How do you take shrooms? How often?

I get the shroom chocolate bars from wcc
West coast Cannabis with the green label there amazing Hobbs there around 40$ for a 18 pice bar one bar can last you a year if really wanted check them out I will send you there link
One area I am well versed in...
The amount differs wildly from person to person and quality of the shrooms. I can take a lot and enjoy it, many that take them with me dont like going past 1/4 of what I generally dose.
My favorite ways:
Extractions using acid, methanol etc see Casale. This is a bit more chemistry oriented but you do end up with complete control over doses irrespective of quality of the original material. You can then put it in capsules. I originally did this to experiment with micro dosing.
Simple chocolates: take 70 percent dark chocolate (my fav, you may prefer sweeter...fair warning dont go darker)
Use a coffee grinder to grind up your material
Get some bars of chocolate and melt them by placing them in a container in a warm water bath.
Get some small paper cups shot size and put your ground matter in them. I usually use 3/4 to a gram per friends prefer more the 1/2 gram ones obviously this depends on the quality.
Let the chocolate cool a bit to where it is just warm to the touch but still melted then divide it up amongst the paper cups and stir each one with a toothpick to incorporate.
Put a tray in the freezer, when frozen i then tear the cup open and wrap them in aluminum foil and return to the freezer.

You can generally after the first time get an handle on whether you want half a chocolate at a time...a whole or all thr chocolates if you are me.

Thirdly I just eat them..i really dont find them that offensive.

You really should wait a week or two between trips to enjoy the ride to its full potential ime.
Ahaha, I'll hop up in this thread!
I take shroomies every once in a blue moon!
Last time I took them was on a hiking trip in Yosemite! Very fun!!! They were actually in pill form and I ended up taking 2 grams worth. I had a pretty light fun trip on the way back down the mountain! :)

I've also taken shrooms in a tea which I quite enjoyed! I think this was the most enjoyable and most intense way!

My first couple of times was on some pizza and also just by themselves with some orange juice to wash it down!

Shrooms can be very fun, just make sure you're in a good state of mind and you're in a comfortable safe place! If you have something you're searching for just make sure you keep your mind focused and try not to let it stay to far! ;)

Most of all have fun!
I take shrooms usually a few times a year; mostly to enhance fireside festivities while camping. This year was an exception. I usually try to start a grow in the spring but then the four horseman of the apocalypse showed up and fucked all our plans. I did not do a grow this year.
I prefer them in a tea with some lemon. Dosing is easier and it goes to work faster than ingesting. Plus there is less stomach discomfort; you don’t have to chew and swallow down all that yucky mushroom flesh. I make my tea with fresh shrooms; never dried. Just throw them in a pot and simmer for 20 mins to extract all the good stuff. Steeping a teabag or two makes it taste and look just like regular iced tea. A few drips of honey makes the tea xtra yummy. You can freeze tea for long term storage and/or make shroom tea ice cubes to drop in a glass and enjoy any time.
Fuck just a year ago I was frying on acid every weekend haha. As far as mushrooms psylicobyne cyanacense grow all over during fall and first rainfall. After going to a couple of my spots every now and then I would swing by a gas station and pick up a 50 cent dip cup of ranch and go at it.
General rule of thumb shrooms and acid build tolerances very quickly. What you tripped on tonight will take twice as much tommorow night to trip.
It’s kind of a waste in my view to even try to trip out every weekend but then again I only know that because I’ve tried. Psychedelics work better when you space out your trips a few months or least a few weeks apart. All those endorphins take time to replenish; the total release of them is what makes tripping so profound. Can’t stay down in the rabbit hole for too long without heroic dosing which in my experience makes for darker trips.
General rule of thumb shrooms and acid build tolerances very quickly. What you tripped on tonight will take twice as much tommorow night to trip.
Or you just dont realize how out of your mind you are. I found it took a solid week to feel straight after a good hard acid trip, some lasted longer. I know a few old friends that never got back to normal.
With mushy's i have never seen anyone permanently go off.
It’s kind of a waste in my view to even try to trip out every weekend but then again I only know that because I’ve tried. Psychedelics work better when you space out your trips a few months or least a few weeks apart. All those endorphins take time to replenish; the total release of them is what makes tripping so profound. Can’t stay down in the rabbit hole for too long without heroic dosing which in my experience makes for darker trips.
Well I love just having headphones on and listening to like bassnectar or tropkillaz the bass tickles my brain haha
The only ones I've tried are the ones I picked wild in WA, usually when I couldn't find any weed. I've seen plywood turn colors and melt, thought we were gonna be abducted by a couple guys driving us to get weed, though I was gonna die, and had a bad trip on one of my good friends and couldn't hang out with him after that cause he gave me the creeps.

These are what we pick wild in WA.

I lived in King County, right where you can see like 10 dots converging on themselves, lol. So the hot spot really. Lots of free shrooms if you do a little searching.
These are not cubies, but probably stronger. PNW has several different types of species like the wood dwelling species like azurescen that are supposed to be like 2-3x more potent than cubensis... Were they strong?

Definitely will grow my own someday soon.

What's the usual reaction from a mushroom trip? Do you sit quietly like DMT or is it an energizing experience?

I had to make mine out of tea because I was always getting sick on the stuff. From what I understand, the poison is in the body of the mushroom, so extracting it with tea helps reduce the sick feeling. I think that it was important to brew the tea and remove the tea bag/leaves before adding the mushrooms. I was afraid that the tea leaves would absorb the psilocybin... Also, I've seen you around for a long time and I was using your "crop circle of bud"(CCOB) for a reference for a while. I was afraid that you went inactive for a while now... Anyways, I always had more fun walking around in a low stress environment like the woods or a park. You could sit and chill, but you might not get the full effect but it's still cool.
These are not cubies, but probably stronger. PNW has several different types of species like the wood dwelling species like azurescen that are supposed to be like 2-3x more potent than cubensis... Were they strong?
Oh ya they fucked you up. My friend came over tripping on shrooms and I told him I was going to rehab. Let's just say that ruined his trip, lol. He handed me all the weed he had and said he was quitting too. Well he wound up showing up to the place my parents sent me 3 weeks later. And the rehab worked for him. He's still sober, lol. I'm actually kinda a legend at that rehab place, but that's another story. I was there twice, but that's not why.

Thanks MustangStudFarm, I'll definitely try making tea next time.

Would you recommend grinding the mushrooms up in a coffee grinder before making the tea or just put the mushrooms in the kettle whole?

Nice to see someone around from the old days.


Thanks MustangStudFarm, I'll definitely try making tea next time.

Would you recommend grinding the mushrooms up in a coffee grinder before making the tea or just put the mushrooms in the kettle whole?

Nice to see someone around from the old days.

We just threw them in the tea whole. Then used a t-shirt to strain out the shrooms. We made sure to really ring the shirt good to get as much psilocybin out as possible. We also always used mint tea to cover up some of the nasty taste.