How easy is it to get a club card?

actually i went by my local club a few months ago. i've been dealing with them for 4 years. i got turned away at the door because they had reached their limit for the month. and i'm not even a grandma.
Really? Hmm is there some system in place where I could give away the green to people who cant afford it or are low income? Maybe thats what ill start. Ill call it.. Weedfair... hahaha get it.. Damn right!
oh thats right you said pages back, very nice not your illness but the reasons you can say you grow. i was reading a hightimes article about a caregiver farm taken care by a few people one guy said herb is sacred medicine you have to be honest with yourself about your illness. but i think for alot of people illness can be emotional, or physical i think cannabis is amazing in alot of ways
Fortunately I dont suffer from anything severe enough to need MJ but who says i cant help those who do. I just like getting high with my wife when I get off work and helpin who I can before I die. Now if everyone thought the same way.... the possibilities.
Really? Hmm is there some system in place where I could give away the green to people who cant afford it or are low income? Maybe thats what ill start. Ill call it.. Weedfair... hahaha get it.. Damn right!

They got that bro. In Berkely they give the weed out to like the hella poor people like homeless and shit. They give them like an eighth. I mean of course its not like hella good weed but I think thats hella nice that they do that. At least I know they used to, not sure if they still do but idk why they would stop.:peace:
Dudes why are you hella fuckin mean and shit? So I;m a bad person for wanting a card so I wont go to jail for hella long for having weed. I'd be able to grow legally. These clubs are all over the place and it sounds to me from what I've heard from you, I wont take up room if i never go. So whats your problem?
Dudes why are you hella fuckin mean and shit? So I;m a bad person for wanting a card so I wont go to jail for hella long for having weed. I'd be able to grow legally. These clubs are all over the place and it sounds to me from what I've heard from you, I wont take up room if i never go. So whats your problem?
I agree....I hear people posting (rubbing in our faces) the killer green they just bought from their club...and then hating on people that would like to have the same..."because they're not a cancer patient" or they dont have a legitimate medical reason"....Excuse me for not wanting to lose my Job, house, lifesavings, from getting busted for pot...I must be an asshole....RIGHT!!!!!
gutter if you live near the bay area look up medi-cann on google and call them they will help you might have to drive to frisco though
So why are yo happy that you have one? Are you homeless?:confused:

I dont have one....yet. But if I did, I'd prolly just grow since I found out about the "limited space" deal. I mean I'd go once or twice, but growing is free :hump:
I've had my doctor's letter for over six years now. I've only been to a club once ... and I only bought a gram of hash. $35 for a gram of hash? It was good, but not as good as the big ball of bubble hash I have at home ... that I made myself. :)

Now, stop dissing grammas, will ya? :blsmoke:

Dont try to use your granma to prove a point. And all i said was "tell your granma to get a card before I do"How is that dissing grandmas?
If I would have said "Fuck yo bitch ass grandma" then, I would understand.
Fuckin ACE, im to wasted to post a proper responce yet i feel strongly on this subject in short haters stop fucking hating, moochers stop fucking mooching anf you dick holes in the middle well you guys just love.. Lacy plz be fuckin a girl an plz be hot cause me an tha wife will love you. ... like i said ill post a sober responce 2morr
Dudes why are you hella fuckin mean and shit? So I;m a bad person for wanting a card so I wont go to jail for hella long for having weed. I'd be able to grow legally. These clubs are all over the place and it sounds to me from what I've heard from you, I wont take up room if i never go. So whats your problem?

dude you are hella nor cal haha its cool i like it up there but when you hear hella in so cal its kinda funny