How Do You Rail?

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
the only thing im gonna rail is my lady.....any drug that goes up your nose is gonna cost u alotta problems in the future if u keep using id stick with the weed but most people wont listen to this so enjoy now cause the ride is soon to be over as far as fun goes.....another point fun; waking up with dry blood in your nose and all over your pillow ,waking up without a penny in your pocket ......YAHOO bring it on
Kind sir ... Have you ever insufflated anything other than HOT AIR !
Please stay away from snorting glass .... that will do it to ya.



Well-Known Member
Don't smoke parliaments, and I just happened to have one of those laying around. It worked great for dipping into a small bag. :)
lol are you serious? or joking? the post seems like you really did but had one just layin around? LOL
lol are you serious? or joking? the post seems like you really did but had one just layin around? LOL
Totally serious. I have a little kit with nail-clippers and such, and one of those just happened to be in it.


bud bootlegger
that sounds like a pretty cool trick with the cig paper.. i've been around alot of people who have stuck shit up their noses', but i've never seen or heard of that idea.. very cool..

at first i thought with the parliment you were just talking about using that dead space to do bumps, with, well, i guess you are really, lol.. but i like to do rails, lol.. but it sounds like it would be good for those kinds of drugs where your only looking to do small bumps of it like say k or some others..
the crazy thing is my friends smoke parliment's, and so did i when i first started smoking, and i have never thought of that either.. jesh, live and learn.. gotta love riu...


Well-Known Member
i surely hope you think of me when you try these tricks out or pass them along to others.


Well-Known Member
I have a rather long thumb nail over half an inch, sorta like the pinky coke nails from the past, but for when you need alot more than a pinky can hold. also it goes with me every were even on the airplane. its just a finger nail after all, it doesn't look to out of place since i play guitar and have all my nails grown out at least some for classical picking.


Well-Known Member
the only thing im gonna rail is my lady.....any drug that goes up your nose is gonna cost u alotta problems in the future if u keep using id stick with the weed but most people wont listen to this so enjoy now cause the ride is soon to be over as far as fun goes.....another point fun; waking up with dry blood in your nose and all over your pillow ,waking up without a penny in your pocket ......YAHOO bring it on
I See you nancy reagan you cant hide from me!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
50's baby, the cleanest fo sho haha. Even though I just used a 20 not 2 minutes before seeing this thread lol.


Well-Known Member
I've found one of these can be quite handy. :p

Thats bad ass. I had a finger nail cleaner I got from work that came with finger nail clippers and other manicuring stuff lol. It was by Calvin Klein. So after every fat bump we would do we would yell Cocain by Calvin Klein lol. Kinda like the old commercials but wasn't that lady lol. Good times good times.


Well-Known Member
dont ya know the trick? take a cigarette>break off the butt>pull out the cotton>roll dolla bill>stick the butt wrapper around the bill and viola! you can set it down right next to the plate all night and morning:) also, when you run out can take that thing off and unroll the bill, i think ya know where im goin wit it....
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