HC recieved my app Dec 28th and i am still waiting.
I have called every 2 weeks and sometimes once a week, on hold anywhere from 1 hr to 3 hrs.
This is rediculous to make medicinal people wait this long for MJ.
Heck i can get a Doc to prescribe Perks or other drugs and not have to wait 3-4 months for HC to say ya ok... i do not want those types of drugs, but they are pushing people to obtain them.
The LP's have nothing i want right now been like that for over a month, so i have been in pain everyday simce last order in Feb 2017.. even when i can order i can only afford about 15g for the whole month outta of a 90g per month script and i am on Ontario Works they do not pay for shit either.
This is fking BS.
Where are the lawyers now as they seem to be hiding as we are not getting resonable access to MJ as what were getting is the run around.
I have to renew the licence come June as thats when my Doc is available to renew again and that was for a 7 month, but without a licence in first place can not do that.
Also even if they gave me my licence to grow today.. it will be not enough time to do a grow as its 3 months minimum for a Grow.. plus i need to still buy shit to Grow.
It cost me 75.00 for the Doc to do the paper work... so again it will cost same... thats 150.00 out of my OW ass nobody pays for but me and i still have not grown one damn plant and will not be able to do so probably till OCT 2017 cause of this HC fking BS cocksucking crap...
Where or fking where can i get MJ i fking need and when the fk can i grow... fking idiots.
Assholes should allow licence Date frm date they send to us.. not from when Doc fking signed it.
I am so fking pissed off about this crap.
They allow immigrants and reffugees into this country and pay them money 2000.00 a month.. fk all i get 310.00 a month and i was fking BORN here ..
The fkers pay all this shit for ppl not born here and fk us all who are born here...
They can not afford to fking HIRE more ppl to do these apps for MMJ but can pay for immigrants and reffugees to live, eat and shit in our fking country.
Sends those fkers back home and give us MMJ ppl the fking money your giving them.
Fking GOV fks its own born ppl over before anyone else.
Fk u Canada Gov Fk you.
You have a sense of ENTITLEMENT.. If you say you where born here in Canada and have lived here Your Life... Why are you not an Excutive running a fortune 500 company. Immigrants have an excuse for not being on the same playing field what is yours.
There are dispensaries available in your area, yet you choose not to use any "till its legal"..
You say you paid $75 for paperwork. So what I paid $200. I have a friend on Ontario works and he is still able to maintian a small six plant garden with 600 watter.
You are born alone and die alone. No owes anyone anything on earth.
What's wrong with you. Be a man and stand in your own two feet, or Dont complaine what the government gives you for free already.
Take that, come back and swear or try to flame me too.
Lastly if you have the Drs signature it starts from the time he signs. This varified from police services.
If you are scared goto church, if not get some balls and start a small stealth growth.
Oh yeah you want the government to provide you with meds too.
Quote "
They allow immigrants and reffugees into this country and pay them money2000.00 a month.. fk all i get 310.00 "
The word is 'refugee', but I dont expect much from you..
Get your Mind Right..