Well-Known Member
Don't wanna get involved with this BS, but will say that EH would never call the cops on anyone. He's had his "issues" with other RIU members in the past and nothing came of it...............he's not stupid, would be a TERRIBLE business move.Thanks. Hyroot's post seemed to imply it was EH (within the context of this thread, Pet and EH arguing, the only person with motive would be EH.). I wanted to clear that up one way or the other.
Trying to understand who else would have motive to threaten pet with grassing out. I can see BML or Amare regretting their involvement, that their names will be associated with ongoing drama. What would be Rollie's motivation?
Honestly, my first thought was Cammie McKenzie (HydroGrowLED) did it. She has a lengthy reputation for threatening problematic customers with "grassing out" to the cops. She's tried to diminish her reputation by claiming it was just one customer who tried to stop payment on an order. I could see how she could be reading along and see an opportunity to minimize her own reputation by making it appear another light seller did the same thing. Her thread on RIU using a pseudonym to bash Baesheng LED (<<link) shows I'm not entirely delusional.
My second thought was that Pet made it up as one last jab at EH. To plant a lingering seed of doubt.
I'm curious what motivation others would have if EH wasn't implied.
Bingo.................he got his warning, Rollie ain't calling the police either. The penguin just got tired of it IMO.......^^^My take is I think it's more he's bitten the hand that feeds him too much around here. I've been on threads that Pet would pop into and start his spamming. Start talking about himself and whomever he's plugging this week and I've reported him for spamming myself at least twice. He's got terrible forum manners and is always thread jacking and of course his condescending bullshit which is very annoying to lots of people, not just me. Something tells me if you piss off the wrong people around here and do it constantly the complaints finally add up enough for the upper hierarchy to get involved, (unless your one of the untouchable know-it-alls in the Politics section). He's not banned it seems, he signed in today, and he posted some grow info on other forums. Maybe he's worn out his welcome around here. I remember when I first started coming here and feeling sorry for him for people shitting all over him but once you figure PF out a bit you see why the abuse comes. I remember me and a couple of other people tried to help him out and he shit all over us.
Still it's all speculation on my part so. Maybe if he realized he ain't the fucking king he thinks he is and started having some semblance of respect for others and their ideas things would change for him around here. I for one hope he never comes back again.
Let's move on and grow some great cannabis efficiently!

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