How many have seen a gun pulled on another, except legally by cops?

Have you witnessed a gun being pointed at another illegally?

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No Sir, both place me and my family in an uncertainty and that triggers my full blown defense responce, I know no other way to react, and personally, don't need nor want another way to react.

If you come into or onto my castle with the intent to do wrong, I am not going to ask you what you are doing, but if I do, you can bet your ass I will do it from behind a gun and I will only ask once, not the time for idle chit chat.



Fair enough. I agree that all bets are off when you wander in to another persons home. The reason I asked is that in the first scenario you are clearly home, and the person breaking in knows this so IMO the possibility that he is there to do you harm is very real. In the second scenario it is more than likely someone looking to just steal shit from you, not necessarily physically harm you or your family.
Fair enough. I agree that all bets are off when you wander in to another persons home. The reason I asked is that in the first scenario you are clearly home, and the person breaking in knows this so IMO the possibility that he is there to do you harm is very real. In the second scenario it is more than likely someone looking to just steal shit from you, not necessarily physically harm you or your family.

I fully understand the question. The only thing that prevents me from thinking that way is I have no way of knowing that. Life is way to precious for assumptions, even more so when you know nothing about an individual and what thier intentions are.

I deem it a safe call to always err on the side of caution.


I must say that I agree with ASMALLVOICE 100%. Stay out of my house...and I won't be forced to shoot you.
It is all about choice. Freedom to choose. Where have we heard that?

Someone chose to assault me. They should have thought about all the consequences but they are used to counting on the folks that say, "Oh, it's just a small thing, to break into someone's house."

Hello! It can get pretty brutal very quickly. Home invasion takes a socio-pathic mind. The right trigger, say, of the Dad running for help, has them off the edge. Burn the house. You have never been face to face, in your private bedroom with these guys. I have. You WILL want to kill them.

You know how close it is to horror. It is very primal. Your home, your family. If you get a chance to swing a hammer into their head, you will. How to set that up, Grasshopper? The garage? How to get him into the garage? Now you are thinking. With or without a gun, you must master fear and deception.
Do you differentiate between the following scenarios:

You're home, your car is parked out front, and someone breaks in to your home.


You come home to find someone in your house.

Scenario A: someone in my house uninvited.
Scenario B: someone in my house uninvited.

For me the principal diff is that I don't have a CCW and don't currently feel a need to carry away from home. So while I do not see a moral difference between the two, there is a practical one.

In scenario B, anyone wanting to use the front door will face angryme and a six-foot railroad bar that I keep almost invisible by the entrance outside.
The psychology that I seek to impress on someone contemplating scenario B is that in A, you'd have only been shot. Cleaner, nicer, quicker. cn
Scenario A: someone in my house uninvited.
Scenario B: someone in my house uninvited.

For me the principal diff is that I don't have a CCW and don't currently feel a need to carry away from home. So while I do not see a moral difference between the two, there is a practical one.

In scenario B, anyone wanting to use the front door will face angryme and a six-foot railroad bar that I keep almost invisible by the entrance outside.
The psychology that I seek to impress on someone contemplating scenario B is that in A, you'd have only been shot. Cleaner, nicer, quicker. cn

I can see that point, up untill angry you goes up against a criminal that may or may not have a gun, if he/she does, then you will more than likely die holding that pinch bar. On the other hand, you could just have a weapon in your vehicle and shoot the skum the moment he/she makes themselves visable. I am not calling the cops to have them arrested and then, them get out and come back out of revenge, no way whatsoever.

On a side note, I keep a single shot 410 with 2 extra rounds in a special place outside the house, just incase I need a little backup, and/or the wifey is running around in my truck and my sidearm is unavailable.

Just a thought to ponder. Hope none of this shit ever happens to anyone, cause pulling a weapon on someone is scary as a mofo, no matter the circumstances. I agree human life is precious, starting with me and my family and going out from there.


I can see that point, up untill angry you goes up against a criminal that may or may not have a gun, if he/she does, then you will more than likely die holding that pinch bar. On the other hand, you could just have a weapon in your vehicle and shoot the skum the moment he/she makes themselves visable. I am not calling the cops to have them arrested and then, them get out and come back out of revenge, no way whatsoever.

On a side note, I keep a single shot 410 with 2 extra rounds in a special place outside the house, just incase I need a little backup, and/or the wifey is running around in my truck and my sidearm is unavailable.

