How Many Nodes Before Topping?

Sorry, had that backwards. The longer you let it go the more body high you get. Now i'm talking about medical grade cannabis here also where more cbd is preferable. For recreational smoking and higher potency the best time to harvest is as soon as you begin to see a few amber trichome heads. Sorry about that. I'm used to medical grade cannabis where people want a low thc and high cbd. And I still had people pass out all over my house. I couldn't imagine what it would have been like if I harvested once the trichomes just turned opaque! Ill try that this harvest.
Go for it if thats what you prefer bro, I'm not saying your wrong. For me it is not a desirable effect for me personally. I would rather go for a strain that gives you a head high and a different strain for body high. Why would I want to lose potency just to feel a certain effect?
You have a point but medical users want low potency, well most anyway.
Many reasons but the main is because someone may like the strain itself for what ever reasons(flavor, relaxation, pain relief, migraines, nausea, ect.) And by harvesting at different times can create a magnitude of different results. Also its very hard to get strains here and seeds are always a gamble. Especially when the local village has a K-9 Unit that they run through packages at the post office randomly. I don't see how thats legal but the do it here. Motherfuckers! I am going to start producing my own feminised seeds, its hard for me to do clones because I have very limited space.
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Moody and I have never ever spoken. He took upon himself to state his opinions. Trust me, I am no side kick. I have several acquaintances in Colorado and the Emerald Triangle in California also. Humbolt Co. Anyone worth thier salt knows where the Emerald Triangle is. I have been told my level of knowledge is higher than most growers out there. Also my patients know what i'm capable of. I never keep pictures on my phone, thats just asking for trouble. Anyone that really knows their stuff can tell my capabilities just by the language I speak. It is very simple, anyone that doesn't understand the science are not taking the crop to it maximum potential. Not only that but when problems occur only the symptoms are being treated instead of curing the source of the problem. If you are so good you should have never been offended by my language. I will say this, my buds are as long as my arm, bigger around than my wrist, and im 6' 5" tall. Quality? I had people passing out all over my house. I don't allow anyone to smoke here anymore, I make them go home. Snoop and Method Man would love my shit. And I achive this with basic nutes. No bud candy, no big bud, none of that, just basic 3 part nutes. Now that im growing hydro I expect my quality to go even higher, if that's even possible. I never said a word, you are the one saying I dont belong here, and your basically saying newbies are ignorant and wouldn't be able to comprehend my terms. I would think most of them would disagree. I have never half assed anything in my life, if i'm going to do something I learn every possible thing I can and I suggest anyone do the same. My threads are for anyone that wish to use the material, if they don't want to they don't have to. Medicate, be Happy, be Healthy!

First...the bolded line is to show that your statement was untrue and completely taken out of context. The true context was I NEVER ASSUME SOMEONE will just blindly follow what I did in MY grow because they are to stupid to understand how to read and learn and make their own decisions. Newbies are NOT ROBOTS! I do not control anyone else's brain. The original troll snipe said that I have given people advice to top at 6 days just because I did it....Show me one post, thread, journal entry, or statement where I ever advised anyone to do this on this web site. I challenge you!!

As for the remainder of your aren't we arrogant!

P.S. Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me or anyone their plants are stunted and are going to have other issues because you said so, and they did what they chose to do instead what you do?

That outrageously pretentious and pompous.

Now you are also ignored
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They should have awards on this site, as with many others. 'Best Nug', 'Best Concentrates' etc.

One award could be 'Assclown of the Month'....i know who i'd vote for.
They should have awards on this site, as with many others. 'Best Nug', 'Best Concentrates' etc.

One award could be 'Assclown of the Month'....i know who i'd vote for.
Immaturity like that shouldn't even be allowed on these forums. The mediators should remove his posts and warn him that another violation will result in termination. He started on me for no reason then he's going to ignore or block me? Big deal! People like that will never progress. What he doesn't realize in making a statement like that is that newbies will see that information while Googling and do it without even clicking on the link in a hurry for an answer. That's is another reason I WILL NOT just give a newcommer an answer. I had to spend hours and hours studying, why should I just give my knowledge away freely without teaching the education behind it and make them work a little for it. No hand outs here. Id like to run into this guy just one time in person, just once is all itd take. Such an eggplant!
I couldn't imagine what it would have been like if I harvested once the trichomes just turned opaque! Ill try that this harvest.
You will notice a big difference... I can tell now when I smoke if the bud was harvested late or not. You get a sickly feeling rather than a enjoyable buzz..
I prefer the real buzz.
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You will notice a big difference... I can tell now when I smoke if the bud was harvested late or not. You get a sickly feeling rather than a enjoyable buzz..
I prefer the real buzz.

