How many of you will give in to RDIF chips?


Well-Known Member
case in point barrack obama,for the american people by the american people

americans wanted change, they did not want 4more years of this propoganda bullshit that bush instilled upon us. haha the world is great.
I voted for Obama. If he fucks us over, I'll feel like a shithead. But I can only do so much.

would u reccomend watching this while burnign a fat blunt?

if so then thats what im gona do today.
I'd recommend burning a fat blunt anytime:bigjoint:
Especially while watching that. You know how when you're high
as fuck, and you start thinking a lot and get do I say it.......

start thinking as tho you're a "philosopher"? yeah, roll a :joint:fatty:joint: and watch that!



Well-Known Member
I voted for Obama. If he fucks us over, I'll feel like a shithead. But I can only do so much.

I'd recommend burning a fat blunt anytime:bigjoint:
Especially while watching that. You know how when you're high
as fuck, and you start thinking a lot and get do I say it.......

start thinking as tho you're a "philosopher"? yeah, roll a :joint:fatty:joint: and watch that!


ill deff pic up a wrap when i get out of class,prob will need it after i deal with my quack teacher. i had to write a paper about black cock,and nudity and freedom.

i kinda philosophicly view life already so it will prob make me go whoa


Well-Known Member
i will not make any important life decisions until 12/12/12 has passed.
They'll have to catch me to chip me! I honestly hope shit doesnt end in 2012, my life would have been such a waste.

Some say the world will start to end in 2012, but Im not sure how that makes sense, how will we know?


Well-Known Member
They'll have to catch me to chip me! I honestly hope shit doesnt end in 2012, my life would have been such a waste.

Some say the world will start to end in 2012, but Im not sure how that makes sense, how will we know?
I don't get how it will end either. Aren't people saying that the world is
going to burn up. I think they say thats what it says in the bible.

i will not make any important life decisions until 12/12/12 has passed.
lol. Sometimes I think like that too, but then I say "what if its all bullshit, I just put off college for another 3 years for nothing!!!"

ill deff pic up a wrap when i get out of class,prob will need it after i deal with my quack teacher. i had to write a paper about black cock,and nudity and freedom.

i kinda philosophicly view life already so it will prob make me go whoa
LOL. You in college? What classes are you taking?


Well-Known Member
yeah im in college, i took a math and already passed it,and im in a art class,next semester im taking 2healths,2englishes.

just enroll now,worse case senario the world ends and u dont have to pay off your student loans


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I have a question for all of you. Don't have to answer if you don't want to.....

What are your normal day jobs?

This is just for me to prove that people who smoke/grow weed can still contribute to society and be normal people. Because I
hate it when people say "People who smoke weed are never really successful..."
I just want to prove all the haters WRONG! hehe

I'm pretty sure I'll get some nice answers. I just want to know what you are.....
So, for me, I would say, a bum...lmao.

I'm starting college in January, so yeah. I'm trying to get a job at a dollar store.
Better than nothing right?


Well-Known Member
yeah im in college, i took a math and already passed it,and im in a art class,next semester im taking 2healths,2englishes.

just enroll now,worse case senario the world ends and u dont have to pay off your student loans
Cool. What's your major?

Damn, I'm just starting my pre-reqs for nursing...
When I said I worked as a nurse earlier in the thread, I worked as a nurse
in the ER for an internship for a class I took to see if I really liked nursing.

People came in with heart attacks, I saw people get cut open. It was pretty cool, but I also felt kinda bad for all the old people who came in all sick and stuff.

Fuck man, I don't even want a student loan, I wish I could hit the lotto
and pay for my college, but we know thats not going to happen. I don't even like thinking about debt. I am gonna try and get as many scholarships and grants as I can...


Well-Known Member
Cool. What's your major?

Damn, I'm just starting my pre-reqs for nursing...
When I said I worked as a nurse earlier in the thread, I worked as a nurse
in the ER for an internship for a class I took to see if I really liked nursing.

People came in with heart attacks, I saw people get cut open. It was pretty cool, but I also felt kinda bad for all the old people who came in all sick and stuff.

Fuck man, I don't even want a student loan, I wish I could hit the lotto
and pay for my college, but we know thats not going to happen. I don't even like thinking about debt. I am gonna try and get as many scholarships and grants as I can...

nursings my major.

i dont have to pay my loan till i graduate


Well-Known Member
What type of loan did you get? I remember seeing commercials about the loans you don't have to pay back until you graduate, I just don't remember the name.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I have a question for all of you. Don't have to answer if you don't want to.....

What are your normal day jobs?

This is just for me to prove that people who smoke/grow weed can still contribute to society and be normal people. Because I
hate it when people say "People who smoke weed are never really successful..."
I just want to prove all the haters WRONG! hehe

I'm pretty sure I'll get some nice answers. I just want to know what you are.....
So, for me, I would say, a bum...lmao.

I'm starting college in January, so yeah. I'm trying to get a job at a dollar store.
Better than nothing right?

i dropped out of college...

but im self employed and do very well for myself... and the future only looks brighter!


Well-Known Member
finishing up college. but ive worked my ass off at an architecture firm in paris, national geographic in dc, cbs evening news in nyc, and now im chilling and taking classes at what i like to call the university of siberia in the northeast.

plus i used to grow pot plants in my moms rose bushes when i was about 13 and had my first ghetto stealth cab inside a fake fish tank when i was about 15. hahaha didnt work out to well tho


Well-Known Member
I'm not an American but I can tell you that there is no way I would ever get any sort of chip in me. Never, not a chance.

I install garage doors for a living...not a luxurious job but it pays good.

And as the for the whole 2012 crap...why believe this? everyone is talking about Zeitgeist and corruption and your letting people tell you when the world will end. Shit the damn calender ends there, right? How long did you want them to go for? lol I always ask everyone that...why would they keep going?:mrgreen:

Who cares live your life as a good person and if anything were to happen you'll be safe...:peace::peace::joint::joint:


Active Member
Im a religious stoner. In the bible, it says the anti-christ comes from the middle east, will deceive the world with persuasive talk, he will promise false hope and world peace, then once in power he will destroy everything. i heard someone say he will link up with 10 other countries too but havent looked into that part yet. Obama has changed his name 11 times too, weird. No one has actually seen his REAL birth certificate, only one showed was online one. his grandmother claimed seeing him born in kenya, then she died. obama tells cameras hes going down to hawaii for her, but doesnt tell that he also had his birth certificate sealed so no one can see.

"After a recent article I wrote, My Mother's Birth Certicate - And Obama's, a number of people e-mailed me with's "proof" of the certificate. But let's not forget that FactCheck is owned by the Annenberg Foundation, the same foundation that gave millions of dollars to Obama and his unrepentant terrorist pal William Ayers for an "education" project. To me, that makes FactCheck ipso facto the least credible source of factual information. " - some article

its mandatory for people with aids in indonesia to get chips implanted now.
The world is ending as we know it, everything once taught for good society has been turned to shambles.

why would obama's grandma swear she was present at his birth in kenya, then she dies. great.

go off the grid and grow the ganja