How many cases of rape result in pregnacy?

In a case of legitimate rape cortisol released by the woman due to stress will prevent pregnancy
And their are no mulligans in G D's eyes when it comes to taking a life.

And here we have it - and we even have a name of the female "juices". Beardo, have you scientific backing for this stress released cortisol?
In a case of legitimate rape cortisol released by the woman due to stress will prevent pregnancy
And their are no mulligans in G D's eyes when it comes to taking a life.

who is G D? and why should i care about his thoughts on abortion.
In a case of legitimate rape cortisol released by the woman due to stress will prevent pregnancy
And their are no mulligans in G D's eyes when it comes to taking a life.

Religion is why pro-life is starting to lose. While I like people now realize religion is stupid, life is not. You can have your religion, but if you speak for life, do it for the life and leave the supernatural "being" out of it. I'm an atheist for life. I hate having to bring this up. It's no one's business, but the religious force it. The baby is what we're fighting for. Leave god for your bible buddies. A baby has no religion. Everyone should advocate for those who have no advocation of their own, especially babies. God's fan club can get by fine on it's own. All people need to realize this is a baby. It's still a baby, no matter if religion is involved.
Religion is why pro-life is starting to lose. While I like people now realize religion is stupid, life is not. You can have your religion, but if you speak for life, do it for the life and leave the supernatural "being" out of it. I'm an atheist for life. I hate having to bring this up. It's no one's business, but the religious force it. The baby is what we're fighting for. Leave god for your bible buddies. A baby has no religion. Everyone should advocate for those who have no advocation of their own, especially babies. God's fan club can get by fine on it's own. All people need to realize this is a baby. It's still a baby, no matter if religion is involved.

But by what definition is it a baby? A four-week embryo is a smear of cells and most obviously not a baby. A thirty-week fetus is most obviously yes a baby. Nature provided a seamless progression; the assignment of a boundary cannot come from biologists but fro bioethicists, who are essentially lawyers. cn
Religion is why pro-life is starting to lose. While I like people now realize religion is stupid, life is not. You can have your religion, but if you speak for life, do it for the life and leave the supernatural "being" out of it. I'm an atheist for life. I hate having to bring this up. It's no one's business, but the religious force it. The baby is what we're fighting for. Leave god for your bible buddies. A baby has no religion. Everyone should advocate for those who have no advocation of their own, especially babies. God's fan club can get by fine on it's own. All people need to realize this is a baby. It's still a baby, no matter if religion is involved.

It's not religious per say, but life is proof of a higher power or being, life is a miracle and without the miracle their is no life.
To take life is wrong it is murder and murder and right and wrong is defined and judged not by law and man but by something higher
It's not religious per say, but life is proof of a higher power or being, life is a miracle and without the miracle their is no life.
To take life is wrong it is murder and murder and right and wrong is defined and judged not by law and man but by something higher

your god is crazy.