How do you guys like mixing weed n liquor?


Well-Known Member
Just got sum vodka its Chilln been smoking all day bout to drink I'm pretty baked still I like to smoke n then drink n keep what one I enjoy more "weed" the substance I consumed most like: 30%alcohol
70%weed its not exact science but just mental notes lol,
What do u guys prefer or like to do with the 2
Lol yea that's what I try to avoid cuz I always wake up from drinkin a lot when I had a decent jar of bud n I always wake up with wayyyy less weed then I remember going to bed with Hahaa. I smoke/waste or drop a lot n regret it the next mornin, now I take it ez
Totally agree with the porcelaon God post I lost 2 hrs in a bathroom a year ago at a New Years party woke up drenched in sweat with my wife banging on the door. That was tequila shots for hrs then a vap of shatter! The said part was I was at my bosses house.. I'm usually fine if I smoke them drink but not the other way..that's why I don't drink but maybe a few times a year
Vodka is my favorite legal liquor it runs a close second my favorite 160 proof peach brandy locally made.........I'll combine vodka and weed but never weed and peach brandy . I've personally witnessed someone catch themselves on the time we got his insulated coveralls out he was fucked up.
He evidently had never heard of Stop Drop and Roll
I think he was operating on the .....on your marks get set go. He'd probably have ran further had he not been so fucked up on the hooch !
When i was young my absolute favorite was a tripple shot of Jim Beam with a Miller beer back , lost my taste for burbon over the yrs , nowdays i prefer Cognac vs grain alcohols , you can get fukin pounded on Cognac & as long as you werent using soda pop for a chaser you wont have a hang over .

My old boss drank a $10,000 120 yr old bottle of cognac with me when i retired & ever since its my booze of choice .

I'd love to taste a shot of Henry IV Grande Champagne cognac before i die , at $2 million a quart its doubtfull i'll get the chance .