How Many Nodes Before Topping?

Sorry, had that backwards. The longer you let it go the more body high you get. Now i'm talking about medical grade cannabis here also where more cbd is preferable. For recreational smoking and higher potency the best time to harvest is as soon as you begin to see a few amber trichome heads. Sorry about that. I'm used to medical grade cannabis where people want a low thc and high cbd. And I still had people pass out all over my house. I couldn't imagine what it would have been like if I harvested once the trichomes just turned opaque! Ill try that this harvest.
CBD does not increase as triches change but CBN does, CBD is strain dependant, and is what is thought to be the compound with the many benefits re health. Amber is the THC degrading :(.
Sorry, had that backwards. The longer you let it go the more body high you get. Now i'm talking about medical grade cannabis here also where more cbd is preferable. For recreational smoking and higher potency the best time to harvest is as soon as you begin to see a few amber trichome heads. Sorry about that. I'm used to medical grade cannabis where people want a low thc and high cbd. And I still had people pass out all over my house. I couldn't imagine what it would have been like if I harvested once the trichomes just turned opaque! Ill try that this harvest.
You keep mentioning medical grade cannabis. What is the difference between that and cannabis? In regard to people "passing out all over your house", can you see Russia from your house to?
I infact can see Russia from my house! Lol. Just kidding. I do not live in Canada. Medical grade cannabis is top medical strains, grown in optimal conditions, highest quality, and free of any air borne contaminates or fungus or molds. Other than beneficial ofcourse. Medical strains also have higher cbd content than just high potency strains. Don't get me wrong medical strains are very potent also and that why if a patient wants high cbd but a low thc you harvest when there are more amber trichomes developed. Google top medical cannabis strains. You will see some of your favorites that maybe you didn't even know was a medical strain. Thc also has medical bennefits. Also has recreational benbefits!
I infact can see Russia from my house! Lol. Just kidding. I do not live in Canada. Medical grade cannabis is top medical strains, grown in optimal conditions, highest quality, and free of any air borne contaminates or fungus or molds. Other than beneficial ofcourse. Medical strains also have higher cbd content than just high potency strains. Don't get me wrong medical strains are very potent also and that why if a patient wants high cbd but a low thc you harvest when there are more amber trichomes developed. Google top medical cannabis strains. You will see some of your favorites that maybe you didn't even know was a medical strain. Thc also has medical bennefits. Also has recreational benbefits!
all my strains are medical ;), you don't work for Tweed do you lol.
I infact can see Russia from my house! Lol. Just kidding. I do not live in Canada. Medical grade cannabis is top medical strains, grown in optimal conditions, highest quality, and free of any air borne contaminates or fungus or molds. Other than beneficial of course. Medical strains also have higher cbd content than just high potency strains. Don't get me wrong medical strains are very potent also and that why if a patient wants high cbd but a low thc you harvest when there are more amber trichomes developed. Google top medical cannabis strains. You will see some of your favorites that maybe you didn't even know was a medical strain. Thc also has medical bennefits. Also has recreational benbefits!
So good grown pot is classed as medical these just good pot man. If your growing good pot then you harvest at the correct time and grow the strain/s to get the effect you want. Its not rocket science. A Sativa is a Sativa, you can make it 80% amber but its still a Sativa (its just not a good one anymore and may make you feel sick due to the high CBN). If you want an Indica effect then grow that. You can Harvest an Indica early but it wont make it a Sativa.
If you want high CBD and low THC grow the correct strains.

Grow the strain you want the effect from. Grow it well. harvest at the optimal time. Dry and cure properly. = grade A pot.
Most growers would ague that mass produced pot (which is grown for sale either black market or to dispensaries) is not as good as what the hobby grower grows. And in fact would more than likely contain more chemicals (pesticides etc) and would not be as beneficial for the smoker.
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So good grown pot is classed as medical these just good pot man. If your growing good pot then you harvest at the correct time and grow the strain/s to get the effect you want. Its not rocket science. A Sativa is a Sativa, you can make it 80% amber but its still a Sativa (its just not a good one anymore and may make you feel sick due to the high CBN). If you want an Indica effect then grow that. You can Harvest an Indica early but it wont make it a Sativa.
If you want high CBD and low THC grow the correct strains.

Grow the strain you want the effect from. Grow it well. harvest at the optimal time. Dry and cure properly. = grade A pot.
It will never be legalized nationally or dropped from a Schedule 1 narcotic if people dont stop calling it pot, weed, marijuana, ect. I want it legalized for medical use, therefore it is Medical Grade Cannabis. If you take average product grown at home and compare it to an average product grown by a medical cannabis producer even of the same strain the medical will be significantly higher quality. Most cannabis grown at home dispensaries wouldn't even touch. It is very much a science to grow high quality cannabis. You know who grows some of the best "pot", the government. I promise you what we grow in our basements cant touch labritory grown cannabis. Those that are horticulturalists may be close though. Climate control is critical for co2, oxygen, and nutrient absorbtion. It is very hard and very costly to climate control in a house.
you need to read my edited post.

