How many cases of rape result in pregnacy?

And I am guessing you are wearing a garter belt, silk stockings, and a ball gag right now while your boy friend shoves a dildo up your ass.

That is the problem with guessing, it is usually not connected to reality in any way.

I asked a simple question. Canndo asserted a 5% impregnation rate per rape. That seems pretty high to me.

a woman is capable of becoming pregnant between 3 and 5 days a month. I posted two different pastes, both agree that initial odds are about 5 percent.
Anyone else see a problem with these calculations?

(bullshit retarded non-science snipped for brevity)

Anyone else see a problem with their calculations?

too many assumption,, too many lies,, and too much bullshit math.

One-fourth of all women in the United States of childbearing age have been sterilized unsourced highly unlikely assertion.

Fifteen percent of men are sterile unsourced highly unlikely assertion.

Fifteen percent of non-surgically sterilized women are naturally sterile unsourced highly unlikely assertion.

Another fifteen percent are on the pill and/or already pregnant unsourced highly unlikely assertion.

In an average population, the miscarriage rate is about 15 percent unsourced highly unlikely assertion.

apparently 15% of this asshole's statistics are extracted directly from his own ass, which neatly coincides with the score of 15% he would receive on any test in a statistics class for the retarded assertion below:

Now factor in the fact that it takes 5-10 months for the average couple to achieve a pregnancy. Use the smaller figure of 5 months to be conservative and divide the avove figures by 5

seriously, what kind of math is that? i think he is clinically retarded. i bet the M.D. after his name is for "Masters of Divinity"

this dink should be arrested for impersonating a middle school graduate.
a woman is capable of becoming pregnant between 3 and 5 days a month. I posted two different pastes, both agree that initial odds are about 5 percent.

We must approximately double the susceptible interval, since sperm can persist in a viable condition for as long as a week. A woman can have sex days before her fertile window opens, and still get pregnant from that episode. cn
too many assumption,, too many lies,, and too much bullshit math.

One-fourth of all women in the United States of childbearing age have been sterilized unsourced highly unlikely assertion.

Fifteen percent of men are sterile unsourced highly unlikely assertion.

Fifteen percent of non-surgically sterilized women are naturally sterile unsourced highly unlikely assertion.

Another fifteen percent are on the pill and/or already pregnant unsourced highly unlikely assertion.

In an average population, the miscarriage rate is about 15 percent unsourced highly unlikely assertion.

apparently 15% of this asshole's statistics are extracted directly from his own ass, which neatly coincides with the score of 15% he would receive on any test in a statistics class for the retarded assertion below:

Now factor in the fact that it takes 5-10 months for the average couple to achieve a pregnancy. Use the smaller figure of 5 months to be conservative and divide the avove figures by 5

seriously, what kind of math is that? i think he is clinically retarded. i bet the M.D. after his name is for "Masters of Divinity"

this dink should be arrested for impersonating a middle school graduate.

So he doesn't subtract the unlikely to get pregnant from the initial pool of possible pregnancies, he does it afterward, as you say, his math is nuts and of course calculated to make a point. I figured you would be the one to point it out doc. But in fact the other doesn't take into account those unlikely to be pregnant and just uses what? 5 percent of all rapes as it's figure and so goes to the other extreme.
We must approximately double the susceptible interval, since sperm can persist in a viable condition for as long as a week. A woman can have sex days before her fertile window opens, and still get pregnant from that episode. cn

Yeah I thought about that as well, so the window is now 10 to 12 days? that's what? 10 in 30 or 1 in 3 chances of preggers. I don't know, that makes it pretty high.
Yeah I thought about that as well, so the window is now 10 to 12 days? that's what? 10 in 30 or 1 in 3 chances of preggers. I don't know, that makes it pretty high.

I cannot tell you what effect widening the window will have, as I lack one key bit of data: the sperm decay curve. yes; sperm can survive for a week, but does that mean that half a week in, the chance of having viable sperm is what? It could be 10% or 50% ... the decay curve would matter.

