How much sunlight for seedlings?


Active Member
3 out of 5 just sprouted and I want to know whether I should leave them in full direct sun, full shade, inside, or part shade part sun? thanks guys I want to make sure they live and are healthy.
Use the fullest of the full sun....ganja seedlings soak up the sun...the more full sun the better.
depends on nature. hot dry yrs plants do better in a little shade. i like shade from 12-2pm for seedlings. the wind is more of a concern and strain also plays a factor. gd luck
As a past outdoor grower I can tell u that the shade is a no, here's why

Bugs love the shade on a hot day and they love messssing with plants more you will find ants, nats, even larva forming if its in shade because your soil is better then the ground soil I even had a birds nest in the base of one of my plants before.. Pissed me off

secondly seedling are sun loving little whores, they will speed their leaves for sun anytime anywhere and take it all (lol)

also because the growing outside requires a time frame for successful growing ie the summer season u are limited in light. They won't fry but if u notice heat stress to them just add a little water and nuts to the soil to conter the heat it will make the plants absorb more light

if my post helps please like and add rep, happy growing
It depends... We're they started indoors? If so, start them in partial sun, or even shade for the first couple of days. Gradually introduce them to sun a little at a time. If you stick fragile seedlings under direct sun they WILL fry, I've had it happen during my first grow. The process is called hardening off.
i assumed they we going from in to out after sprouts lol places like florida have high humidity so that helps:support high temps. i can go to 140f in a greenhouse with high humidity.
IN studying cloning, I was suprised that a 1000 watt lite just above the little clones was best. Heat is the main threat, but a little full sun at a time' dappled sun at first is a good thing. Too much air circulation indoors does a LOT of damage. Other than in-direct air movement, only 30 mins per 12 hours, with 12" plants & bigger. Much less with babbies