How Do You Keep Your Mouth Shut?

get all your bragging off your chest here on the boards. post pics and brag about your pized buds and when you smoke out with friends and stuff act like its paid for. if you always have the best buds though, it gets pretty obvious. especially if your lighting them up one after another. also dont fuck up and say your friend grows it cuz they will see right passed that.
Thats my problem burning a lot of dank smoking it with your friends. they know their not a lot of them grow or want to " john doe has the best dank around..plenty of it and I cant find it anywhere...nobody knows where he gets it" they catch on

One of my friends always has good shit.. use to grow, then said he stopped and told me he gets it from his sister bs bs bs blah blah blah she wont sell ounces and shes hard to get a hold of and lives outta town.. but you always have the same shit com'on.. I see right threw it..

And like that one guy said if they say something then where are they going to get the fire for cheap...? All my friends are huge heads..


Well-Known Member
its all around better not to tell ur friends/anyone cuz theyll want it cheap, i think that is what GT is saying. and cuz they tell more ppl, then so on. Then your ladies get stolen or one of their friends gets in trouble then they snitch on you like pussies to get outta their mess.


Active Member
xD, thanks guys, I wasn't too worried about getting caught (online) cause of the whole numbers deal since it wouldn't really be worth their time. I completely trust my friends though, it's kinda of all of ours project so it wouldn't do anyone any good to do anything, but talk amongst ourselves about it, which works really well. It's been agreed that the bud is not going to be sold and will only be for us, and we'll know we have some DANK and where it came from.

Mr Smith

Well-Known Member
How do you keep your mouth shut? By picturing law enforcement taking everything you have and pretending you've made a fortune. And maybe picturing yourself pinned face down with some guy named Bubba having his way with you


New Member
How do you keep your mouth shut? By picturing law enforcement taking everything you have and pretending you've made a fortune. And maybe picturing yourself pinned face down with some guy named Bubba having his way with you
truth +1

obviously you've never been in any real trouble...
obviously your interactions with "the man" are relatively drama free.

my take is relatively simple : keep a low profile & NEVER take security for granted.


Well-Known Member
another truth, this time accredited to gudkarma. keep a low profile, and dont be complacent, always be proactive in ways to improve your faults and errors, and by all means try not to make the same mistake twice. oh and use common sense and dont be a dumb ass


Active Member
obviously you've never been in any real trouble...
obviously your interactions with "the man" are relatively drama free.

my take is relatively simple : keep a low profile & NEVER take security for granted.
You'd be very right, I have a SQUEAKY clean record, not even a speeding ticket. I haven't ever had any interactions with "the man". I also have a very low profile, I honestly don't even buy bud, I have incredibly generous friends and it gets paid back in some form or another like all great friendships. My landlord FINALLY fixed my door, so now I have a working door that locks :D!! So now whenever I'm not in my room my door is locked up all nice and tight, which has SIGNIFICANTLY reduced my paranoia. All in all, I guess I'm not even worried if my friends were to snitch (which will never happen) because the police would still need a warrant OR incredulous evidence (previously history) to search my place...legally that is; and with my record I feel they'd have a hard time getting one unless I got caught buying or selling which I don't do..anyhoo though, this site is great :)


Well-Known Member
Other than you guys, no one else knows I do anything.
I wish I was that lucky, I have a wife with a loose mouth, she told her mom who told half her family. They are all thousands of miles from me but still. It kinda pisses me off. They all smoke though. Not a soul in my home state knows what we're doing and I plan to keep it that way. It's easy to not get caught, it's even easier to get caught. All you have to do is tell the wrong person.

I really don't believe those "I really don't grow anything, I'm just bullshitting" signatures will hold any weight in court. It's best to shut up, don't tell anyone and keep the grow small.


Well-Known Member
I wish I was that lucky, I have a wife with a loose mouth, she told her mom who told half her family. They are all thousands of miles from me but still. It kinda pisses me off. They all smoke though. Not a soul in my home state knows what we're doing and I plan to keep it that way. It's easy to not get caught, it's even easier to get caught. All you have to do is tell the wrong person.

I really don't believe those "I really don't grow anything, I'm just bullshitting" signatures will hold any weight in court. It's best to shut up, don't tell anyone and keep the grow small.
My wife and family know but since I treat it more like medicine than a drug it's no big deal to them and they respect my choice for using cannabis over alcohol.

Mota Vated

Google recent busts in your area(due to someone ratting on it) and get all paranoid and worried then smoke a bowl and be happy you didnt tell anyone even if you have a card cuz people talk good or bad they talk. So dont tell a soul and smoke a bowl and that shit you call dank wont get stole....


Well-Known Member
OP needs a taste...You ask the question & get the best possible responses. want to do what you want to do. Get a taste of the CJS and see how fast your outlook on things change. The hassle of lawyering up, bailing out, making court dates, etc. should be enough to keep you quiet. "Friends" can't help once that process begins. It'll just be you.

A hard head makes a soft behind...In more ways than one.

Have your lawyer money ready....And start working out now.


Well-Known Member
About 28 years ago I had the problem of keeping my mouth closed .
Two years in the Cross Bar Hotel fixed me of that problem .