How Many Christians On This Site?


Well-Known Member
''…I'd rather be

''A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;

''So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,

''Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;

''Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea.

Or hear old Triton blow his wreathèd horn

William Wordsworth 1807

How's that? :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Presbyterian churches usually have free snacks after the morning service, Doughnuts, cookies, coffee, juice... and guess what CJ you are INVITED, come on down. Tell'em sue sent you for cookies. If you listen to the service you will hear God talking to you and you will be reminded about what you commented on. It will not be a coincidence. You probably won't go anyway... too bad for the cookies.


Well-Known Member
Presbyterian churches usually have free snacks after the morning service, Doughnuts, cookies, coffee, juice... and guess what CJ you are INVITED, come on down. Tell'em sue sent you for cookies. If you listen to the service you will hear God talking to you and you will be reminded about what you commented on. It will not be a coincidence. You probably won't go anyway... too bad for the cookies.
So do AA meetings . . . .


New Member
I practically grew up in church :lol: I know what I am missing and I know what I am not missing.

Onward thru the fog my brethren...without me I'm afraid.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I believe in a creation point, but beyond that it's a mystery to me, and I am okay with not knowing, as opposed to guessing.:peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I feel fine where I stand on the issue. If I want to be be fucked with on it lets wait till the afterlife. Bestcase scenerio for guessing is nothing happens.


New Member
Most feel fine with their position on things. it's called cognitive dissonance. It lets you sleep at night.
From Mother Theresa to Smokin' Joe Stalin (who slept like a baby). :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

Chief Pipe

Active Member
Just curious how many... no debate, no squabble, just let me know you are here.
Judging from what I've read, I'd say a good many. Why not take advantage of a friendly or helpful enough venue to get a particular message out ?

As long as they're not 'hurting' anyone is acceptable to me as well, but will have a reply at hand if there is any talk of other peaceful non-threatening Spiritual Paths or persons being deemed with their concept of Evil.

They do have a history..

oh really???

Well-Known Member
Just curious how many... no debate, no squabble, just let me know you are here.
I rep for Jesus Christ.

. . . . and to all the other hater's . . . .

It is okay if you have your specific beliefs. I have mine. I do not care what your opinions are of my faith and my actions. I can only be judged by my Creator. I can only hope that if we meet on the street I will look you in the eye, smile, and wish you well. . .and if you enter into this Christian household we will enjoy the flower I believe God created.