How Do You Keep Your Mouth Shut?

Brick Top

New Member
Wait, Idk how this was implied but I was talking to spanish fly. I have a pit myself. Best breed hands down. I was calling that douche bag ignorant and stupid.

My dog is better than your dog .... my dad is stronger than your dad ..... my dad can beat up your dad ... with his dick!

I always love how in love with different breeds people become and how protective of their good name people often times are. I have had about 18 or 20 dogs in my life and about half, or a little more, were purebred dogs, one was a female pit. She was a great dog, she was nothing at all like the mean nasty animal people normally claim them to be. But when I think back on all the purebred dogs I have had the most intelligent one I have ever had has been my malamute. She can be a total bookyak but she has a brain like Steven Hawking.

What makes a breed the best too most people is it's personality and or the image it portrays to others that the owner wishes people to think about them. Hence, many people who love pits love them because of their bad-ass image and those people want others to see them as they see their dog, as being a bad-ass.

If people want to discuss dogs I am sure there are many boards for that purpose that can easily be found. So, can we all get back to discussing cannabis now instead of dogs?


Yep .. those dogs sure do stop heavily armed cops.

Gee .. he has a dog ... BANG .... and it was a big one too ... yep, looks like it was a real killer.
That's what I was thinking. "Loose lips sinks ships". If your competition or a squad of jack-booted SWAT/LEOs, who and bound and determined to take you out, then an 80lb Pit or 130lb Rottie isn't going to stop them. If you are relying on canine protection, you'll only end of with a bunch of dead dogs and an empty grow room with nothing to show for it.

My suggestion would be to employ innocent looking Bunny Rabbits:
