How Many Christians On This Site?

I will stand up here, my faith has been waning, but i still know he's there for me

and homegrown, if you believe we are blind hypocrites, "contributing" to this thread serves no purpose for the atheist agenda we are not persecuting, do not persecute us or you are what many atheists seem to hate
We are all hypocrites, and liars... the second one especially if you deny the first. Faith will wax and wane your whole life, I can only encourage you to keep talking and walking with God everyday. I Pray for you often, and now you know... atheists beware you will get extra Prayers, by extra I mean I will mention you by screen name... your scared now.

By the way I am sarchotic... and I am not below making up words, and "coining" phrases. sarchotic adj. relating to or suffering from sarcasm. n. a sarchotic person. I love a living language.
i have been chrisend :/ although i dont have an understanding of christianity! i am more spiritual
a quote from the Times aryicle:

"...Others feel that the church should not quickly dismiss anything that has the power to deepen faith. Dr. W. T. Stace, of Princeton, one of the nation's foremost students of mysticism, believes that LSD can change lives for the better. "The fact that the experience was induced by drugs has no bearing on its validity,..."
Brings to mind what I have always said. Drugs have brought more people to God than all the preachers combined. Have you ever been so wasted you begged God to help you make it, and "I will never do it again, I PROMISE.", the next day or weekend you are right there again. So have I, and I am positive many more in the world have. There is also an enlightening aspect to drug taking, a lot of self reflection, and if you have the right mindset you will probably not hate yourself, at least not all the time. This counts for both bullies and victims, as the victim often is confused and may blame themselves for things that happened in the past. I have much experience in the whole abuse, abuser conundrum... anywho, my train of thought gone and done derailed...
There is also an enlightening aspect to drug taking, a lot of self reflection, and if you have the right mindset you will probably not hate yourself, at least not all the time.

I totally agree with this. I don't do manufactured chemicals anymore (except prescriptions I don't like :sad: )but when I did, many years ago, the ecstasy was the bomb (doesn't everyone say that). Well I remember going to a rave and having this wild visionary spiritual experience... the angels were singing etc etc. Then it occurred to me oh, my God... this is what heaven will be like... actually it will be better (!! ?? !!). It was then that I realized that we will indeed not be sitting on clouds singing 'Just as I am'. About a year later I had the following dream:

(Off to dig up my 1995 journal)

It was a vision type dream- by that I mean the light & colors were out of this world and it was all more real than what we usually call reality. Anyway it was simple- just a view of good and evil and the end of the world (that I believe this generation will see). Specifically, I was on a grassy plain, but when I looked down the ground was dried up, desolate, barren and cracked. Well immediately I looked up, and rolling thunder and violent clouds were rushing towards me. I pointed & said to my brother who was standing next to me 'Look A--- look!' Suddenly as the clouds were about to envelop us, the cracks in the ground widened and the earth split. At this moment there was a visual separation of good & evil with good being represented as the glorious light of God which the clouds split open to reveal, and evil represented as demonic faces/ entities falling from heaven onto & into the desolate earth. Anyway as the earth split beneath me, I closed my eyes and heard the voice of God, and felt at the same time the euphoric rush similar to what one feels on ecstasy (but better). I intuitively knew that I was about to be received by the hand of God. Funnily enough, God said to me (don't you love when people say 'God told me' ha ha) He said 'What I have to give is better than drugs' (a message I desperately needed at the time). Meaning, literally what we are going to receive will feel better than the best rush even possible in this body on this earth. Anyway just as I was rushing towards the light of God, I woke up so I never got to actually see Him face to face.

Anyway I wrote that down, stopped doing "drugs" and put my life back together at that point. About 6 months later I had told no one about the dream. My brother (who was in the dream) told me about his final breakthrough acid trip. He described his vision at the peak and it was verbatim the exact same scenario as my dream. Right down to every detail. So... that was cool.

I could write a book about my little personal spiritual experiences- on drugs & off... but really they are a gift from God to me to strengthen my faith, and pretty meaningless to other people. Especially atheists... when you say you have seen God and heard the voice of God, had dreams & seen visions they think you are bonkers (or just an imbecile with a low IQ apparently). They just don't understand that once God makes Himself known to a person, there is just no way to deny it. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Most people don't have the kinds of (trippy) experiences I have had with God because that is not what they need. I am extremely intuitive & passionate, so these things are food to me.

Sorry... perhaps I should start a new thread. It's just that on this thread, like-minded people might be here so they might tolerate my excessively wordy posts.

All the best.
I totally agree with this. I don't do manufactured chemicals anymore (except prescriptions I don't like :sad: )but when I did, many years ago, the ecstasy was the bomb (doesn't everyone say that). Well I remember going to a rave and having this wild visionary spiritual experience... the angels were singing etc etc. Then it occurred to me oh, my God... this is what heaven will be like... actually it will be better (!! ?? !!). It was then that I realized that we will indeed not be sitting on clouds singing 'Just as I am'. About a year later I had the following dream:

(Off to dig up my 1995 journal)

It was a vision type dream- by that I mean the light & colors were out of this world and it was all more real than what we usually call reality. Anyway it was simple- just a view of good and evil and the end of the world (that I believe this generation will see). Specifically, I was on a grassy plain, but when I looked down the ground was dried up, desolate, barren and cracked. Well immediately I looked up, and rolling thunder and violent clouds were rushing towards me. I pointed & said to my brother who was standing next to me 'Look A--- look!' Suddenly as the clouds were about to envelop us, the cracks in the ground widened and the earth split. At this moment there was a visual separation of good & evil with good being represented as the glorious light of God which the clouds split open to reveal, and evil represented as demonic faces/ entities falling from heaven onto & into the desolate earth. Anyway as the earth split beneath me, I closed my eyes and heard the voice of God, and felt at the same time the euphoric rush similar to what one feels on ecstasy (but better). I intuitively knew that I was about to be received by the hand of God. Funnily enough, God said to me (don't you love when people say 'God told me' ha ha) He said 'What I have to give is better than drugs' (a message I desperately needed at the time). Meaning, literally what we are going to receive will feel better than the best rush even possible in this body on this earth. Anyway just as I was rushing towards the light of God, I woke up so I never got to actually see Him face to face.

Anyway I wrote that down, stopped doing "drugs" and put my life back together at that point. About 6 months later I had told no one about the dream. My brother (who was in the dream) told me about his final breakthrough acid trip. He described his vision at the peak and it was verbatim the exact same scenario as my dream. Right down to every detail. So... that was cool.

I could write a book about my little personal spiritual experiences- on drugs & off... but really they are a gift from God to me to strengthen my faith, and pretty meaningless to other people. Especially atheists... when you say you have seen God and heard the voice of God, had dreams & seen visions they think you are bonkers (or just an imbecile with a low IQ apparently). They just don't understand that once God makes Himself known to a person, there is just no way to deny it. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Most people don't have the kinds of (trippy) experiences I have had with God because that is not what they need. I am extremely intuitive & passionate, so these things are food to me.

Sorry... perhaps I should start a new thread. It's just that on this thread, like-minded people might be here so they might tolerate my excessively wordy posts.

All the best.
By all means, don't be shy you can share that here... I love to hear(read) testament, an dhow God enters people's lives. I had a similar experience, without drugs though. In 1992 (November 25th to be exact) I came home from school(college) it was a cold rainy day, and I had 31/2 hours to kill before my next class. I had a nice hot bowl of soup, got a little sleepy, so I decided to take a nap, well I had always been able to astral project, but had not done it in awhile. I started to float, but had to pee really bad. I thought "I have never opened(body eyes) my eyes while on the astral plain" so when I got up to pee I repeated over and over "remember to open your eyes". I went back and lay down in an instant I was right back where I had been, and it happened. I opened my eyes and saw the most brilliant color lights that seem to glow so bright that it all looked white, I turned my head and saw a bit of void, or absence of any light, but hollow appearing, the light moved to cover that, it happened again. Then I started to shake like I was cold, but I was not shivering. It was overwhelming, I had to stop looking and could not at first, but suddenly I was back. Now I sleep on my side or stomach, always have, after this experience I noticed my body was positioned exactly like Christ is depicted on the Cross. I had a peace about me and understood right then Christ is real and so is God. God pointed me to Christ, I believe that to this day. All that seemed to happen in a couple of minutes, just about as long as it took me to type the story, but when I looked at my clock almost 5 hours had past and I had totally missed class. I started reading everything on every religion I could get my hands on, and I have to say I am Christian still.
...I don't do manufactured chemicals anymore... ecstasy was the bomb (doesn't everyone say that).

