how marijuana should be legalised: taxing of grow related electricity

-snip- instead of .11 cents a kwh, i'm talking like, 2 bucks a kwh (or more, depending on how things go you know). this money can be divied between whichever govt agency is in charge of regulating this, and the electricity suppliers, and ideally directly reinvested into renewable energy sources. -snip-

1000w bulb = $2/kwh x 18/6 cycle = 36/day * 30 day month = 1080 USD a month... for 1000w... year = 12960.00 (that assumes only the 18/6.. not 12/12 cycle)
4000w setup = I might as well rob a bank.. 1 year @ $2 / kwh running 18/6 would be close to 52000.00.. also not factoring 12/12.

Summary: Don't grow for 1 year at this cost, and put a solar and wind array in the yard to mitigate the cost of the lights.. year 2.. free power, unlimited virtually - yet restricted by earth/weather conditions.. cloud cover, etc.
WTF? What you propose would skyrocket not only rec and med prices but street as well.

I'm against current legal because it includes TAXES and REGULATIONS. I know it's unrealistic to think government would legalize and just leave us alone but what you propose would just accelerate the added taxes and regulations that's coming to legal. The government, the federal government particularly, always re-negs, and the path you suggest is one of the worst I've heard.

Try sobering up and thinking about it, usually a good high brings out some creativity and thought but in this case it's just plain stupidity.
Why not just realize that weed is a PLANT, like so many others we have growing all over, except it's not poisonous. They don't need to legalize it, they need to strike it reference from the books. There are so many more dangerous plants that I can walk into a home and garden center and buy...

Oh, and the idea sucks. Seriously, who cares about canna-competitions when you're doubling your mortgage to compete? You know how expensive your weed's going to have to be to offset that cost? The backyard, solar/wind, and renegade growers will continue on, but can undercut the legal so deeply that it'd cripple the system meant to legalize it. As others have said, the small grower who needs medical generally couldn't afford those electric bills, and they couldn't afford to pay the offset cost of weed (unless the government started a subsidy program) ... So, they'd continue to rogue grow, become rogue growers, or buy from rogue growers.
its funny how many people dont want it legalized just to cash crop.. theres plenty of other ways for people to make money

screw plant counts etc. not that I live in a legal state, and not that this would really mean it would be *easier* on the grower for it to be this way, but this is how it should be done:

A state has provisions for SOME type of legalized marijuana production. now, how the gov (state, or local, etc, would take a lot of discussion to really decide) SHOULD go about making their cut, and making sure everyone is going about their business SAFELY, is create x amount of licensed "grow room electricians (as many are necessary, this could mean as many as 10 to 20 k new jobs). This electricians install a new meter in or around the grow space, limited to a set amperage (which hell, could be as many as 100 amps). this electricity is HIGHLY taxed. instead of .11 cents a kwh, i'm talking like, 2 bucks a kwh (or more, depending on how things go you know). this money can be divied between whichever govt agency is in charge of regulating this, and the electricity suppliers, and ideally directly reinvested into renewable energy sources.

With this kind of power restriction, and the new costs associated with it, you will have a wide variance in production numbers, obviously with the noobs not making any money, and the pros getting by alright. that being said, no one who is following the law should die in an electrical fire due to grow op mistakes, and everyone is on an even playing field power wise, which is the real limiting factor in yeild once you've achieved G status and dialed your strains in. This will also force growers to explore new routes in efficiency, as all of their cooling systems, water pumps, lights, etc will be limited, and whoever can push the envelope the most, will be the most successful. with the advent of LED tech (yeah yeah I know, hps or bust, but by the the time this legislature got passed LEDs may even be a thing of the past), people could really come up with some interesting solutions.

