How Do You Keep Your Mouth Shut?


Well-Known Member
The problem occurs if and when the trusted family pet rips the face off one of your kids.

If a dog rips your face off, you won't be able to tell anybody about your grow, problem solved.


Well-Known Member
People listen. There are no statistics saying those dogs bite more people than others. The only statistics that are kept are dog bite fatalities in which the likely culprit is a pit bull most of the time. Of course pit bulls kill more people than most because they are much stronger. I did not find any fatalities from any siamese cats but I would pat a strange pitbull way before a strange siamese cat. Black bears kill more people than squirrels too but we dont go on a black bear erradication mission.


Active Member
People listen. There are no statistics saying those dogs bite more people than others. The only statistics that are kept are dog bite fatalities in which the likely culprit is a pit bull most of the time. Of course pit bulls kill more people than most because they are much stronger. I did not find any fatalities from any siamese cats but I would pat a strange pitbull way before a strange siamese cat. Black bears kill more people than squirrels too but we dont go on a black bear erradication mission.
I think the reason why some pit bulls are crazy is because of shity owners and there alot of them and pit bulls are real popular with them simple as that


Well-Known Member
I was raised around Pitbulls and Rotties. Best dogs in the world to have as pets.

The reason why Pitbulls got a bad rap is because in the early '80's the media over hyped one story of a Pitbull attacking a baby. After that it was just a waterfall of story after story. Next was the Rottweiler but never got the fame the Pitbull did. Before the Pitbull, it was the Doberman Pinscher. I was there as a child! It still annoys me to this day that people can be so "brainwashed" over what they hear on TV and/or the newspaper.

Pitbulls were bred to hunt down wild pigs. It is in their blood to attack a wild pig size target.

If the Pitbull (like any other dog) is treated well, statistically it will be a good dog. However, if you beat it or train it to attack, of course it will attack.

More people need to educate themselves before yelling, "the sky is falling".


Well-Known Member
I did not find any fatalities from any siamese cats but I would pat a strange pitbull way before a strange siamese cat.
LOL - here is my Bella - my Siamese - a SHEDEVIL cat. She will have your hand off if you try to stroke her - but she loves me to bits.

DEVIL Bella.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dawg I was ultra stoked when my seeds came in the mail from the Tude!
Its hard to hide your true feelings, cuz you know things are goin so right.


Active Member
Finally a dog owner with a brain cell.
Pits are not bad dogs. They are STRONG dogs. That is why when bad dog owners get a pit for looks more than anything else that pit, if it attacks someone, will hurt/kill them. Because of the BAD OWNER! My dog is part pit and because of that I trained him VERY well. He is not trained to attack at all, he is trained to alert me of people around me and to protect if necessary. He may be only 35lbs, but the pit in him is very dominant in such features as his teeth and jaw strength as well as being over-all way stronger than a 35lb dog should be. Pits tend to have a little bit of a bi-polar personality, they can be aggressive, so can any other dog out there. The difference is that because pits are so strong, they d more damage than they realize. As long as you keep a dog's aggression triggers under control and train your dog to be tolerant, then they will 99% of the time. Example: my dog was taking a nap at a local fair when an unsupervised toddler jumped right on him. Had my dog bitten the damn brat he would have been put down simply because he's registered as a pit-mix, but that fucking stupid mother who let her kid jump on a strangers dog should be at fault IMO. Luckily because my dog is trained, he didn't hurt the kid, he just startled him by yelping when he was jumped on. Which made the toddler cry and then the mother bitched at me for having an aggressive dog. To which she got an ear-ful about not supervising her own kid...but I think ya'll get the point...this has gone off-topic xD


Active Member
No point in arguing with a stupid person about pits. They are stupid and we are not, we will never understand why they are stupid...because we aren't stupid.


Well-Known Member
Alot of people are ignorant, but alot of stereotypes are in place for a reason. Not saying anyONE is ignorant or anyONE stereotype is fact.


Active Member
Wait, Idk how this was implied but I was talking to spanish fly. I have a pit myself. Best breed hands down. I was calling that douche bag ignorant and stupid.
well flat out calling someone else stupid because they are ignorant is kind of ignorant in and of itself don't you think?


Well-Known Member
I think pits can be more aggressive but they can also me more loving than other dogs. I think 98% of it has to do with how they are raised.