How Do You Rail?


bud bootlegger
money is dirty, am i the only one who cuts pens in half?
thank you florida.. was just about to say the same thing.. bic pen's all the way peps;... money is nasty dirty... a bic pen cut either in half or the whole dilly is the way i used to roll... and besides, have you ever tried to get the build up out of a bill when your out?? trust me, pens are the way to go..


Well-Known Member
yea ive scraped out a few lines from the inside of a pen, using the pen cap. i actually have one thats a few years old. haha


Active Member
Wait. What is being snorted?

I usually just strike a line with my nose :P

Yeah, i have a buddy that can do that and get nothing on his nose/face. I tried it one time. I was trying to hide it from this hot chick who was in the living room and we pour out some lines in the kitchen. I've seen it done with one full swoop, so i tried it...LOL. FAIL... As i come up from finishing the chick is staring at me and i was caught with coke all over my nose and face. LOL. Luckily she was cool with coke and i banged her later that night. GOOD TIMES, good times....


Well-Known Member
My fiance caught me with dilaudid all over my face and nose, she was like are those the pills you just bought? Im like yeah...


Well-Known Member
the only thing im gonna rail is my lady.....any drug that goes up your nose is gonna cost u alotta problems in the future if u keep using id stick with the weed but most people wont listen to this so enjoy now cause the ride is soon to be over as far as fun goes.....another point fun; waking up with dry blood in your nose and all over your pillow ,waking up without a penny in your pocket ......YAHOO bring it on


Active Member
the only thing im gonna rail is my lady.....any drug that goes up your nose is gonna cost u alotta problems in the future if u keep using id stick with the weed but most people wont listen to this so enjoy now cause the ride is soon to be over as far as fun goes.....another point fun; waking up with dry blood in your nose and all over your pillow ,waking up without a penny in your pocket ......YAHOO bring it on
From all of us in the hallucinatory forums, please go back to the other forums. Kthxgoodbye.


Well-Known Member
timeismoney. i am either quite perceptive or psychic. im often reading a thread title and i know it is authored by you, without looking:)


Well-Known Member
the only thing im gonna rail is my lady.....any drug that goes up your nose is gonna cost u alotta problems in the future if u keep using id stick with the weed but most people wont listen to this so enjoy now cause the ride is soon to be over as far as fun goes.....another point fun; waking up with dry blood in your nose and all over your pillow ,waking up without a penny in your pocket ......YAHOO bring it on
clearly you have a control issue. i would go as far to say MOST people who post regularly about these topics, have been and will be doing these things for years. without major issues you speak of.

personally, i can do some coke today ketamine or e and not do any more for years. matter of fact im on the search for molly right now and i havent done anything like that in 5 years.

its fun stuff. if your not an idiot junky.


Well-Known Member
1s 5s 10s 20s 50s 100s

Lately i been using 20s. There nice and crisp and keep a rollup fucking amazing. Crisp and firm ;-)
dont ya know the trick? take a cigarette>break off the butt>pull out the cotton>roll dolla bill>stick the butt wrapper around the bill and viola! you can set it down right next to the plate all night and morning:) also, when you run out can take that thing off and unroll the bill, i think ya know where im goin wit it....