I guess thats all I got for now. I've thought this up at least 40 sep times, whilts toking on some of my own herb, and I really think this is the fair way to do it: thoughts? bongsmilie

I think this idea is fucking retarted. Maybe we should tax the electricity used by deep fryers because they lead to obesity and the public will have to pay for them later bla bla bla. Lets tax the electricity used by computers since they discourage physical activity, or lightbulbs after dark because they disturb the natural habitat of the environment we live in. How big of a fucking hole do u want to dig?????
How about I use the electricity I purchase, through contract, from my provider however the fuck I want and we call it a day.
i wonder how theyd split the bill up anyway... id run it to a microwave and plug grow into my regular account
let me get this straight, i'm not trying to knock you dude. I bounce off 3 dollars to my name every month. Talk about tight. If you're good at your job, and you believe its your life calling, you should consider moving. It would be hard, but no harder than getting fucked by the power company every month as is.

Would i be happy about paying the extra tax myself? Fuck no. Do i think it would be the fair way to do it? Yes, but every state, fuck, every county would probably have different rates and regulations, somewhat modelled after how retarded the elec companies have gotten with their rates already. And as i said, over time, rates for everyones homes should drop with the potential multiple millions of dollars getting dumped right into making power cheaper and cleaner in your area due to the taxes you have to pay. Again, perfect world blah blah, but seriously, the govt can really do whatever they want until we pick up arms against them in revolution, so its time to start looking for the best possible solutions to make this work for everyone.

If you're not down with the tax, stay illegal, i'm not gonna knock it (cause thats where i am now), and hell, once people make the change, you should be able to enjoy selling your product at a slightly increased rate in comparison to pre reform, as everyone who is *legally* growing will be paying much more for power. And seriously, lighten up and toke up. You act like i'm fucking drafting a piece of legislature as we type and baracks peaking over my shoulder with his stamp of approval inked up. I am all for keeping gov't out of our homes, however, i just dont see anyway to end this wave of imo unjust arrests and deaths for fucking weed, other than to offer some time of incentive to stop the madness.

Side note, yeah power companies are getting out of hand. Someone needs to do something. Millions of dollars in tax money from *somewhere* would probably help.

open your eyes you fucking moron
where the hell in the world is electricity 11c a kilowatt..? I want to move there, it'd nearly cut my power costs down to a third...

6.9 cents / kwh here... not factoring their distribution charge.... distribution is 5.. so 12 cents/kwh isn't bad for the lower tier... once you hit X amount, it goes to 8.2 cents per, with same distribution charge of 5 cents... still not bad in the big picture. Again I restate, a bit more bluntly... 2 dollars per kwh is fucking insane, is highway robbery, and I feel needs -zero- encouragement from anyone. My previous solar/wind idea is still quite a viable plan should the powers that be (see: Greedy government, with a heavy side of Wal-mar(x/t)-like tactics) get some insane idea to do this.
its funny how many people dont want it legalized just to cash crop.. theres plenty of other ways for people to make money


Funny? I'd say expected and ironic. Expected being of course it's a great cash crop for many and legalization on a national level would destroy that income. I don't know many jobs or careers that pay 3-4k a pound.
Ironic being it's the same on the legal end, many supporting legal, not the majority of course, but many for legal are for it so they can make money or think they can. You could actually include the majority being many just want weed legalized so it's cheaper, even though with taxes and regulations it really won't be in the long run, but most want legal because of financial reasons.
In my heart I of course believe it should be fully legal with no government intrusions with taxes and regulation, but being an honest person who stays in reality I know this is never going to happen. I am against this current legal system ONLY because of taxes and regulations, not profits.

basically they already do this, in the summer months they go to tiered billing, which means the more power you use the higher cost per kwh you're gonna pay, and it's pretty harsh.
A state has provisions for SOME type of legalized marijuana production. now, how the gov (state, or local, etc, would take a lot of discussion to really decide) SHOULD go about making their cut, and making sure everyone is going about their business SAFELY, is create x amount of licensed "grow room electricians (as many are necessary, this could mean as many as 10 to 20 k new jobs). This electricians install a new meter in or around the grow space, limited to a set amperage (which hell, could be as many as 100 amps). this electricity is HIGHLY taxed. instead of .11 cents a kwh, i'm talking like, 2 bucks a kwh (or more, depending on how things go you know). this money can be divied between whichever govt agency is in charge of regulating this, and the electricity suppliers, and ideally directly reinvested into renewable energy sources.

