How long would 18 grams last you??

Depends on what day of the week it is. Weekends when I wake n bake and stay stoned all day I may smoke an eighth a day. During the week I only smoke after work - bedtime so its more like 1-1.5 grams a day.

If you bring my friends around then its a different story all together.
Just wondering.
don't know i bought a 1/4 on3-10-11 still have a couple of buds left to smoke. that will lAST TILL next month. now 20 years ago if a 1/4 lasted me a week that was a long time. learned over time not to waste good smoke.
man, I buy sacks of white rhino, half o's, 13Gs because the dealer is a cool friend, that can work for about a week. Now if I go ahead and make BHO and get some wicked killer shatter hash, then It will be gone much faster :D I need 1 LB
can i get a picture of how much one gram is? I don't have a scale so I have no clue what we are talking about.
18 grams would last me a day!!! i got a friend that kept some grade A stuff for about a year shit was very bomb once it was smoked
it wouldnt even last me a day :/ i smoke up to a ounce per day which i know is a expensive habit but when i need my meds i need my meds i smoke like crazy by myself and with my friends just because i enjoy making myself happy and making my friends life's enjoyable as well as being a good friend helps me think positively through my life...i would like to think i'm a decent guy
Wow? Some of you can smoke 18g in week or 2? :D Damn! Where I'm from 18g of the good stuff would cost you about £180 ($300), can't afford to spend that much! I buy a £20 bag every 9-10 days, they weight about 2.5-3.0g. So 18g would last me about 2 months! :D
I wouldn't buy 18 grams (or a full ounce like the op)

I have a hard time conserving weed when I have a lot of it.
Say I went out right now and bought an ounce, it would be gone buy this time next week.
But If I went and bought a quarter, I could easily make it last me a week.

And I would still get high the same amount of time as I would with the ounce.