Just a thought to ponder. Hope none of this shit ever happens to anyone, cause pulling a weapon on someone is scary as a mofo, no matter the circumstances. I agree human life is precious, starting with me and my family and going out from there.



As I live in California, that option (keep a gun in the vehicle) brings more grief than good. It's a little truck that would be an easy break-in, even if I did lock it.

And the entry to the house is of such a shape that I would stand an excellent chance of scoring first blood, even with just a steel bar, unless of course my opponent knows how to fight with the staff. Then I'm toast. cn
Came home from work today to see (through the living room window) the big screen is on! :shock:

Stealthily enter the front door w/ long colt in hand & cleared the house.
Damn dog must have bumped/stepped on the remote somehow.
~Silver lining~ No bodies to dispose of. ;-)

Edit: Thinking he just wanted to catch animal planet but couldn't find the right channel.
Came home from work today to see (through the living room window) the big screen is on! :shock:

Stealthily enter the front door w/ long colt in hand & cleared the house.
Damn dog must have bumped/stepped on the remote somehow.
~Silver lining~ No bodies to dispose of. ;-)

Yea, but I bet for a split second, maybe two, that you couldn't have drove a needle up your ass with a sledge hammer the moment you drew your weapon. Glad to hear it was a false alarm.

I had an experience about 18 years ago, the wife, kids and I were headed to the lake and it was about 10:45pm and I hit something in the road and got a flat. As I was in the middle of changing the tire( on the shoulder) a vehicle pulled off the road behind me about 40 yds with its brights on. I looked back but really could not see anything. Then a persons shadow moved in front of the headlights and I could tell they were appraoching me. I hollerd out " We are okay" and they kept coming, so I hollared out really loud, " We are okay, thanks anyway" , no responce.

Now I am scared shitless, so I open the door and tell my wife to get herself and the kids down in the floorboard as I pulled my pistol from under the seat. She starts crying, the kids start crying (5 and 7). I pulled it, jacked one into the chamber and started towards the person screaming at the top of my lungs, Get the fuck outa here or your dead. By this time I am in tears and mad/scared as a mofo. The person was only 20 yards or less from the car and I still couldn't see anything but a shape.

I guess they heard me or caught a glimpse of the gun, not really sure what, but they stopped in thier tracks and just stood there for a sec (seemed like 3 weeks to me) and I screamed again, get the fuck back in you car and go away. I saw the shape turn and walk back to the vehicle as if nothing was wrong. I then went to the passenger side of my car and drew a bead on the vehicle as it pulled out on the road and drove by us.

I have yet to be that scared since, not to the degree I was that night. I was so upset, the wife had to finish the drive because my hands were like rubber and I was sweating like a $500 hooker on 2 for dollar night and it was probably 55 degrees outside.

I did not get a look at the person, nor did I think to look at the plates, all that logical thinking is really hard to come by in those moments.

So yea, pulling a gun on somone is something I humbly pray I never have to do again, but if I have to, so be it.

Peace for All

As I live in California, that option (keep a gun in the vehicle) brings more grief than good. It's a little truck that would be an easy break-in, even if I did lock it.

And the entry to the house is of such a shape that I would stand an excellent chance of scoring first blood, even with just a steel bar, unless of course my opponent knows how to fight with the staff. Then I'm toast. cn
I believe this is an appropriate time to remind you that i'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6.
As I live in California, that option (keep a gun in the vehicle) brings more grief than good. It's a little truck that would be an easy break-in, even if I did lock it.

And the entry to the house is of such a shape that I would stand an excellent chance of scoring first blood, even with just a steel bar, unless of course my opponent knows how to fight with the staff. Then I'm toast. cn

Check out Hanbo techniques. Literally 1/2 Bo. 3 feet instead of 6. If you have the staff you only have to understand how to "Keep it." But here is a simple idea. The staff in defense is wide hands blocking. In offense, it is punching with the end. If an un-trained person swings the staff like a bat, he can't Keep It. If you are viciously punching with the end, (some use a chisel point on the wood) you can Keep It and master the fight very quickly. So, quick jab swings at the hands for ruse and control is all you need to compliment the jabs.

