How much would you pay for a quarter?!?


Well-Known Member
How much would you pay a quarter for hydroponic white widow or just some really good dro 'n shit


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying for general 70-75...somewhere in that range...because some a-hole is tryin' a squeeze 120 outta me...and that's bullshit...that's as much as an oz. of schwag yo


Active Member
I'm just saying for general 70-75...somewhere in that range...because some a-hole is tryin' a squeeze 120 outta me...and that's bullshit...that's as much as an oz. of schwag yo
We charge $65 foranything we have. $240 for oz


Well-Known Member
LOL $120 is a little much unless theres a drought then you will see prices hike that high but a quarter of some primo usually runs around $90-$100

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
LOL $120 is a little much unless theres a drought then you will see prices hike that high but a quarter of some primo usually runs around $90-$100
It really depends where you are.

Obviously, the prices in my neck of the woods (NYC) are massively higher than in Cali, where it's virtually legal and there's a massive supply.

It's all economics.


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying for general 70-75...somewhere in that range...because some a-hole is tryin' a squeeze 120 outta me...and that's bullshit...that's as much as an oz. of schwag yo

If someone tried charging me that much for schwag i'd give em the 5 finger hand slap, I never see a lid of regs for over $80 (even during a drought)


Well-Known Member
It really depends where you are.

Obviously, the prices in my neck of the woods (NYC) are massively higher than in Cali, where it's virtually legal and there's a massive supply.

It's all economics.
yeah i was LOL'in cause he mentioned the Ahole trying to charge him that much made me think of an old hookup that would always try to over change everything :blsmoke:


Active Member
If someone tried charging me that much for schwag i'd give em the 5 finger hand slap, I never see a lid of regs for over $80 (even during a drought)
Before we became legal we still sold it for $65 we never have an issue getting rid of our stuff. I am with Jeffdogg on what he said.


Well-Known Member
around here i pay about $35-50 for a 1/4oz but it is almost always some bullshit . i did how ever just get a 1/2 for $75 and it is o.k enough for me to think i could grow something decent from the seeds.


Well-Known Member
I'm laughing my ass off looking at this thread.

In Canada, weed is $60 a quarter for regular $70 a quarter for the bomb ass kush... it don't get any more expensive.
if somebody is charging more than that, tell them to FUCK OFF!!!! cuz you just haven't met the right dealers because weed is super easy to get, and relatively cheap here. (high grade too)


I'm gonna go with Mr Smith on this one. Demographics are HUGE. $120 for a quake is right on in my neck of the woods when it comes to a fine product. If he/she is legit about it being WW, they shouldn't have a problem with you testing the worth theory out. If they have good business ethics it will be fine, then you can make your own decision on whether it's worth it or not....


Active Member
In BC I never paid more then $70 and that was for pot that you could drop a foot above a table and a bowl of crystal would fall of the bud. Where I am now it's normally 35-50 euros for something decent.


Well-Known Member
In BC I never paid more then $70 and that was for pot that you could drop a foot above a table and a bowl of crystal would fall of the bud. Where I am now it's normally 35-50 euros for something decent.
Around here a quarter of the good stuff goes for around $70-$75 USD - but in the bigger cities I've seen it go for twice that, so who knows?:peace: