How do you deal with your depression?

So it's story time.

Today (technically yesterday, but for the sake of the story..), the same day I posted this thread, something happened with my girl while we were smoking.

She was raised in a household that had her smoking like a chimney throughout her childhood, so she's got some experience with it and has adopted it as a recreational activity (she struggles with many similar problems as I as well). So I rolled a joint of her brother in laws shit ass airy as fuck weed, insulted it a few times to make her laugh, then walked back into the woods to toke up and chat. She's been smoking by herself this entire last week, keep that in mind.

What happens about 80% through the joint? She straight up passed out, I caught her and laid her down using my comfy new shoe as a pillow. This has happened before, it's happened to me before, it's really not THAT big of a deal to me. Usually it's caused by a dose that doesn't match up with tolerance, lack of hydration and nutrition. Well... She started twitching then basically seizing, telling me she didn't want to die but she wouldn't let me leave to get my car because she wanted me to be there if something happened. Keep in mind, we're a good 7-8 minute walk into the trail. So I knew what I had to do, I couldn't carry her the whole way because that takes way too much time, so I sprinted back through the woods to my car (it's a 93 Firebird, important for the sake of my heroics), started her up, and floored it and ripped through the path all the way back to where I had laid her down. I love my car, but nothing else meant jack shit other than her. So I got there, picked her up and laid her in the passenger seat, administered some more water, gave her a blanket, checked her pulse, told her everything will be just fine in a little while, all while shredding it back through this trail with my 2 door sedan lol. So finally we're out on the main road, I'm trying my hardest to remain calm because having her freak out over me freaking out would be the least helpful thing at the time. The whole time she's crying, seizing or heavily twitching (she was still able to hold conversation and wasn't in pain), and repeating "I don't wanna die" while I'm flying down the road. By the time we finally got to the ER, she was 95% better, the twitching had mostly subsided resulting in a few arm ticks here and there, and she felt like she was starting to sober up. Then I took her to DQ like a fucking man, cookie dough blizzard fixed the rest right up. :) I swear.. I don't think I've ever prayed harder in my entire life. But I must be proud of myself, I knew what to do and say at every moment to keep her here with me or to keep her from freaking out. Yeah, it was just a bad reaction, but in the moment, there was no way to tell what was really about to happen. You can only imagine the things I've learned from this experience.
Oh! And the reason why it was so scary is because she has some heart issues already. Nothing terminal, nothing definitive, just warning signs, and I was worried it might be something involved with that.

So I learned that I can always be confident that I know what to do and how to protect my loved ones to the best of my ability, no matter how bad my depression or anxiety or emotional repression is. I was in THE WORST MOOD EVER before this happened, and instantly when I knew it was her on the line, everything crumbled and I was able to see out of the fog for the sake of her.
Get your shit together.
Literally get up and push through stop the woe is me crap.
If you wanna change ONLY YOU can do it.
Sometimes we need a rude awakening.

heres how you can beat depression/anxiety and overall bullshit
Being someone who beat both these i can certainly understand and know how you feel.
I had a breaking point where i was so tired of the anxiety running my fucking life that i said enough is enough
and now i can do just about anything, of course its still a daily push but i havent had an anxiety attack in well over a year.
No prescription pills.

First and foremost.
Stop eating crap, sugar, excessive caffeine, alot of alcohol, processed foods for someone who suffers from anxiety these are just detrimental things to our health that keep us in a crap lifestyle.
it has been PROVEN that these processed foods and shitty fucking lifestyles we live not only give us medical problems, physical health problems, but they also fuck with us mentally.

Eat natural whole foods. Honestly you'll feel better in like a week from it. not even. and im not saying eat the "Eat smart 100 calories tv dinner " foods. i mean actually eat naturally whole foods.
Food is your only source for your vitamins, minerals and nutrients...its literally fuels your body....what do you think happens when we ingest all the crap we do these days?
well we end up fat, malnourished, vitamin and mineral deprived (which is known to cause depression) ,and all other unhealthy physical and mental things happens to our bodies from it

Exercise, get up and exercise exercising released chemicals into your system that make you feel better not telling you to go nuts and become a body builder just do your 30 mins a day, walk, join a gym, at home whatever just do it you need it.

Fill your surroundings with positive reinforcement

Get a hobby, gardening, guitar whatever just find something that can make YOU happy.

Its no secret i love cannabis, but cannabis isnt the ONLY thing thats going to fix you, you need to fix your entire mental and physical state, they all work together as ONE to create a healthy body which in turn will help you defeat your emotional and mental problems.

You need to work on you, than consider working on friendships, but take it in baby steps never over force yourself to do TOO much , or youll just let yourself down and fail.
set yourself up for success!

If you need help with foods that fight depression my inbox is open, I can give you a list of essential oils, foods, minerals, vitamins ect.
Its my career to help people in these situations, kinda made it my goal now that I beat this terrible mental and physically exhausting problems of anxiety and depression, my inbox is always open if you need help and I have extensive knowledge in the field of holistic medication and nutrition

Eat food, not food product. I simply run off water, spinach and bananas for a 12 hour turn around. But that has come after beating the munchy mobile motionless. Cut out meat as welll if you feel fearful.
Oh! And the reason why it was so scary is because she has some heart issues already. Nothing terminal, nothing definitive, just warning signs, and I was worried it might be something involved with that.

So I learned that I can always be confident that I know what to do and how to protect my loved ones to the best of my ability, no matter how bad my depression or anxiety or emotional repression is. I was in THE WORST MOOD EVER before this happened, and instantly when I knew it was her on the line, everything crumbled and I was able to see out of the fog for the sake of her.

That's sounds crazy. When you least expect it and you feel like everything is too much. Bam, just like that.
Oh man I feel your pain. I have been diagnosed and over the years had tried different drugs. One worked, (prozac, back when they were handing it out like candy) but I couldn't deal with the side effects. I won't bore you with advice, but of all the people on this thread I would second what Sunni said. You must eat whole, real food. That can be paleo, vegan, raw, WHATEVER but let's start there.

See the problem with being depressed is that one just can't "snap out of it" . I get it, but I will tell you at the lowest part of my struggle It dawned on me:

I can get busy living or get busy dying…

NOT SUICIDE by any means, but you have those 2 choices (we all do) you can just exist or participate in your life. Are you the couch locked depressed person or high anxiety functioninable-can-hold-a-job type?

If you are the couch locked kind, same process just slower. But Uncle Reems I beg you to just start by making some small changes and build from there.

Diet and exercise. Those two things saved me. I've been off meds for 15 years.

#1 Start by clearing out all the shit in your fridge/pantry. Replace them with lots of greens (give energy) and whole foods. Doesn't have to be expensive. I can recommend some good cookbooks to eat simply and healthily if you're interested.

#2 Get out and walk. Walk further each day. make time for this. schedule things around it. make it a priority. make your self just get out the front door. Start there. or even 10 min of tai chi. There are tons of youtube tutorials or dvd's from the library. move your body.

That's it for now. Yes, focusing less on self and more on others is a key principle too, but that comes later. First start from the inside out. Pleas consider those two changes. Let me know what you think. Blessings to you my friend. I know what you're going through . Believe that.
beware of docs that desire to diagnose n prescribe garbage, while hittin ya w a label like, "major depression". sounds daunting if you buy that load. seems antidepressants can mess ppl up w long term use. i've known a few that are kinda fried from over-use imo. unfortunately w severe depression, sufferers can't always just talk themselves out of a particular situation w reason. sometimes they die before the tide changes. depression is serious shit. certainly a balanced life, proper 8-) exercise and nutrition 8) can make a huge difference or alleviate symptoms altogether. vape-n-eat yer greens. regular :| sleep is also important. for longterm success, ppl must identify psychological concerns and work through them rather than suppressing. alcohol and most other substances just complicate and prolong depression. the beautiful thing about Mary Jane, for me in a given moment, she is def. a mood altering substance that helps me snap into gear -fast- (usually). it can be like an electric bolt up me bung when armed w the right sativa and the desire to do well.
Yeah, it was absolutely nuts. lol I was definitely tested today.
You passed. With flying colours.
I'd be concerned with why she reacted the way she did. you two would probably prefer this not happen again right? Was it her (I'm concerned about epilepsy)? Did the weed have pesticides in it (I had that happen once. My joints were aching.)?