same here, ecstasy was/is wonderful but if it's not of pharmaceutical quality it can be speedy without the empathetic feelings

Well I remember going to a rave and having this wild visionary spiritual experience... the angels were singing etc etc. Then it occurred to me oh, my God... this is what heaven will be like...

certainly agree with this too!

it's really too bad in our modern western society it is considered taboo or not polite to talk about such things. i've traveled to other places outside the u.s.a. where it's perfectly normal to discuss such things over a meal in a group setting.

It was a vision type dream...I closed my eyes and heard the voice of God, and felt at the same time the euphoric rush similar to what one feels on ecstasy...

yup. isn't it a beautiful thing?

I have found that this can happen with or without drugs also -- once you've seen that realm and maneuvered in it it can be triggered by sunsets, love, death, prayer, travel, cannabis, coffee...

this is one of my favorite verses in the bible:

“I know a person in Christ,” wrote Paul, “who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know; God knows. And I know that such a person—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know; God knows—was caught up into Paradise and heard things that are not to be told, that no mortal is permitted to repeat” (2 Cor 12:2-4).

edited for grammar/spelling
i am a christian, and though it has little to do with my postings... i thought maybe this might be a good place to say this
i know this isn't really appropriate, but i didn't know where else to go..... i was arrested and charged with possession of paraphernalia in a tiny little hick town.. i have paperwork to prove all of it if anyone doesn't believe me.... and i've got fines and court fees, around 1200$$ , and if i dont pay them i'm oging to have to go back to jail... i'm nineteen, stuck in this town, no car, no job, and even thoughn i'm allowed to live at home, my mom is against smoking and says "did the crime ,do the time"" and.. i just don't know where else to turn. i am posting everywhere.. i just don't know what else to do. private message me?
...I could write a book about my little personal spiritual experiences- on drugs & off... but really they are a gift from God to me to strengthen my faith, and pretty meaningless to other people. Especially atheists... when you say you have seen God and heard the voice of God, had dreams & seen visions they think you are bonkers (or just an imbecile with a low IQ apparently).

not just atheists, christians can b this way also.

in regards to seeing spiritual visions, the science community is warming up to the idea & writing the science behind hidden dimensions that participants of ancient religions or users of ancient drugs like cannabis, mushrooms,...see on a regular basis & who have integrated into their normal life experiences

science is catching up to what some have know all along ;)

We are all hypocrites, and liars... the second one especially if you deny the first. Faith will wax and wane your whole life, I can only encourage you to keep talking and walking with God everyday. I Pray for you often, and now you know... atheists beware you will get extra Prayers, by extra I mean I will mention you by screen name... your scared now.

By the way I am sarchotic... and I am not below making up words, and "coining" phrases. sarchotic adj. relating to or suffering from sarcasm. n. a sarchotic person. I love a living language.

Word i understand what your saying a mans righteousness is nothing but a filthy rag at the foot of god, and we all fall short of the glory of god, it is only by grace we are saved

See just by my last statement i have to pray to god now,
Doubt it, I think a publicist would at least be able to spell hypocrite :)
Too lazy... they hire editors for that now. Could have used spell check though. However spell check did not catch it when I spelled right; RIGJT, weird.

All kidding aside, I just ran spell check and it did not catch RIGJT again...