how much should a gram of honey oil cost?

a food sealer can run that long?
That's what I'm wondering. I've heard of people using brake bleeder vacuum hand pumps and a mason jar (pretty ineffectively by most accounts), so most budget systems involve a small/cheap 3 CFM vacuum pump rigged up to a mason jar, pressure cooker, or home-made vac chamber.
What you do is, heat up you heating pad as hot as it will get, place your oil in the chamber build vacuum in the chamber, turn off the food saver let it sit for a bit. Reheat your heating pad place it under the chamber and turn it back on to build the vacuum back up to its max again. Repeat as many times.times as necessary to achieve the desired consistency. Sometimes I just go for wax. I find it easier to handle than shatter,breaking all the time, falling on the floor etc.

How much of a vacuum do you figure that thing pulls?
And which unit is it? The big units are like $150+, you could get a cheap vacuum pump for about the same price as the food saver.
needs to be able to pull 30 pounds and shatter takes a good long time....48 hours is not unheard of.
More Vac less heat ;)
I keep it at about 80-85 on the IR thermometer read out. The chamber doesn't conduct heat to the oil very well but the higher temp does increase the vacation inside the chamber by a few inches of mercury. Not quite 30 but I am patient and don't mind waiting. What ever you do don't heat it above 100 farenheight your old will become brown tinged and lose its flavor. But then you can always salvage it by winterizing it with an Iso wash and a trip to the freezer. Be prepared for a significantly lower yield though as this removes the waxes as well.
Or you could buy this pump
It may not pull 20...but it sure will pull something....I could say so many more things ......but won't............................yet unless provoked.....where's that nurse now....I think you guys scared her off.......................blob time
This poor woman got bad internet info on BHO tactics and ended up in this horrible mess.
Now I ask you....really....I mean , what if this was your mother?
Who ever is posting lies on the internet....STOP IT...right now....or I'm telling Oddish.
She purged all the zit's in that area so the day wasn't a total loss.
Or you could buy this pump
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It may not pull 20...but it sure will pull something....I could say so many more things ......but won't............................yet unless provoked.....where's that nurse now....I think you guys scared her off.......................blob time
I totally expected that from you Hippy!!! ROFLMFAO
Oil is essentially the crack of this industry and you shouldn't be buying it from any dispensary as they're simply not to be trusted. Unless you know for certain exactly how it was made, and what with, consider it suspect, and crap, with an inflated price.

I highly commend people like Greywolf and his tremendous contributions. He's done nothing but offered the highest quality of objective information, and anyone even remotely interested in it should make a full study of the available material there. It's simply unfortunate that for every one like him, there are a thousand more doing the exact opposite.

For example, 100 dollar a gram wax, that you only have thanks to the exploitation of your supposed "patients", or in other words exploiting them via the MMAR as its proudest useful idiot, isn't a fucking marketing prop for your viral hot box, while everybody loses their rights and liberty. Only assholes do that.

Trash products like "wax" are especially crap, as it's just crap that's been fucked with making it even crappier. Such a product should be laughed out of existence, if not for the pure ignorance of it alone.

In this single area of solvent based extractions there are truly good arguments to be made for having meaningful regulations in place, so that people actually stand a chance of getting a quality product for the absurd prices they have to pay, and isn't adulterated with some toxic shit. But when you can't even trust an LP to produce a quality bud, or find one that can, forget about concentrates.

For those who argue as if the cost is somehow justifiable based on shit like "risk"? What risk? The potential legal ramifications aren't even on the radar as much as the weed is itself. In terms of the potential physical risks of explosion? It's not my prerogative if your bs "compassion" club has no more intelligence than to take a "subliminator pipe bomb" from planetvape for a 100 bucks and 20 cans of butane in their basement. Those are risks that morons take as enabled by profiteering frauds, and quite frankly they're all a fucking blight to the cause. Whereas if they invested in the proper equipment to produce such a product reliably and responsibly, their risks and long term costs would be greatly reduced. No sense paying extra for the stupidity and short sightedness of others. At the end of the day, they're turning floor shake into $100/g gold, and pretending it's the same. Fuck em.
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Hippy crack eh :lol: Bubbles, fabled name. ;)

By far the cleanest there be, when it comes to smoking SHIT!
Sure when purged, BHO can be awesome. BUTTTT....How many do it correctly?
Maybe 1%?

Wrongly purged oil, is sadly unsmokable!!!!
Here for lower quantities about $10 wholesale from pretty much any grower or $25 retail. I paid $250 for 30gr last week.