How many Neoliberals in the Democratic Party before the Democratic Party is a Neoliberal party?

I do look forward to learning more about why white supremacists are so angry and agitated.

The problem is clinging to any emotion. For some reason they feel unhappy. Being happy comes of it's own. When you force an emotion, for a while you can delude yourself, especially from outside forces you have no control over. Happiness comes from within not the outside world.

Emotions of all kinds flow in a person. The trick is to ride them out and not fight it. Eventually after letting go you become liberated and feel the qi. A feeling of bliss and well being comes. Nothing bothers you.

People make life out to be much harder than it is because they have preconceived notions about how things should be rather than accepting how things really are.
My Congressman, Peter DeFazio's record of supporting progressive measures was 95% last year. He.supports every campaign finance reform measure endorsed by End Citizen's Uniited. Yet, his campaign accepts donations from Business PACs.

His opponent, a Republican has no interest in campaign finance reform. His stance on the environment is abysmal. He supports Trump's positions on immigration.

What would you suggest I do with my vote?
Why do you support campaign finance reform if you believe money does not influence votes?

It's a very simple question you've dodged 3 times now

Answer the question..
Why do you support campaign finance reform if you believe money does not influence votes?

It's a very simple question you've dodged 3 times now

Answer the question..

I've answered twice and so now answer for a third time.

I support campaign finance reform because the donations give undue access by lobbyists and wealthy donors.

Campaign laws can't change until Democrats are in power. I don't see how foregoing campaign contributions will help Democrats win seats when Republicans will legally accept any and all.

Using my district as an example, what would you propose I do? I like the Congressman, he's done nothing corrupt, he is strongly in favor of campaign finance reform and always has been. Yet, he is accepting dampating donations from Business PACs.

I've asked you this three times. What do you propose I do with my vote? If you will answer this, it will help me understand your position.
So what if donations give "undue access" by lobbyists and wealthy donors? You just said their "undue access" doesn't influence politicians votes

So why would you oppose their "undue access"?
Answer my question because I don't understand what you are thinking about this. What should I do with my vote in November? I've explained it a couple of times. My congressman isn't corrupt, he does a good job and he supports campaign finance reform. Under the current system, he is running a close election and is lawfully accepting Business PAC money. Hi

Are you saying I should help Republicans take this seat?
Answer my question because I don't understand what you are thinking about this. What should I do with my vote in November? I've explained it a couple of times. My congressman isn't corrupt, he does a good job and he supports campaign finance reform. Under the current system, he is running a close election and is lawfully accepting Business PAC money. Hi

Are you saying I should help Republicans take this seat?

Why do you support fascists if you're for antifa? Since you use the arguement if one voted for Trump and because Trump's a racist that makes Trump supporters racists too!


"The Socialist Equality Party claims that the majority of left-wing opponents of the Bush administration have "lined up behind the Obama Administration", despite the fact that the Obama administration's policies are in many respects similar to those of the Bush administration.[8] The Socialist Equality Party seeks to create a mass movement in opposition to the Obama administration on the basis of a socialist program."

Which means since Bush administration policies are facist, and Obama has the same policies, Obama supporters are fascists. And since Hillary is an Obama policy supporter she's a fascist too.

So why not rally we the people around the likes of the SEP. Or are you just we the sheeple fascists of a different color?

Once they make voting online with an app or browser script, I'd actually vote the likes of the SEP. But I'm not wasting my time in line at a ballot box or mailing something in.

I like most of the socialist party usa ideas but they ruined their platform for me by promoting feminism rather than egalitarianism.

My big complaint about the SEP is they're still capitalist stooges. But that might not be a problem for you.
Answer my question because I don't understand what you are thinking about this. What should I do with my vote in November? I've explained it a couple of times. My congressman isn't corrupt, he does a good job and he supports campaign finance reform. Under the current system, he is running a close election and is lawfully accepting Business PAC money. Hi

Are you saying I should help Republicans take this seat?
You know money influences votes and corrupts politicians

That is why you support campaign finance reform, and a couple years ago, you wouldn't have had any trouble admitting it
You know money influences votes and corrupts politicians

That is why you support campaign finance reform, and a couple years ago, you wouldn't have had any trouble admitting it
What should I do with my vote in November? I've explained it a couple of times. My congressman isn't corrupt, he does a good job and he supports campaign finance reform. Under the current system, he is running a close election and is lawfully accepting Business PAC money.
Why do you support fascists if you're for antifa? Since you use the arguement if one voted for Trump and because Trump's a racist that makes Trump supporters racists too!