But I suspect that is just polishing a minor contributor to the "Drake Equation of Legitimate Rape", which is whacked from the git-go. cn
Yes, they are slim, but not because they were raped, simply because the odds of a single act of intercourse resulting in a pregnancy are slim - but there are a hell of a lot of rapes in this country each year.

you forget homey that the "rape Kit" used to collect evidence after a rape also greatly reduces the possibility of impregnation by extracting as much of the baby batter as possible (this is not an accident, it is designed that way to reduce the chances of the victim getting knocked up). statistically the odds of getting knocked up by rape would be quite low even if calculated by somebody who did NOT have a fixation on using 15% for every statistical factor he did not feel like looking up on the googles,, but anthropologists have determined that RRRRRRRRAPE! actually results in pregnancy more often than ordinary sex. this is a funny little biological oddity of both the semen of the raper, and the reaction of the body of the rapee to the holy sacrament of RRRRRRRRRRRAPE!

A longitudinal study in the United States of over 4,000 women followed for 3 years found that the national rape-related pregnancy rate was 5.0% per rape among victims aged 12–45 years, producing over 32,000 pregnancies nationally among women from rape each year.[SUP][6][/SUP]
Another article, published in the journal Human Nature in 2003, argued that previous studies of rape-pregnancy statistics were not directly comparable to pregnancy rates from consensual intercourse because the comparisons were largely uncorrected for such factors as contraception usage. Adjusting for these factors, they estimated that rapes are twice as likely to result in pregnancies (6.42%) as "consensual, unprotected penile-vaginal intercourse" (2–4%); the authors discuss a variety of possible explanations and advance the hypothesis that rapists tend to target victims with biological "cues of high fecundity" and/or subtle indications of ovulation.[SUP][5] ~

also the RRRRRAPE! Nut is stickier than the Regular Fuckin Nut. due to the "Thats not your regular woman" reaction in the male which results in a thicker gooey-er "soft plug" jizm cork backing up the pussy and preventing dribble-out. (yes thats nasty, but its true!) men who are nailing a particular piece for the first time (either consensual, or by RRRRRAPE!) will generate a larger and stickier "soft plug" jizwad than dudes who have been hitting that particular hole regularly for some time. curiously, dudes on the RRRRAPE patrol create and even thicker and more rubbery nut bullet than dudes who are just tappin that pussy with permission for the first time.

likewise the female body reacts to RRRRRRAPE! with a reaction that is analogous but biologically only dimly related to the female orgasm, in that it's purpose is to "dip the cervix in the puddle" without the toe curling and the squeals of delight that i myself prefer. (but i could do without the scratches on my back) this often leads RRRRAPERS!! to believe that the broad enjoyed his ministrations,, but they are only fooling themselves.

some ladies do like a good ravishing, but they generally want it to be with the fella of their choosing, and for it to be only slightly surprising. i can assure you even a lady who enjoys a good old fashioned romance novel style surprise pirate ravishing on most occasions will sometimes react negatively to being pushed up against the kitchen counter if the conditions are less than optimum for her. (i was unaware that her parents were in the living room, and they were unaware that she was living with an alarmingly large naked redneck with a woody) after her parents left she apologized for breaking my nose, and we continued to enjoy a varied and often slightly inappropriate sexual relationship for several years.

