How much darkness do you give your girls in flower?


Well-Known Member
I've got a copy of one of ed rosenthal's marijuana growers handbook and there's an interesting piece of information in the flowering section that says you can actually flower with 14 hours darkness and 10 hours light with certain strains that promotes ripening towards the end. Just curious if anybody here uses this type of regimen at the end of flowering and if there's any noticeable increase in resin production? I'm currently using the standard 12/12 at 3 weeks 2 1/2 weeks flower.


Well-Known Member
I'll be running GLR for flower next round almost willing to try it in veg too. I just bought. A bought a new intermatic timer for my lights (my old one had the tabs you screw down into place and was hard to set accurately) this one has tabs every 15 mins. I'll keep you posted down the road, in the mean time
you could look around to see some GLR grows.


Well-Known Member
12/12 has always worked for me.
10/14 can be strain depend and I don't want to waste time finding out, which strain can do 10/14.


Well-Known Member
The biggest issue with shortening light times to 10 hours is that there will be a reduction in production due to less energy (light) available for making carbohydrates. It will however hasten the ripening process by a week or two which can be helpful if you have time issues.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I tried 11 on 13 off for the last two weeks a few years ago and didn't notice any real difference. I'll stick with 12/12.


I have tried 11 on 13 off for an entire run and didn't see much of a difference but I'm more comfy with just running 12/12

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
Since we're on the topic of Ed Rosenthal and flowering lighting...

Has anyone read Ed's theory on flowering using a traditional 12/12 photoperiod with a HPS light, but during the dark hours using specific blue spectrum LED's only? The theory is that the red light spectrum is the only spectrum the plant sees at day light and it will still flower with an all blue spectrum at night allowing photosynthesis to happen 24 hours a day during flowering...

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
Since we're on the topic of Ed Rosenthal and flowering lighting...

Has anyone read Ed's theory on flowering using a traditional 12/12 photoperiod with a HPS light, but during the dark hours using specific blue spectrum LED's only? The theory is that the red light spectrum is the only spectrum the plant sees at day light and it will still flower with an all blue spectrum at night allowing photosynthesis to happen 24 hours a day during flowering...
I love Ed more for what he did than what he is still doing....this would be cool but I find it far fetched. Anyone try it?

.......think of the moon-;-)

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
the explanation of the moon I got that made sense was that its reflective light. reflective light being a much lesser intensity than direct and not registering with plants because of that. but shit he's ed WTF do I know. DJ short flowers with MH and mostly blue though-I'd think he'd have issues which he don't.


Well-Known Member
Anyone tried this 12:1 yet ???

The 12 plus one. I use it in the summer for heat issues in one veg room. I would not bother with the others.

Can you give 13 hours of light for just one day? Trying to get some plant "maintenance" done.
Cross posted write-up on anther thread, hope this is not against form rules.
Thanks all.
Follow along with me on my first grow:
u can but I would try very very hard not to.