how long will cocaine stay in you system for a urine drug test.


Well-Known Member
I did almost half a gram Saturday and am getting tested Wednesday unexpected.I am 6'1" 250 pounds,And do drugs rarely.I'm not sure but they might send it to a lab.I would like tips on how to get clean faster or anything that could help.Thank you.+ Rep to everybody helpful.
A simple erowid search would yield you the results.
Erowid - Test Types said:
Urine Testing
Cocaine is one of the "SAMHSA-5". The five drugs tested for in the standard NIDA approved drug test.

Long term habitual users may have traces of cocaine remain in their system for longer than the standard 3 days. (See Reference)

The standard cocaine tests are a one step rapid, qualitative immunoassay for the detection of beonzoylecgonine, a hydrolytic degradation product, in urine. The cutoff concentration for the immunoassay test is 300 ng/ml, as recommended by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) (NIDA). The cutoff for GC-MS is 150 ng/ml.

Erowid - False Positives said:
Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives
Kidney infection (kidney disease)
Liver infection (liver disease)
Amoxicillin, tonic water

Reference - said:
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
Metabolite Detectable Longer Than Expected In Some Cases
"How long will it take for crack (or cocaine) to clear out of my urine?" is a question received many times a day by the staff of the Drug & Poison Information Center. It is not a straightforward question.
First, cocaine itself is metabolized too rapidly to be measured for routine screening. When urine is being screened for the presence of cocaine, it is actually benzoylecgonine, a metabolite of cocaine, that is being measured.
Second, as to how long it will take for this metabolite to be eliminated from the urine, in some cases the answer may be longer than traditionally thought. Several studies suggest that benzoylecgonine can be detected in the urine of chronic, highdose abusers for longer periods of time than originally expected. Urine screens currently required by many employers use the minimum cutoff levels set by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) to establish a positive drug test. A urine level of 300 nanograms per milliliter (or 300 micrograms per liter) of benzoylecgonine is considered a positive result for cocaine use. However, these levels can vary in the same individual depending on when the test is done. For example, first void of the day samples will yield the highest concentrations of drug metabolites. Testing urine at other times of the day will yield differing results, just as the concentration of urine itself changes throughout the day.
Due to these variations in urine concentration, positive test results can occur following a negative test result, although no additional cocaine was used. Many people try to avoid a positive test result by "watering up," or drinking large amounts of fluids to dilute their urine. Ideally, a 24-hour sample should be taken, but this is impossible in most work settings. Performing random urine sampling is about the only way to assure a representative specimen.
The widely accepted time period for benzoylecgonine to be cleared from the urine is three to five days. One study suggests that high dose users (i.e., 0.5 gram or greater for each episode of use) can test positive after eight days. Another study claims that benzoylecgonine can be detected in heavy cocaine users for 10-14 days. The longest time over which positive urine levels of benzoylecgonine were detected was 10-22 days. This was after chronic use of extremely high doses of 112 grams per week. Since it is usually difficult to determine exactly how much cocaine is being abused by a caller, it seems that a broader range of potential detection times should be given when explaining cocaine metabolism in regard to urine testing.[/TD]

Hope I helped.
I think you'll be ok... I have friends that passed 2 days after doing blow.. The day of and the day before the test drink TONS of water and piss like a crazy person.. Don't give the urine time to sit in your bladder. Pretend your drinking beer lol. That should flush you out enough if you're not a regular user... I have also heard drinking vinegar? lol not sure but maybe it's worth a google.. Good luck,

^^^^^ people don't ask for opinions on the web for other people to copy and paste what was said on the Internet, which is 80% bullshit 100% of the time. Which is why I don't read the news paper. I will give you REAL LIFE knowledge, but first it doesn't matter how tall you are or how much you weigh, the question for you is, what are they testing? Swab, blood, hair, piss? And it sounds like you don't know if they'll lab rat it? That doesn't sound good. If they piss check you your good, don't worry. If they swab you, I would sweat a bit. Hair or blood, your fucked man sorry.. And I did not mean to sound rude earlier. Just spitting facts
^^^^^ people don't ask for opinions on the web for other people to copy and paste what was said on the Internet, which is 80% bullshit 100% of the time. Which is why I don't read the news paper. I will give you REAL LIFE knowledge, but first it doesn't matter how tall you are or how much you weigh, the question for you is, what are they testing? Swab, blood, hair, piss? And it sounds like you don't know if they'll lab rat it? That doesn't sound good. If they piss check you your good, don't worry. If they swab you, I would sweat a bit. Hair or blood, your fucked man sorry.. And I did not mean to sound rude earlier. Just spitting facts

Erowid is a real scientific website. You can believe whatever you want to believe, stranger.
^^^^^ people don't ask for opinions on the web for other people to copy and paste what was said on the Internet, which is 80% bullshit 100% of the time. Which is why I don't read the news paper. I will give you REAL LIFE knowledge, but first it doesn't matter how tall you are or how much you weigh, the question for you is, what are they testing? Swab, blood, hair, piss? And it sounds like you don't know if they'll lab rat it? That doesn't sound good. If they piss check you your good, don't worry. If they swab you, I would sweat a bit. Hair or blood, your fucked man sorry.. And I did not mean to sound rude earlier. Just spitting facts
It's not 80% bs 100% of the time. Maybe that's what you contribute. He answered the question. You wasted space.
If it's 80% bullshit, then why would you ask to begin with? Wouldn't that give you an 80% chance of being told a lie?? Pretty bad odds.
What if they cut it with tweak or something that lasts 3+ days? not to worry you more or anything =P
Look I used to have a coke prob when I was younger and got hit with randoms all the time on the job you either
A) Got a wizanator
B) A little plastic bottle with clean piss from buddy and tuck under armpit,tape to side for at least a hour
C) Wait 3-5 days for it to leave your system and drink a lot of water and hope they don't have you piss again because it's to diluted(Also, do alot of jogging it helps you sweat it out
D) C is unreliables I always went with B
that's 6 days. you'll be fine. buy a home test if you're worries.

lol feels weird seeing my old post in an old thread...
Its like a timmmme Waarrrrppppp man...bongsmiliebongsmilie:hump:bongsmiliebongsmilie
that's 6 days. you'll be fine. buy a home test if you're worries.

lol feels weird seeing my old post in an old thread...

I did a little line on sunday and I get tested this Saturday I ran on the treadmill today and last night do you think if I drink a lot of cranberry juice and water ill pass by Saturday or should I not go?