how marijuana should be legalised: taxing of grow related electricity

yah i did lol i figured at this point people probably wont even bother with op just go rage mode at me so I might as well repost it
You know ... The ONLY taxation model I've seen is the same as alcohol. A standard sin tax. How's that working, California? Oh, budget balancing by charging a SALES tax?

That's the only method that'll work, yes we'll grow our own, and not pay taxes -- just like we can brew up to 100 gallons of liquor a year, or make our own micro/home-brew or wine without being taxed on it. Most people will always go for the easiest route. That would be "Yeah, I'll take a 6-pack of PBR, and let me get some of that afghani kush, and a pack of marlboros. Thanks." Not runnin' to you're grower's house, hoping that he's there, hoping he's got some, and hoping it's not 1200 a zip, because you have a medical issue, and are on limited SSI...

I'm not saying "sober up and talk" I'm saying "functional retards shouldn't be smoking pot and on the internet."
I know I know. but for those of you who are legal, how does it feel not to be persucuted by your local law enforce? pretty damn good I'd suppose. I dont ask for them to guaranteeing that they wont do that, but it would be nice, very nice, if it wasnt currently guaranteed that they WILL

I am not legal. I only live in a "legal state" which means a certain amount of protection (by camouflage, not armor) from the depredations of those who remind us that it is a sched 1 felonious yadaa in all 50 states.

So I proceed as before it became "legal" since it is as legal now as then. I don't expect the "even more legal states (WA, CO) to escape a certain amount of Federal attention esp. once Sativex™ is on the pharmacy shelves. The only tiny improvement I foresee is weed being moved to schedule 2, since Sativex™ contains extract of grown Cannabis, and there is no room for a sched 1 in the formulary. Expect a quiet backroom rescheduling. cn