how many sudafed pills to make 1 g of meth?

I wish I had me some some some some Fuck it lets all get high, on meth no k

Not hating, we just think these kind of things can not be done safely while also yielding a quality product when done by a novice chemist. With some proper education I would say go all out Mr. White style, but without it I think you are just wasting your time producing a dangerous and mediocre product at best.

And fuck that Crystal Method rap... What you need is a nice Crack Rock Steady beat. :D
alotapot:7270482 said:
im not a tweeker ya cop im a want to be tweeker and i could do the whole thing but exact amounts are not listed online as much. im just trying to get my proportions right so mer fers dont die:)

If you don't want "mer fers" to die (gotta admit... I don't even know what a "mer fer" is.....) why not just grow pot and leave the poison to the exterminators? Honestly... why would you want to make a product that STEALS people from their friends and family? I'm serious.. it's a valid question... you grow some good weed and everybody is alive... healthy and happy... you make some shit in a hillbilly lab and and folks get addicted and fucked over health wise... your shed blows up and nobody wins..

I actually agree with this but the guy asked a question. You shouldn't judge. People will die from meth everyday. He makes it but its their choice to actually take it and use it. My bro works at a tobaco shop selling cigs that kill people everyday but that doesn't make him a bad person does it?
I actually agree with this but the guy asked a question. You shouldn't judge. People will die from meth everyday. He makes it but its their choice to actually take it and use it. My bro works at a tobaco shop selling cigs that kill people everyday but that doesn't make him a bad person does it?

Your brother is the Devil.