man, I buy sacks of white rhino, half o's, 13Gs because the dealer is a cool friend
it wouldnt even last me a day :/ i smoke up to a ounce per day which i know is a expensive habit but when i need my meds i need my meds i smoke like crazy by myself and with my friends just because i enjoy making myself happy and making my friends life's enjoyable as well as being a good friend helps me think positively through my life...i would like to think i'm a decent guy
No, it's very possible, I have a very high tolerance due to smoking all day. and i don't smoke mexican dirt weed. my throat is fine unless i'm sick :/ trick is to keep your self hydrated. and i smoke joints not often at all i usually use either my zong or my bong which gives me the smoothest hits possible while loading phat bowls over 1 gram. now if i used my dry pipe you might have some truth behind that but i can certainly smoke up to a ounce per day it's expensive as fuck but very possible. Especially if you have the right strainsBullshit. Your throat would be tore up. If you rolled half gram joints you would have 36. Even if you stayed up for 18 hours you would be smoking a joint every half hour without exception until you went to bed.
You would be incapacitated or just get a sore throat before you could finish it all.
I would love for you to prove me wrong, just because you can't smoke an ounce per day doesn't mean some else isn't, just because your throat hurts from smoking doesn't mean every one else does...hell i could be 80 and smoking from when i was 8 you don't know me bro so quit trying to be an asshat and just toke it up like everyone else. dont need your childish drama on here thank youReiterated bullshit is still bullshit. You aint smoking no ounce a day.
all i can say is your an idiot. stop trolling. and stop wasting our time. i'm sorry your to arrogant to get the stick out of your ass and have a good time enough saidI'll call anyone who says they smoke an ounce a day out. If you see a claim and I don't call them out it's because I missed it or decided it wasn't worth replying to, not that I accept it as true. I have seen many people on here and in real life boast lots of things, and many people on here and in real life are also liars. They lie and exaggerate claims. I have a hard time believing anyone can function with an ounce of pot in their system. I also have a hard time believing you could deliver that much drug to your system entirely from smoking it. I further have a problem with your claim of an ounce a day from a financial perspective. That is 365 ounces in a year, or almost 23 lbs. Where the fuck do you get 23 lbs a year? Buying it, even wholesale price, is entirely out of the question. That would be a marijuana habit that is more expensive than most peoples entire income. You would have to grow your own, and that is an insane quantity to grow. Nearly 2 lbs a month from a personal grow all for personal consumption.
I'm glad you won't be responding. I know you just got out of school for the summer and have nothing better to do, but no one here thinks you are cool because you claim to smoke an ounce a day.