how much flower for 5 gallon bubble run?

So this thread went sideways.

back on track: contacted a bag manufacturer who said the 5 gallon bags and machine run best with no more than a half lb of material. So I’m going to back off to 200 g of bud and see how that goes. Obviously you can fit way more in the machine but I think it needs the water to churn it and having it too packed would lessen the effect
So this thread went sideways.

back on track: contacted a bag manufacturer who said the 5 gallon bags and machine run best with no more than a half lb of material. So I’m going to back off to 200 g of bud and see how that goes. Obviously you can fit way more in the machine but I think it needs the water to churn it and having it too packed would lessen the effect
Yeah i agree, Ive never done water hash but i know the bags have their limits before they start sort of "clogging" and you end up missing out on yield. Do a 200g run see how it goes, weight it, record it. If you decide to try more, do a 400g run of the same material, weigh it, compare to the first run.
So this thread went sideways.

back on track: contacted a bag manufacturer who said the 5 gallon bags and machine run best with no more than a half lb of material. So I’m going to back off to 200 g of bud and see how that goes. Obviously you can fit way more in the machine but I think it needs the water to churn it and having it too packed would lessen the effect
Well, you have come full circle now and are saying exactly what you said in your first post.
Did your imaginary bag manufacturer that took time to answer your question tell you to limit his 5 gallon bags to a half a gallon of material?? 10% ?? right Do you know what a pound of material looks like size wise? Spare me the bs...........back on track my ass, just do what you want and get back to us.
Well, you have come full circle now and are saying exactly what you said in your first post.
Did your imaginary bag manufacturer that took time to answer your question tell you to limit his 5 gallon bags to a half a gallon of material?? 10% ?? right Do you know what a pound of material looks like size wise? Spare me the bs...........back on track my ass, just do what you want and get back to us.
You seem upset. It’s late. Get some rest. Everything I’ve written stands. I have nothing against you
Well, you have come full circle now and are saying exactly what you said in your first post.
Did your imaginary bag manufacturer that took time to answer your question tell you to limit his 5 gallon bags to a half a gallon of material?? 10% ?? right Do you know what a pound of material looks like size wise? Spare me the bs...........back on track my ass, just do what you want and get back to us.
Ground up super fine, a pound easily fits in a half gallon jar lol. Pressed into a brick, it fits in your wallet.
if you did 200, then 400, you could run 300 and have a nice series to compare. bubble hash is way tastier than dry ice extraction, i think. too much chlorophyll in dry ice extraction for my taste.

im not going to grind the material but will be leaving it as full buds. but i plan to run it tomorrow at 200g and believe me.. if it seems like 300 or 400 g could have been done with no reduction of end quality.. the next run will be bigger