And you do relise that countries and people have been growing it for centuries right? Its not rocket science..its just horticulture. Its even an easy plant to grow!

You may learn something.
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It will never be legalized nationally or dropped from a Schedule 1 narcotic if people dont stop calling it pot, weed, marijuana, ect. I want it legalized for medical use, therefore it is Medical Grade Cannabis. If you take average product grown at home and compare it to an average product grown by a medical cannabis producer even of the same strain the medical will be significantly higher quality. Most cannabis grown at home dispensaries wouldn't even touch. It is very much a science to grow high quality cannabis. You know who grows some of the best "pot", the government. I promise you what we grow in our basements cant touch labritory grown cannabis. Those that are horticulturalists may be close though. Climate control is critical for co2, oxygen, and nutrient absorbtion. It is very hard and very costly to climate control in a house.
That's what the corporate fish farmers said about farming salmon :(.
Well I tend to agree somewhat if your buying from an unknown street source. Especially here though due to the inspections and quality control. The corporate grow is a fairly new concept here barring the one that first opened and grew shit. But not a fan of corporate grows if it takes away my right to grow.....we'll see what goes down here.....I have doubts we'll see legal personal grows here.
Well I tend to agree somewhat if your buying from an unknown street source. Especially here though due to the inspections and quality control. The corporate grow is a fairly new concept here barring the one that first opened and grew shit. But not a fan of corporate grows if it takes away my right to grow.....we'll see what goes down here.....I have doubts we'll see legal personal grows here.
In my state there are two bills trying to be passed, one by July which legalizes cannabis for medical use which will prohibit home growing and I hope it doesnt pass. The other is on the regular fall ballot which legalizes cannabis for medical use and will allow patients with a prescription to grow and posses up to 9oz at any one time. This counts plants currently in flower. If the July one does not pass the fall will. It was on the ballot last year but they were greedy and tried to get medical and recreational all at once but it also created a monopoly. It would have only allowed 10 commercial growers to supply the state and those growers were already predetermined. 90% of those that voted against it said had it only been for medical and wouldnt have created a monopoly they would have voted it in. By this fall medical use will be legal, whether that will allow patients to grow thier own at home we'll have to see. My fingers are crossed. Cannabis helps my wife tremendously. Prescription medications are tearing her stomach and liver up and doesnt even help much anymore. She has MS, a Brain Tumor, and growth on one kidney. Canbabis helps her pain, prevents and kills cancer cells, and it allows her to be able to eat where conventional medications and her trwatments make her sick. Cannabis is a medicinal plant and shouldnt even be illegal. Its not a drug, all other "drugs" real drugs must undergo a chemical process. Cannabis you plant a damn seed in the soil and a beautiful, aromatic plant grows that has medical bennefits and virtually no dangers. It is far more safe than alcohol, tobacco, and prescription meds which are all LEGAL by the way! Its time to revise out dated and uneffective laws. Nixon and Regan were morons as far as cannabis is concerned! Federal law states basically that cannabis is the #1 most dangerous drug, ridiculous. It shouldnt even be labled a drug, it used to grow wild in the U.S. Until the war on pot caused it to be destroyed. If humans werent meant to use cannabis every human brain wouldnt contain cb1 and cb2 receptors! I wish fuddy duddies would wake the fuck up and smell the cannabis. Its not even chemically addictive for fuck sake!
I wish you luck in your ballots.

It will never be legal where i am. It may become so for some medical conditions (Cancer and Aids mainly) but must be bought from a Chemist (drug store i think they are called in America) so would be expensive and no guarantee it wouldn't be hydro-i dont like the carcinogenics in hydro. One plants costs me approx $0 to grow (im an outside grower) so why should i pay someone for it? Doesnt make sense to me.

Id settle for it to be decriminalized and have a set amount of plants that you can grow on your own land (eg 2 or 4 plants per adult).

On another note it didnt grow wild in America, if you watch the vid i posted you will lean that it was imported by the pilgrams.
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you need to read my edited post.

And you do relise that countries and people have been growing it for centuries right? Its not rocket science..its just horticulture. Its even an easy plant to grow!