Of course, one good pop to the throat with a staff end, the fight is over. But, the coolest thing about Hanbo is the use of the stick as leverage. One end in the guys gut from the punch and the other end up and under his shoulder, you have his wrist of the arm the Hanbo is under. Instant face plant on the Yuki. Noticed how striking is saved for after control. There are so many submission holds and close strike opportunities with a short staff, ball bat swings are not necessary.
Check out Hanbo techniques. Literally 1/2 Bo. 3 feet instead of 6. If you have the staff you only have to understand how to "Keep it." But here is a simple idea. The staff in defense is wide hands blocking. In offense, it is punching with the end. If an un-trained person swings the staff like a bat, he can't Keep It. If you are viciously punching with the end, (some use a chisel point on the wood) you can Keep It and master the fight very quickly. So, quick jab swings at the hands for ruse and control is all you need to compliment the jabs.

Of course, one good pop to the throat with a staff end, the fight is over. But, the coolest thing about Hanbo is the use of the stick as leverage. One end in the guys gut from the punch and the other end up and under his shoulder, you have his wrist of the arm the Hanbo is under. Instant face plant on the Yuki. Noticed how striking is saved for after control. There are so many submission holds and close strike opportunities with a short staff, ball bat swings are not necessary.
Sounds like Obi Wans "your light-saber is your life" speech.
A standard walking cane is about 3 feet. (oh my back!!) I can take it on a airplane. Think about it. A Light Saber is useless for us primitives. :)
I can see that point, up untill angry you goes up against a criminal that may or may not have a gun, if he/she does, then you will more than likely die holding that pinch bar. On the other hand, you could just have a weapon in your vehicle and shoot the skum the moment he/she makes themselves visable. I am not calling the cops to have them arrested and then, them get out and come back out of revenge, no way whatsoever.

On a side note, I keep a single shot 410 with 2 extra rounds in a special place outside the house, just incase I need a little backup, and/or the wifey is running around in my truck and my sidearm is unavailable.

Just a thought to ponder. Hope none of this shit ever happens to anyone, cause pulling a weapon on someone is scary as a mofo, no matter the circumstances. I agree human life is precious, starting with me and my family and going out from there.



I have to say it .... I think you're being paranoid.

You keep a gun stashed outside your home?? Really?? Do you live in Baghdad?

I understand having a gun in the home for protecting your family. I even understand carrying a gun on you for protection, but to leave a random gun laying around outside the house to me is nothing short of paranoia. What if a neighbor kid got a hold of that gun and shot himself or someone else? This is irresponsible gun ownership imo.

Also, your incident along side the road. Did it ever occur to you that that was probably someone just trying to help you? For every bad-guy boogeyman out there looking to harm you, there are probably a hundred people that would pull over simply just to help you out. What if that was just an older gent who was hard of hearing and kept walking towards you? You would have shot him, killed him, and you be spending some time in prison over it ..... just due to your paranoia!

I don't get this mentality.
You don't get the mentality because you are 1) afraid of guns. 2) afraid of confrontation 3) your Agenda says that gun owners are stupid and reckless.

So, your ad hoc "what ifs" are based on the gun wielder being stupid and reckless and afraid and paranoid. Gun owners are the opposite of paranoid. We are cautious and wise. We know full well the consequences. We train at the range and we dry fire at home. We practice using the gun as a bashing weapon. What I don't understand is this attitude of "most people..." The criminals, btw, HAVE mastered ruse and fear.

By the time you detect them, it's too late for you. You freeze like an untrained deer in the headlights. That's the difference. You are a trusting babe in the woods, a prey beast. You carry the agenda that the world can and should be a child's garden. In a word, Naive.
You don't get the mentality because you are 1) afraid of guns. 2) afraid of confrontation 3) your Agenda says that gun owners are stupid and reckless.

So, your ad hoc "what ifs" are based on the gun wielder being stupid and reckless and afraid and paranoid. Gun owners are the opposite of paranoid. We are cautious and wise. We know full well the consequences. We train at the range and we dry fire at home. We practice using the gun as a bashing weapon. What I don't understand is this attitude of "most people..." The criminals, btw, HAVE mastered ruse and fear.

By the time you detect them, it's too late for you. You freeze like an untrained deer in the headlights. That's the difference. You are a trusting babe in the woods, a prey beast. You carry the agenda that the world can and should be a child's garden. In a word, Naive.

1) Why would I be afraid of guns? Guns don't kill people, but irresponsible gun owners certainly can. 2) You don't know me. I'm not afraid of confrontation. I used to get paid to confront people, and more often than not that lead to a fight.

How can you possibly speak on behalf of all gun owners like you're doing? Do you personally know every gun owner in America? You know that every one of them is "cautious and wise", and that they "train at the range, and dry fire at home". lol

Give me a break. What a ridiculous assertion. I made my comment based on the information that the person provided ..... you based your comment on speculation and bias.