How do you smoke, regular(paper, bowl, bong) or do you vaporize? A lot of my patients love my high quality cannabis oil. Smokable and edible. Honey oil and Rick Simpson oil. I don't mess with dabs because I don't care what anyone says there has to be butane residue left behind even if the fuel is fully evaporated. I'm not into smoking and providing chemical compounds like that. Id bet money if dabs was lab tested it would be positive for butane residue.
How do you smoke, regular(paper, bowl, bong) or do you vaporize? A lot of my patients love my high quality cannabis oil. Smokable and edible. Honey oil and Rick Simpson oil. I don't mess with dabs because I don't care what anyone says there has to be butane residue left behind even if the fuel is fully evaporated. I'm not into smoking and providing chemical compounds like that. Id bet money if dabs was lab tested it would be positive for butane residue.
I don't do oils, personally, because the high is different for me. I prefer the grounded high you get from bud. On dabs, I feel lifted for some reason. But I have only tried the cannabis oil from the pens. I've never had actual wax.

I smoke regular bud: out of a glass bowl and glass bottle = gravity bong. Easily cleaned 2-3 times daily. One bowl= one hit, difficult to get used too but get you higher than you can imagine.
Did you know vaporizing gets you all the benefits without the harshness and heavy lungs? Cannabis oil has always been the most potent form until these dabs came around but I truely believe dabs has the higher buzz because chemicals from the butane is being consumed also. I don't have proof to substantiate my claim but if I had the authority and the money I would bet everything I own im correct.
Did you know vaporizing gets you all the benefits without the harshness and heavy lungs? Cannabis oil has always been the most potent form until these dabs came around but I truely believe dabs has the higher buzz because chemicals from the butane is being consumed also. I don't have proof to substantiate my claim but if I had the authority and the money I would bet everything I own im correct.
When it comes down to it, I am all about the high.. Gravity bongs give me the best high. After years of using the gravity bong my lung capacity has actually increased from 85% to 105% of a normal person. My asthma has decreased for some reason...
I have yet to try any cannabis oil, that gives me the same "grounded high" that a gravity bong rip of good bud.
I don't dab either because of the butane... I have asthma, so when I smoke, whatever I'm smoking out of needs to be clean. It helps if what i'm smoking out of is clean.
I don't like vaporizers because the high is weak.
I smoke wayyyyyyyy too much to be smoking out of anything other than my gravity bongs.
How does that work? The gravity bongs I am familiar with are a plastic or glass bottle with the bottom removed, you place the bottle into a tub or large bowl of water, place the loaded bowl in the top, hold a flame to the bowl as you slowly lift the bottle up, the flame is drawn into the bud from suction and fills the bottle with smoke, remove the bowl and press the bottle down slowly and it shoots a straight stream of smoke directly into your lungs. Talk about a blast! Ive puked several times doing that. Lol
How does that work? The gravity bongs I am familiar with are a plastic or glass bottle with the bottom removed, you place the bottle into a tub or large bowl of water, place the loaded bowl in the top, hold a flame to the bowl as you slowly lift the bottle up, the flame is drawn into the bud from suction and fills the bottle with smoke, remove the bowl and press the bottle down slowly and it shoots a straight stream of smoke directly into your lungs. Talk about a blast! Ive puked several times doing that. Lol
Ya those are traditional gravity bongs.

Mine is easier to use. The bowl naturally fits the bottle. The bottle has a small hole at toward the bottom. Fill with water with thumb over the bottom hole; put the bowl with weed in the top of bottle; take thumb off hole and light the bowl; wait until its done and then inhale .. Mine are actually called waterfall bongs, but I think that sounds stupid so I call them gravity bongs.
Ya those are traditional gravity bongs.

Mine is easier to use. The bowl naturally fits the bottle. The bottle has a small hole at toward the bottom. Fill with water with thumb over the bottom hole; put the bowl with weed in the top of bottle; take thumb off hole and light the bowl; wait until its done and then inhale .. Mine are actually called waterfall bongs, but I think that sounds stupid so I call them gravity bongs.
So the water draining out draws the flame in and fills the bottle with smoke? What pushes the smoke out, or do you just clear it like a normal water bong?
So the water draining out draws the flame in and fills the bottle with smoke?

clear it like a normal bong if there is water left/ or a pipe if there is no water left.

It is much easier to clear if there is water left in the bottle. It also easier for noobs if you use cold water.
Years ago I used to put ice and water in a bong. Ice cold bong hits were the best! I havent done it for many years, I don't know why. The ice cold smoke expand your lungs more and allowd for a bigger hit. Larger capacity. Just like going outside when its in the 20's and taking a few deep breaths. Its actually recommended to go outside when its cold like that and take a few deep breaths every once in a while.
15%, that's way off from everything I have learned. Most growers harvest at 80% which is a more head high, some harvest at 50% which is more of a body stone. Past 80% which is prime ripeness the trichomes start to bend. When this happens it is past its peak. 15% amber is still very immature. Start clear, turn milky, then amber. At 15% the hairs have barely begun to turn. 80% is technically peak ripeness. A good balance is 60%. I don't think I have ever heard or seen anyone say 15% is harvestable. Where is this information located outside of this forum?
Hmmm lol.