeants from time to time. Some of us on a daily basis, but yeee. :)
I'm very interested in this Tai Chi stuff though. Think I'm gonna downloa...uhh. I mean purchase some dvds. Srry for all the double posts, but hey. *shrugs*