1967-1968... Lived with my parents while still in HS, smoked a couple joints a week when I could get away with it.
1969 to 2010 ...Out on my own, 1-4 joints a day, probably 0.5g to 2g. Some years, I smoked every day, some years I'd stop for a few weeks at a time to lessen my tolerance. A couple of times I stopped for as much as 6-9 months. Smoked out of a pipe or bong during that period a couple of times a year.
2010-2015.... couple of bowls a day in a Volcano, maybe 0.5g to 1g. Stop for a few weeks every few months to lessen my tolerance. I've smoked maybe 5 joints in the last 5 years, don't even have papers anymore. Never owned a bong, once a month or so I'll take a few tokes off a small glass pipe. I also eat a few cookies as well. I make 'em so one cookie is a good buzz for me. If you have a low tolerance, one of my cookies will kick your ass.
For me, cannabis is a recreational thing. I'll turn 65 this year, I don't take any prescriptions. Take a few vitamins every day. I quit drinking & smoking cigarets in the late 80's, don't eat meat, & try to do some cardio every day. God (or the cosmic muffin) made this stuff. You can't get physically addicted to it. Cannabis has greatly increased my enjoyment of life. The only bad thing I can say is I don't have much of a short term memory, but OTOH, my wife is a few years younger than me, hasn't smoked weed since the 80's, and doesn't have much of a short term memory either.
Smoke it if you've got it!!!
ETA: To the guy on page 2 who says smoking is bad for your sex life. My junk works just fine without viagra, although, with viagra, it works a little better