as a cocksman i despise RRRAPERS! for much the same reason i despise assholes, guidos and rappers, they make us all look bad, and reduce the chances of honest guys gettin laid.
you forget homey that the "rape Kit" used to collect evidence after a rape also greatly reduces the possibility of impregnation by extracting as much of the baby batter as possible (this is not an accident, it is designed that way to reduce the chances of the victim getting knocked up). statistically the odds of getting knocked up by rape would be quite low even if calculated by somebody who did NOT have a fixation on using 15% for every statistical factor he did not feel like looking up on the googles,, but anthropologists have determined that RRRRRRRRAPE! actually results in pregnancy more often than ordinary sex. this is a funny little biological oddity of both the semen of the raper, and the reaction of the body of the rapee to the holy sacrament of RRRRRRRRRRRAPE!A longitudinal study in the United States of over 4,000 women followed for 3 years found that the national rape-related pregnancy rate was 5.0% per rape among victims aged 12–45 years, producing over 32,000 pregnancies nationally among women from rape each year.[SUP][6][/SUP] Another article, published in the journal Human Nature in 2003, argued that previous studies of rape-pregnancy statistics were not directly comparable to pregnancy rates from consensual intercourse because the comparisons were largely uncorrected for such factors as contraception usage. Adjusting for these factors, they estimated that rapes are twice as likely to result in pregnancies (6.42%) as "consensual, unprotected penile-vaginal intercourse" (2–4%); the authors discuss a variety of possible explanations and advance the hypothesis that rapists tend to target victims with biological "cues of high fecundity" and/or subtle indications of ovulation.[SUP][5] ~[/SUP]also the RRRRRAPE! Nut is stickier than the Regular Fuckin Nut. due to the "Thats not your regular woman" reaction in the male which results in a thicker gooey-er "soft plug" jizm cork backing up the pussy and preventing dribble-out. (yes thats nasty, but its true!) men who are nailing a particular piece for the first time (either consensual, or by RRRRRAPE!) will generate a larger and stickier "soft plug" jizwad than dudes who have been hitting that particular hole regularly for some time. curiously, dudes on the RRRRAPE patrol create and even thicker and more rubbery nut bullet than dudes who are just tappin that pussy with permission for the first time. likewise the female body reacts to RRRRRRAPE! with a reaction that is analogous but biologically only dimly related to the female orgasm, in that it's purpose is to "dip the cervix in the puddle" without the toe curling and the squeals of delight that i myself prefer. (but i could do without the scratches on my back) this often leads RRRRAPERS!! to believe that the broad enjoyed his ministrations,, but they are only fooling themselves. some ladies do like a good ravishing, but they generally want it to be with the fella of their choosing, and for it to be only slightly surprising. i can assure you even a lady who enjoys a good old fashioned romance novel style surprise pirate ravishing on most occasions will sometimes react negatively to being pushed up against the kitchen counter if the conditions are less than optimum for her. (i was unaware that her parents were in the living room, and they were unaware that she was living with an alarmingly large naked redneck with a woody) after her parents left she apologized for breaking my nose, and we continued to enjoy a varied and often slightly inappropriate sexual relationship for several years. as a cocksman i despise RRRAPERS! for much the same reason i despise assholes, guidos and rappers, they make us all look bad, and reduce the chances of honest guys gettin laid.
I suspected that a rape kit might disrupt the process but I was and am still not sure. Furthermore a rape kit inspection may well take place after the victim has already been impregnated.Yes, no does not always mean no, it may mean any one of a hundred things, but I have found it wise to accept that no as meaning just that - and I have also found that my doing so has dissapointed. Lots of romance has been lost due to feminism, it is lamentable. I recall a time when I was savaged by a women whom I stood for at a small formal gathering. She remained unconvinced that I would do so for a man as well but even if I would not, what used to be charming and respectful behavior has been reduced to...... the wearing of bill caps and cowboy hats, baggy shorts and flip flops in formal settings, and the failure of men to act as .... gentlemen. I think that when females stop expecting gracious behavior, they get what something far less appealing.
I suspected that a rape kit might disrupt the process but I was and am still not sure. Furthermore a rape kit inspection may well take place after the victim has already been impregnated.Yes, no does not always mean no, it may mean any one of a hundred things, but I have found it wise to accept that no as meaning just that - and I have also found that my doing so has dissapointed. Lots of romance has been lost due to feminism, it is lamentable. I recall a time when I was savaged by a women whom I stood for at a small formal gathering. She remained unconvinced that I would do so for a man as well but even if I would not, what used to be charming and respectful behavior has been reduced to...... the wearing of bill caps and cowboy hats, baggy shorts and flip flops in formal settings, and the failure of men to act as .... gentlemen. I think that when females stop expecting gracious behavior, they get what something far less appealing.

hey now. depending upon the occasion, a cowboy hat can often be the proper attire for formal events. it doesnt always have to be a top hat, or a bowler.

i have never once been in a position where the "No! Dont Stop!" has been in any way confused with the "NO! Dont! Stop!" but then im only a technical Raper not a RRRRRAPE Raper. thats why there is a distiction between Statutory (technical) Rape and Forcible (RRRRRRRAPE!) Rape.

fortunately for me the statute of statutory limitations has run out otherwise i could well have been sent to prison as a RRRRRAPER! for consensual and entirely sober sexual congress with a chick who i thought was in college, as at the time California was awash with the "all sex is rape" super dyke femminist man hating thought, and the jusridiction i was in had a super fucking cunt bitch prosecutrix in the DA's office.
The guy who said that stuff was right so I don't know why everyones giving him a hard time? And if a woman gets raped why should that give her an excuse to murder her baby?
Thus my invocation of the Drake Equation, that famous consequence of astro grad students being exposed to all-you-can-drink. cn

Drake seems to miss out on a number of variables such as dips through the galactic plane, the possible requirement of a moon in order to shield the planet from celestial strikes and impart tides to name two.
The guy who said that stuff was right so I don't know why everyones giving him a hard time? And if a woman gets raped why should that give her an excuse to murder her baby?