Worth thinking about
You passed. With flying colours.
I'd be concerned with why she reacted the way she did. you two would probably prefer this not happen again right? Was it her (I'm concerned about epilepsy)? Did the weed have pesticides in it (I had that happen once. My joints were aching.)?

Worth thinking about

It wasn't grown with care, I could tell that for certain, but it felt no different to me than the mids around here always feel.

Oh man I feel your pain. I have been diagnosed and over the years had tried different drugs. One worked, (prozac, back when they were handing it out like candy) but I couldn't deal with the side effects. I won't bore you with advice, but of all the people on this thread I would second what Sunni said. You must eat whole, real food. That can be paleo, vegan, raw, WHATEVER but let's start there.

See the problem with being depressed is that one just can't "snap out of it" . I get it, but I will tell you at the lowest part of my struggle It dawned on me:

I can get busy living or get busy dying…

NOT SUICIDE by any means, but you have those 2 choices (we all do) you can just exist or participate in your life. Are you the couch locked depressed person or high anxiety functioninable-can-hold-a-job type?

If you are the couch locked kind, same process just slower. But Uncle Reems I beg you to just start by making some small changes and build from there.

Diet and exercise. Those two things saved me. I've been off meds for 15 years.

#1 Start by clearing out all the shit in your fridge/pantry. Replace them with lots of greens (give energy) and whole foods. Doesn't have to be expensive. I can recommend some good cookbooks to eat simply and healthily if you're interested.

#2 Get out and walk. Walk further each day. make time for this. schedule things around it. make it a priority. make your self just get out the front door. Start there. or even 10 min of tai chi. There are tons of youtube tutorials or dvd's from the library. move your body.

That's it for now. Yes, focusing less on self and more on others is a key principle too, but that comes later. First start from the inside out. Pleas consider those two changes. Let me know what you think. Blessings to you my friend. I know what you're going through . Believe that.

Thank you so much for your advice, it means more than you know. I'm definitely going to start with Tai Chi. I'm going to practice outside whenever the weather is good and I get some technique down.
It wasn't grown with care, I could tell that for certain, but it felt no different to me than the mids around here always feel.

Thank you so much for your advice, it means more than you know. I'm definitely going to start with Tai Chi. I'm going to practice outside whenever the weather is good and I get some technique down.

Good man. Now get cracking on detoxing your body.
If someone has never suffered with depression its hard for them to understand your feelings, so I think talking to like minded people helps. My depression was a result of cancer treatment and facing death when I had so much to live for, I just couldn't cope with it and I have always been a bubbly jovial person to feel so sad, frightened, was horrific, I still take antidepressants and I like a joint but going back into that black hole scares the hell out of me I feel for you I really do.:sad:
If someone has never suffered with depression its hard for them to understand your feelings, so I think talking to like minded people helps. My depression was a result of cancer treatment and facing death when I had so much to live for, I just couldn't cope with it and I have always been a bubbly jovial person to feel so sad, frightened, was horrific, I still take antidepressants and I like a joint but going back into that black hole scares the hell out of me I feel for you I really do.:sad:

Never faced death (yet) but that black hole is terrible. The mind is a very scary thing.
If someone has never suffered with depression its hard for them to understand your feelings, so I think talking to like minded people helps. My depression was a result of cancer treatment and facing death when I had so much to live for, I just couldn't cope with it and I have always been a bubbly jovial person to feel so sad, frightened, was horrific, I still take antidepressants and I like a joint but going back into that black hole scares the hell out of me I feel for you I really do.:sad:

Yeah, talking to my friends here at RIU has helped me sort some things out. I love all of you guys for taking the time and care to reply. :)