With this kind of power restriction, and the new costs associated with it, you will have a wide variance in production numbers, obviously with the noobs not making any money, and the pros getting by alright. that being said, no one who is following the law should die in an electrical fire due to grow op mistakes, and everyone is on an even playing field power wise, which is the real limiting factor in yeild once you've achieved G status and dialed your strains in. This will also force growers to explore new routes in efficiency, as all of their cooling systems, water pumps, lights, etc will be limited, and whoever can push the envelope the most, will be the most successful. with the advent of LED tech (yeah yeah I know, hps or bust, but by the the time this legislature got passed LEDs may even be a thing of the past), people could really come up with some interesting solutions.

I guess thats all I got for now. I've thought this up at least 40 sep times, whilts toking on some of my own herb, and I really think this is the fair way to do it: thoughts? bongsmilie

let me restate here that I'm in the forum toke and talk. not sober up and talk. that being said, any and all numbers I quote are literally just thrown out there. I dont mean for you to pull out your calculators and figure out how much it would cost to run 4k hps for a year, or else I would have pulled out my calculator, and unfortunatly, randomly picked a fair number to pay for electricity in a year to grow plants that are, however hard you try and fight it, probably gonna end up getting taxed to hell anyways as a price for our "freedom", and then calculated the real tax percentage (so yeah, now that you show me the numbers, I wouldnt merit more than .80 kwh, in places with already .30 plus elec, down to .4 or .5 in areas as low as the .12 mark).

i'll say again, any numbers I continue to throw out there are just that... thrown out there, for sake of conversation with other stoned people. I understand you guys dont like the idea, and needless to say you wouldnt vote me into office lol. its just an idea, bash it if you want, try and ammend it if you have any ideas, but think about it as a real issue. Barring Full on legalization IE gov't is like "weed wots that?" how are we gonna stop the arrests? how are we going to grow this in the safety of our own homes WITHOUT big govt coming in (dcsf can come in and take your kid for a variety of reasons), and what can we do to make the growth of this plant not only something that helps us and our patients, but something that can be a powerful force in the economy, and aid to the strength of a nation post the end of weed prohibition?

yes, liquor had to deal with its prohibition and it made it through to the other side as it is now. but not in fucking 2013. not in the mass media, scheme inducing polititical environment we live in today.
let me restate here that I'm in the forum toke and talk. not sober up and talk. that being said, any and all numbers I quote are literally just thrown out there. I dont mean for you to pull out your calculators and figure out how much it would cost to run 4k hps for a year, or else I would have pulled out my calculator, and unfortunatly, randomly picked a fair number to pay for electricity in a year to grow plants that are, however hard you try and fight it, probably gonna end up getting taxed to hell anyways as a price for our "freedom", and then calculated the real tax percentage (so yeah, now that you show me the numbers, I wouldnt merit more than .80 kwh, in places with already .30 plus elec, down to .4 or .5 in areas as low as the .12 mark).

i'll say again, any numbers I continue to throw out there are just that... thrown out there, for sake of conversation with other stoned people. I understand you guys dont like the idea, and needless to say you wouldnt vote me into office lol. its just an idea, bash it if you want, try and ammend it if you have any ideas, but think about it as a real issue. Barring Full on legalization IE gov't is like "weed wots that?" how are we gonna stop the arrests? how are we going to grow this in the safety of our own homes WITHOUT big govt coming in (dcsf can come in and take your kid for a variety of reasons), and what can we do to make the growth of this plant not only something that helps us and our patients, but something that can be a powerful force in the economy, and aid to the strength of a nation post the end of weed prohibition?

yes, liquor had to deal with its prohibition and it made it through to the other side as it is now. but not in fucking 2013. not in the mass media, scheme inducing polititical environment we live in today.

Did you just quote yourself?