How i got my medical marijuana card in 29 days!!!

Heres what I did:

No insurance, no money other than $200 for Mamas Medical Marijuana clinic and $100 for Oregon State registration.

step one:

phonebook, find any 'MD' Doctor that is taking new patients and will see you with no insurance. call around and get the soonest appointment, some will have appointments in 2 weeks, some in 2 days!

Prep-work for appointment #1-- read all information you can on 'sever back muscle spams'. Using this condition will save you $$, because muscle doesn't show up on x-ray machine) And its the hardest for your doctor to pinpoint and 'fix themselves'
Important- 'severe muscle spasms' 'persistent muscle spasms' these must be repeated over and over in the appointment, they need to be in the doctors 'hand written *chart notes*' --THIS IS EASY, MD's HAVE TO WRITE WHAT YOU TELL THEM.

Repeat: 'worst pain ever', 'cannot move, back locks up', You take all the over-the-counter-meds you can get all day! 'I can't sleep'

Tell MD you would like to use a muscle relaxer to help you sleep. (they will so watch out, and they don't solve the problem, only by-pass)

*LEAVE Appointment*

One WEEK LATER you call back and say to nurse ''can you write a note to the doctor, and say that pain is same and medicine is not working, and you would like to come in for anther appointment.

REPEAT all the the complaining-

This time saw you would like something stronger, and can you prescribe me physical therapy.(he will because this get you off his back, and NOW YOUR READY TO GO!!!!

Total: 2 appointments, and muscle relaxers with physical therapy --THATS ALL YOU NEED

Get all paper work form DR office, Fax or send out to MAMA's Clinic--In one week they will call you and say 'we would like to schedual you for an interview'(THEN YOU'RE 100% to get it!), or 'you paper work needs a little more'(and you get another DR appointmet till they say okay'

This is all that I did, took me 29 days from first appointment!

The hardest part is getting off your ass and doing it


Active Member
Yeah well in Michigan I have a main qualifier (chrones disease) & I'm on dissability for chronic pain,
I've applied oh about 3 months ago now, I got denied once for the pain so now I'm waiting for
approval on the chrones.

No 29 days that's fo sho.

good for u tho lol



and seriously this costed you how much 300 roughly total from start to finish with no insurance ???? and where was this at ?
Sorry to hear that Michigan is being hard ass. Its very new there though and I'm sure the media is not helping to much. I wish you the best of luck bro.

I got my Card at MAMA's Medical Clinic, they are the leader in Medical Marijuana, about a month ago the heads of Amsterdam were there to check it out. Oregon is the example for medical marijuana, people from around the world are trying to use our example for there countries.

$200 for the Mama's visit, once you get the appointment, your golden! 90min orientation, video, laws, and your out the door to the OMMP main building downtown Portland Or. $100 to them for the Oregon registration form, fill it out...''THANK YOU MR. GANJA, YOU ARE NOW LEGAL TO GROW AND SMOKE YOUR OWN MEDICAL MARIJUANA!!!!!

Anyone from Oregon that has used this clinic knows they are super cool, and are basically shoving the card in your wallet.