You may learn something.
Yes I know it has been grown for years and years but very basically. In the late 60's early 70's the strongest cannabis was 1.8% thc. Everyone can thank those who understand the plant on a biological and scientific level for all the famous strains that now surpass 20% thc. Trainwreck, White Widow, Blue Dream, these potent strains didnt exist naturally in the wild. If we could go back in time with the stuff we have now people in the 70's would shit themselves! Does anyone here know anything about tissue culture? Another method of cloning that can actually create different habits and development of plants. The plant is easy to grow, almost anyone can grow it but not just anyone can push the plants full potential. That potential also is ever evolving. Ive smoked cannabis that smelled great but did nothing when smoked, ive also smoked cannabis that will stone you too the bone consuming only one hit. Saying that people have grown it for years is like saying theres no difference between cannabis grown outside in the ground and cannabis grown hydroponically. There is a huge difference in almost every way including potency. Cannabis grown in optimal conditions will blow away anything grown outdoors.
I wish you luck in your ballots.

It will never be legal where i am. It may become so for some medical conditions (Cancer and Aids mainly) but must be bought from a Chemist (drug store i think they are called in America) so would be expensive and no guarantee it wouldn't be hydro-i dont like the carcinogenics in hydro. One plants costs me approx $0 to grow (im an outside grower) so why should i pay someone for it? Doesnt make sense to me.

Id settle for it to be decriminalized and have a set amount of plants that you can grow on your own land (eg 2 or 4 plants per adult).
You know there are organic hydro nutes right? Not all hydro contains carcinogens, not good nutes.
Ive grown both hydro and outside over the last 30 years. Its a myth that hydro is more potent than outside. My father is a Vietnam vet who has been growing his own strain outside from the mid 70s. It will knock ur socks off. He has lived in India, Vietnam and Cambodia so his strain has some awesome heritage. Wont give anyone a cutting or seed tho...
Its also a myth about the old strains having no THC (hence why growers today are growing them again) but yes we do breed for higher thc today. But does higher THC give you a better high? thats an argument allot of us have. ( )

No i didnt know that about the new hydro nutes, thats a good thing.
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Yes I know it has been grown for years and years but very basically. In the late 60's early 70's the strongest cannabis was 1.8% thc. Everyone can thank those who understand the plant on a biological and scientific level for all the famous strains that now surpass 20% thc. Trainwreck, White Widow, Blue Dream, these potent strains didnt exist naturally in the wild. If we could go back in time with the stuff we have now people in the 70's would shit themselves! Does anyone here know anything about tissue culture? Another method of cloning that can actually create different habits and development of plants. The plant is easy to grow, almost anyone can grow it but not just anyone can push the plants full potential. That potential also is ever evolving. Ive smoked cannabis that smelled great but did nothing when smoked, ive also smoked cannabis that will stone you too the bone consuming only one hit. Saying that people have grown it for years is like saying theres no difference between cannabis grown outside in the ground and cannabis grown hydroponically. There is a huge difference in almost every way including potency. Cannabis grown in optimal conditions will blow away anything grown outdoors.
Ummm wow, there is so much wrong with what your saying. Many of the older landrace strains were just as, or more potent than today's mutts. Sadly their gone due to breeding to get yield and stability, and everything got all fucked up. Also who says indoor is more potent than outdoor, do you have any proof of that?
Ummm wow, there is so much wrong with what your saying. Many of the older landrace strains were just as, or more potent than today's mutts. Sadly their gone due to breeding to get yield and stability, and everything got all fucked up. Also who says indoor is more potent than outdoor, do you have any proof of that?
Proof on a international basis, no. proof within my own experiences, yes. Even before I ever grew one plant inside hydro that people always had was miles better and costed much more too. $50-$70 an 1/8 compared to $25-$30 and it was well worth it. So much more potent, colors for green, orange, gold, purple, and blue that I had never seen on smoke before and the smells were phenomenal. Actually what got me growing indoors, that and the 5.0 finding my plants. Ill never grow outdoors again.
Ive grown both hydro and outside over the last 30 years. Its a myth that hydro is more potent than outside. My father is a Vietnam vet who has been growing his own strain outside from the mid 70s. It will knock ur socks off. He has lived in India, Vietnam and Cambodia so his strain has some awesome heritage. Wont give anyone a cutting or seed tho...
Its also a myth about the old strains having no THC (hence why growers today are growing them again) but yes we do breed for higher thc today. But does higher THC give you a better high? thats an argument allot of us have. ( )

No i didnt know that about the new hydro nutes, thats a good thing.
How about a few of those seeds mate? Lol. Doesnt matter if they arent feminised, I can separate males from females on a 90% success before I even germinate them. Still get a few males but no where near as many. Out of 10 seeds I may get 1 or 2 males with my method.
Was simply marketing Chronicals77. It costed them more to produce so they sold it as " Its HYdro man..."
You, me and lots of us got "sold" this in the 80s, we heard it so many times we believed it. But its not true. Some smart dealers would of sold soil grows as hydro to. Why wouldnt you? Your return was higher.

The genetics of the plant is the soil or in fake soil.
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