How many times can you clone?

Just because you had them tested doesn't mean anything. You expect every clone to perform exactly the same? You've done this for multiple generations and measured a decline at each cloning event? BS.
Theoretically, this could be done forever. However, all biological processes are subject to genetic shifts and mutations based upon their environmental conditions. Sometimes these changes are for the good, sometimes for the bad. Seeds rock!

I've never understood the claim that cloning clones will cause genetic drift. Cloning the same plant or a clone of that plant doesn't increase the probability of mutation in any way I can understand. So why would a clone from an old mother be any more/less subject to mutation than a clone of a clone of a clone?

BZZT! WRONG! I strongly disagree with Max's idea!

Mj does not produce "connected clones" !!!! Other plants that do this are Sassafras Trees and Strawberries for example!

The researcher Mr. Olds says near the end -

The tissue-specific mutations affected mainly genes involved in cell death, immune responses, metabolism, DNA binding and cell communication. Olds think that this may be because many of the mutations are harmful, and the tree reacts by destroying the mutated tissues or altering its metabolic pathways and the way it controls its genes, which leads to further mutations.

That's a big point in any "connected clone plant" in research sense then! This "issue" has yet to be found in any other plant cloning done. MJ does not, and can not "self clone" by it's root system.

The ONLY way to get a TRUE "genetic" shift in a non connected plant clone, is by pollination and reproduction from a plant outside the genetic of that strain!

Environmental shift is the plant "shifting" to a growth pattern that was more how one of the contributing parents were grown in.
In other words. If the plant you have is say, a 50/50 cross of a Sativa and an Indica that was breed in a neutral growing environment. You pop the seed and grow in a warmer and moister environ.. As you take clones and grow them out. The clones will over time. "Shift" to most likely grow more sativa like.....It (the clones) will grow more like the dominate trait of the plant that grows better in that environ.

Understand that? That's "environmental shift"! It is in NO way a "genetic" shift...

I have plants that have been cloned for decades.
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@Helmut79 I'm not trying to hijack this thread but I really need help I JUST CUT 5 CLONES FROM MY FRUIT PUNCH AND THEY'RE WILTED AND NOT STANDING UP ON THEY'RE ON I USED RAPID ROOTERS then topped my plant is it normal for them to be WILTED?
@Helmut79 I'm not trying to hijack this thread but I really need help I JUST CUT 5 CLONES FROM MY FRUIT PUNCH AND THEY'RE WILTED AND NOT STANDING UP ON THEY'RE ON I USED RAPID ROOTERS then topped my plant is it normal for them to be WILTED?

For a day or so, yes it happens. Don't sweat it yet....give it 3-4 days. be sure you watered those rooters after putting the clones in them! I like them wet and put 5ml of water on them.
I don't know how long you can clone for. But, if I ever find a notable strain I like. I'll probably convert my current cabinet into a clone chamber. After setting up the new "fridge".

Seems like you can get almost indefinite clones though.
For a day or so, yes it happens. Don't sweat it yet....give it 3-4 days. be sure you watered those rooters after putting the clones in them! I like them wet and put 5ml of water on them.
I soaked them in rapid start and put water in the tray a lil and on the lid
i see a difference right a way. plant your see, .d clone from it . put the clone right next to the see., d and have both of them tested . who will win ? the clone will test slight less . and yield less think i am full of shit try it have them tested . i know its an a copy of the mother for some reason clones pull less and test slightlyyyyyyyyyyyyyy less strong . go ahead and bash me unless you have tried this and had them tested you will have no idea .
Pretty small sampling to make your (bad) conclusion from.
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Even though when cloning , you are taking a exact copy. After time things can change,
Environment. lighting added UV, or virus.
Damaging plants genetic material I have seen first hand that after pro longed cloning , you can run into few problems of mutant clones , unhealthy plants or plants that get sick easier etc etc
I say if it ain't the top strains do keep doing my mom had 5 boys she said two dumb two smart and I the oldest son is the golden child see what happened when you keep CLONING
How many times can you clone a cloned plant without having a mother plant?

How is this called? Generations of same genetics?

1) grow from seed
2) clone at switching to 12/12
3) grow from cuttings
4) clone 2nd time at 12/12
5) grow out
6) clone 3rd time at 12/12
.. and so on..

How many times before quality/quantity of the plants start decreasing?
some plants are clone only and some flowers have been cloned for hundreds of years. if you are gentle with your plants and do not stress them the mutations may not be a big problem
Yes people growing in larger scales will see a difference over time ,, its like saying can your plant catch a cold from you ???
In theory a virus is a cold so do plants catch viruses ..

We here people say they have kept same strain for 10 years seriously ??? i highly doubt it in most cases one may keep strains for a couple years then move on as your body gets immune to that high..

Or to say its impossible for strain to get effected

Evolution my friends , Ask your self why the banana is in a world of hurt ? its clone after clone after clone :)
i see a difference right a way. plant your see, .d clone from it . put the clone right next to the see., d and have both of them tested . who will win ? the clone will test slight less . and yield less think i am full of shit try it have them tested . i know its an a copy of the mother for some reason clones pull less and test slightlyyyyyyyyyyyyyy less strong . go ahead and bash me unless you have tried this and had them tested you will have no idea .
shouldn't do bro, unless your process of cloning is stressing them before they established, I reckon they got better, but maybe I was just getting in sync and my babys was at last reaching full potential
like I said some people are on a different level then others currently I don't even clone its not even worth it to me I need to have every thing the best of the best quality has to be better then everybody else it may take longer but in the long run well worth it and se,ed will pull about 30 to 40 % more then a clone . I am not talking a pee wee plant 1 or 2 foot tall I am talking 6 footers with a min of 4 months veg if a person were to do baby 3 footers or less may not notice any difference . this is my opinion and from experience , have not cloned a plant for my self in a few years its not worth all the time electric I know It will not be 100 % mabe 80 or 90 good not 100