paying anything over 300 euro is crazy. no point tbh. if you got money fair enough like. 9 bars goin 2200 most of the time. keys for under 7k if you're lucky. i'm on about Ireland btw.
Big difference between ireland and other countries is that if we wanna buy bulk we NEVER have a choice. could be sprayed could be clean. Price doesn't vary that much. bars for 2000+. Suppose its a bit better than soap anyways
WE NEED A HALF DECENT GROWING COMMUNITY. nobody has the balls/ability for a significant commercial operation. if we had a supply of locally grown weed we'd be able to force the standard of the imported stuff up. and if any of ye other euros think ye have it bad, ye have NO idea.
To any other Irish floating about: Theres plenty of fields in Ireland......
Go for a spin, look for a few decent fields. All it takes is a smidgen of effort and you're off.