"The Socialist Equality Party claims that the majority of left-wing opponents of the Bush administration have "lined up behind the Obama Administration", despite the fact that the Obama administration's policies are in many respects similar to those of the Bush administration.[8] The Socialist Equality Party seeks to create a mass movement in opposition to the Obama administration on the basis of a socialist program."

Which means since Bush administration policies are facist, and Obama has the same policies, Obama supporters are fascists. And since Hillary is an Obama policy supporter she's a fascist too.

So why not rally we the people around the likes of the SEP. Or are you just we the sheeple fascists of a different color?

Once they make voting online with an app or browser script, I'd actually vote the likes of the SEP. But I'm not wasting my time in line at a ballot box or mailing something in.

I like most of the socialist party usa ideas but they ruined their platform for me by promoting feminism rather than egalitarianism.

My big complaint about the SEP is they're still capitalist stooges. But that might not be a problem for you.

Why do white supremacists come from hundreds of miles around to demonstrate in Portland? What is it they are protesting FOR?
I don't think Wyden, Merkely and DeFazio, my legislators in Congress are corrupt. Some politicians are corrupt but not all or even most.

We need to reform campaign finance laws because the current system gives lobbyists and wealthy donors too much access when laws are written. I want to end their access and influence.

This is too nuanced for you.
Then you're hopelessly fooled. Your beliefs have nothing to do with the facts.
this is too nuanced for you.

Our system is corrupted by laws drafted with undue influence by lobbyists and wealthy people but that wasn't what you asked.

You asked if I believed it corrupts politicians. To that I say "no". The people I support, Wyden, Merkely and DeFazio aren't corrupt.

Do I need to remind you that every Democratic Senator in 2014 including Wyden supported cloture to end the Republican fillibuster of Bernie's bill to repeal the Citizen's United ruling? Republicans all voted to sustain the fillibuster and they blocked Bernie's bill. The only reason we don't have a reformed campaign financing system is because of Republicans. If you want to reform the system, reform the law first. That means getting Democrats into power.

Absent a Democratic majority in the House and super majority in the senate, the six or eight Progressive(TM) congressmen in 2019 won't be able to change the laws either.
No, you're hopelessly fooled.

Is it because of being kicked in the head?

Answer my question; If corporate/PAC money doesn't corrupt or influence opinion, why do you support campaign finance reform?
He can't answer your question.

The best he can do is gaslight you or change the subject.

That's because he knows his position makes no sense.

He services the oppressors, even though he gets nothing for it.

He's been kicked in the head.
Answer my question because I don't understand what you are thinking about this. What should I do with my vote in November? I've explained it a couple of times. My congressman isn't corrupt, he does a good job and he supports campaign finance reform. Under the current system, he is running a close election and is lawfully accepting Business PAC money. Hi

Are you saying I should help Republicans take this seat?
Camp 1; 'MY congressman/Senator/ party isn't corrupt' spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Kicked in the head.
You know money influences votes and corrupts politicians

That is why you support campaign finance reform, and a couple years ago, you wouldn't have had any trouble admitting it
'gotta join them to beat them'- except that the strategy works exactly never.
If he had, it would be considered a pre-existing condition. Since republicans and trump seek to dismantle healthcare in this country, this november can we expect you to vote democratically to help protect the right to guaranteed affordable health care?
If I thought Democrats represented me, I'd vote for them. Since it's clear by their records that they do not, why do they deserve my vote?
Ok then don’t vote for Democrats and enjoy republican autocracy

As a white male with a trust fund you’ll be fine
Lol you keep guessing wrong!

Say, aren't you the one who bragged about marrying into money?

Explains why you're an establishment Democrat.

I'll vote for candidates who will represent my interests, not just those I think will win. It's politics, not football. I realize that representative democracy is a tough concept for you to grasp, though.
Lol you keep guessing wrong!

Say, aren't you the one who bragged about marrying into money?

Explains why you're an establishment Democrat.

I'll vote for candidates who will represent my interests, not just those I think will win. It's politics, not football. I realize that representative democracy is a tough concept for you to grasp, though.

From his posts it is obvious he married into money and politics.

Is there any actual @UncleBuck left?