Firstly, it isn't murder anyway, secondly, have you any appreciation for the rights of the woman? Is it really proper to say that any woman who should get pregnant for any reason should, by order of the state, remain pregnant no matter what her situation and the advice of the doctor?

And how about incest? After all, the product of a woman and her father is a human as well, isn't it? Would it be considered murder if that fetus were to be aborted?
"About 20% of women trying to get pregnant will not conceive in the first year. The amount of time a couple needs to conceive varies from study to study. Depending on the source, about 25% of couples get pregnant in their first month, 60% conceive within six months, and 80% are able to get pregnant within a year after first trying.”

So, for women trying to conceive about 80% wind up with a belly full in a year. If a woman is fertile for about 5 days per cycle, that is 60 days per year. Since she is trying to get pregnant it seems safe to assume that she has sex on each day of her fertile period. So, pregnancy happens about 1 time in 60, ie. about 1.6% of the time. Since only 80% make the cut in a year that means the actual probability of getting pregnant is about .016*0.8, which is .0128, i.e. about 1.3%.

The one weakness I can see in the reasoning is that it might be incorrect to to assume pregnancy happens 1 time out of 60. It might be more reasonable to assume 1 time in 30, which would raise the probability to 2.6%.

I think the 5% probability is exaggerated by at least 100%, and the real probability is between 1.3% and 2.6%.

Disclaimer: You should never do math in public lest you be subject to cruel and deserved ridicule.
Firstly, it isn't murder anyway, secondly, have you any appreciation for the rights of the woman? Is it really proper to say that any woman who should get pregnant for any reason should, by order of the state, remain pregnant no matter what her situation and the advice of the doctor?

And how about incest? After all, the product of a woman and her father is a human as well, isn't it? Would it be considered murder if that fetus were to be aborted?

We have already been through the murder definition thing- your explanation is to use the legal/illegal point, in which case their was nothing wrong with the Nazi death camps because they were legal under the nurmberg laws, kind of like the new laws being passed here making things "the law"
Yes I believe in womans rights, like their second ammendment right, which if excercised would make her quite capable of choosing who to and who not to have sex with, if she choses to have sex and gets pregnant then it is thats childs right to life that takes president. even under all the cercumstances you have laid out.
The guy who said that stuff was right so I don't know why everyones giving him a hard time? And if a woman gets raped why should that give her an excuse to murder her baby?

no he is scietifically incorrect, and he is an idiot. a woman who is raped should not be forced to carry her rapist's baby and care for it at her expense. that would be criminal. abortions are not murder (well not always) and anytime in the first trimester the ejection of that foreign mass should be simple no harm, no foul, stigma free do-over. kinda like a contraceptive mulligan.

likewise the presumably rare (but not always so) Ultra-Late-Term abortions should be a criminal matter (and are in some states) dont read this unless you have a strong stomach.
We have already been through the murder definition thing- your explanation is to use the legal/illegal point, in which case their was nothing wrong with the Nazi death camps because they were legal under the nurmberg laws, kind of like the new laws being passed here making things "the law"
Yes I believe in womans rights, like their second ammendment right, which if excercised would make her quite capable of choosing who to and who not to have sex with, if she choses to have sex and gets pregnant then it is thats childs right to life that takes president. even under all the cercumstances you have laid out.

So her rapist does not have the right to due process but a non-sentient future being has more rights than the person upon which it is dependent.

Makes loads of sense.
no he is scietifically incorrect, and he is an idiot. a woman who is raped should not be forced to carry her rapist's baby and care for it at her expense. that would be criminal. abortions are not murder (well not always) and anytime in the first trimester the ejection of that foreign mass should be simple no harm, no foul, stigma free do-over. kinda like a contraceptive mulligan.

likewise the presumably rare (but not always so) Ultra-Late-Term abortions should be a criminal matter (and are in some states) dont read this unless you have a strong stomach.
In a case of legitimate rape cortisol released by the woman due to stress will prevent pregnancy
And their are no mulligans in G D's eyes when it comes to taking a life.