How long does it take to see a result from AACT application?


Active Member
I have some plants to which I have added AACT type teas. I'm just wondering, do they respond in, like, a week-or does it take months for the little added microbes to get busy?

Sometimes my plants will have little growth surges, and I can't tell if it was rain, cooler temps, or what.

These are growing in Super Soil, so I am just watering plain water or occasionally AACT.
Depends, for instance I gave my pumpkins some of my last tea and within two days it was noticable growing alot better, that same batch I had some plants that seemed to really show aboost after a week or so... all depends on the plant and the tea, regardless it's working :)
From what I understand, these bacteria work in waves so to speak. A few days after you apply the compost tea, most of the sugar loving friends have probably died off, but the effects ramp up with continual use. More predominantly fungal teas, it seems would live a bit longer, but then again, it depends allot on soil temps, ph, moisture levels ect. IMO, if you want to "see" results, try foliar feeding your tea, as well as watering it in. I have seen plants perk up over night by doing this.
I brew a tea with EWC and this stuff called Earth Syrup. Both at 1 TBS/gal. I'll add in some other stuff like Floralicious + at 1ml/gal, honey es @ 5ml/gal, and azomite at 5ml/gal depending on what the plants need. My seedlings and clones get it straight and I have been seeing such a great growth rate and vigor out of it, that I am looking at using it full time as a veg nutrient source. Just prob need to add a guano like Mex guano or something to boost up the strength. :) We'll get there.
I just did the afforementioned tea tonight on my clones. I had a blush of green within 10 mins. Good stuff.